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Perché non ricordiamo quello che leggiamo

we read the interview with the editor of the
new york times dealing with
review of books and he says I of
all the books I’ve read marinated
forward in the billions beds
I remember where I bought them
I remember the experience I had myself
I remember when I read them I remember one
lots of details the only thing that does not
I remember and all the rest of it all
content of the books I read and
this thing that on one side like to hit
cagiva as you are the editor that is worth
reviews of books that ignited me
instead completely because exactly
what I feel I do not look for every time
to stick my brain with books
every type of instrument and for me I remember
every second if there remains what mastery
finished a few days ago is a booklet
little that I also really liked it
I found it interesting not elected with
great libin attention I am also
scored all the points
I remember the concepts and then he has me
pleased to read an article
of the atlantic on this theme of why
we do not remember what we read or the
movies that we watch a lot of stuff and of
how culture has changed and I am
heard less only first obvious reason but
it is right to remember it is that with internet
we no longer have that for spawning
need to remember something
the more mobile and I look at that
that’s written why I should
remembering it is like saying elvis presley
at the top of his popularity he could
conquer any woman enough that
it remains a fight so tata and women
paschi that they had before
and then that he was fooling him to stay in
Indeed, in fact, form does not agree
it was a great one
this we continue another data
interesting about this article
of the atlantic and is that who does binge
watching you present when we watch
in a row all the episodes of a TV series
then when big g watch
you remember less episodes than
watch an episode such as one
once a week, that is, if you throw
inside information is available
one after another that point memories
man and substance then it is clear these are
general speeches are the phenomena
that instead cac her with a grade book
finally they remember passage by passage
but for people as well as me like us
like some of you this can work
as an argument it is not that then
a new technology only
the ancient Egyptian king when they are discovered
words said here then the souls of the
men will lose interest in remembering
something like that has always been there
problem of remembering as soon as it was
possible to have external objects
of the external ecology the task of
remember and empty my head for
other things
another interesting thing to experience
personal but I saw that different
interviewers or program leaders
or performers have the same problem
they remember very well in the short term
what they are doing and maybe they know
perfectly part or all
questions with guests also super stuff
messed up, neither does it happen to me
I do an event with maybe 60 guests in
two days billions of questions
interviews themes you need to
crazy memory in those two days on
all for each sign
but if you come to me the next day, do not
I remember nothing such as pine trees, perhaps because
it starts getting old are a bit
but the reason instead seems to be more
widespread on how culture is reading it
viewing enjoyment has changed
this epoch some define it as one
reading consumerist reading
consumption where you do not care to learn
learn but simply consumption
consumption consumption and then it is that
feeling a little bit of the bath and
take off the cap and see go all the way
the tithe water where everyone
my knowledge where you are remember
but maybe those two three concepts and the
end I can say okay so it is
the overall experience what
the beautiful is the bottom of the reading is
a bit the concept of the anti library of
Umberto Eco and you have it in mind recco
with this crazy library but that
what matters is not the books he has read
but it is the books that did not read that
what matters is not what you know but the
I always remember what you do not know
and then the next time we read
a book a movie and then ten
seconds we do not remember we know
that maybe we are a little stoned
in some cases maybe not b
we are not alone, however, is something that
it is about the world a bit and where we are
going and maybe there instead of picking us up
with hammering on his head, that’s okay
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