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Perché Vasco ha successo (da 40 anni)

and since I was a child for 40 years
there is vasco and splits and it is successful and also
if there are those who say i
detractors no but maas for finished in
every period of the decade then have them
said here still seems stronger is a
collective unconscious of music
Italian in fact now does in San Siro
and fill the stadium with san siro
in the six days in a row six days of
san siro row historical enterprise
let’s try then to make an analysis of the
vasco rossi brand and let’s try to understand
what are the traits they have defined
define this success and this
longevity of this artist I try to
do it by taking off the fan hat you
if it is not easy, obviously, my judgment
it’s wrong a while ago I did a
video or just saying vasco is
vasco and in history if you don’t understand it
a problem turn but let’s try to do
a more communication analysis that can
helping say the unbelievers
approach the master number 1 vasco is
a coherent brand over the years if you say
vasco rossi is that thing he understands
immediately like it you don’t like it but it is a lot
clear message how to say you like it
here the message is very clear is a
coherent brand then changes has evolved
over the years but the messages of basic values
basic are always there important trait
of Vasco is the countercurrent being like
positioning are 16 positioning
of the brand where I place it here
I mean a gentleman who is in 83
went to sanremo to sing life
reckless in the mother in sanremo ha
won tiziana rival with will be the one
will be will
it will be a marvelous song, but
you understand that from the beginning
in the Italian song that was that stuff
there he chose himself not in the street
easy if it wasn’t another type
of songs strength number two of
vasco and that is the ideal place for
contamination of opposites and is
perfect and was perfect throughout
the tribe of the different ie vasco is born
different is different by definition and is
perfect for everyone who feels
several crazy furious that have this
strange feature if you are different
you don’t want to belong to a tribe 6
belonging to an anti tribe
ascom is the champion of the anti tribe of gods
different is a stuff that the message
some vasco songs are liberating for
this anti tribe because at that time
we feel different
otherwise this strange is the same
feeling a paradox but it is so
explain to shit but you understand that
this anti tribe is the tribe of the different
leverages vasco’s songs for sor
do the daily discomfort that you do not
never be in the right place no you are
different so every time you are always
out of place
Vasco’s song helps you say
look at what there are so many different ones in
around you are not alone each lost for i
his dicks
at that point there is also that
sprinkling of tolerance for one’s own
own trouble no problems at all
never manage to rent no in this
third company system
fundamental feature for me is
having only jia of vasco that is all
verses no he does when he does not sing
they are optional they are not an accessory
I’m not a web heist not knowing if he says
so a nice feature from
add that makes color than the
you sing ninth are fundamental that they are
visceral are basic that decibel there
there is written villa v of male and above
that tenth all hovers over that sound
there like the Hon
here is the vibration of the tank has it
taken in full and from there you do not give up anymore
then there is an obvious reason for which mascot
that works is the experience sooner or later
you cross it in your life
because because you know the first cornino that
put on your sweetheart or first
occasion where you are totally
disillusioned with work, that is, casinos or remains
no work any brothel anymore
encounters in life at that point if
your ears intercepts a song by
Vasco ici there it was that thing the
I understand well and he understood it first
described with clear words that you
remain impressed you find yourself there
perfectly in substance vasco a
ciulato work and psychoanalysts ie al
place to go to psychoanalyst me
I’m shot a bit of vasco songs and
via understood I settled down a little
in the difficult moments of life and
work that there are other strengths
is that vasco is blunt while ai and gods
singers who are also phenomena i
planetary successes of the icons of the
music, however, that you watch them and tell me
this is false as Judas Vasco e
outspoken is a wise English editor
we would say in computer science I don’t know if it says so
so the acronym right then there it is
empty potholes there is what you see is
what you take in you never has
built a mythological narrative for
try to dress differently
seem like a character
different is not what you have it
rolled out front with the prices with i
flaws if you like it well if you don’t like it
that is the door to his strong point
that vasco is imperfect by definition and
the imperfection is instead of being a
weak spot has become his big one
then what applies to vasco applies to vasco
some great singers who succeed in
be of the characters but they are also
the rock stars are very personal
at the mega stadium of san siro business tour
of the stages and on the other hand, however, that
they come direct it looks like that
talk to you who live in faenza vergo
zoccorino rather I think more is me
good writing the writing for me really is
been many here it is the plaque area
the batres slam but know that the
written will allow crazy no if one
talk to some vasco fans everyone is
sure that he wrote that song
for him and speak directly to him there is
a direct line other features la
persistence this longevity is due to
fact that Vasco was one
crushers over the years they never have us
stopped in front of endless criticism
who took it because he made life
reckless the real one and it could end
much earlier also for causes we say
natural could be part of the club of
27 nov jimi hendrix janis joplin kurt
cobain and jim morrison we are dead
young people, however, all twenty – seven years old
no this strange case study turns the other
day hit me because i saw
bohemian rhapsody and then I had gone to
see me again this story will go instead
Basque managed to navigate in the years to
reinvent yourself to change to find
chapter its management method
his personal discomfort that point will come
an amazing longevity and today it is still
here then to close the list would be
stop here then tell me yours
considerations if you have better ones
simplicity you know the phrase le
we have already spoken several times the
simplicity is the easiest thing to not
understand and this in the case of vasco is
perfect because the vasco sentences are
simple but straight to the vat point at that
copywriting than in the business world
you are always there to chase, that is, you would like
find those sentences that become the
phrases are just us okay okay
so point what else is to say nothing
that’s the phrase here we were this era
my mini analysis on the large tank la
my mini truth the truth
you know the truth is there is always one
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