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L’invidia è la Religione dei Mediocri

nvidia nvidia nvidia envy is
everywhere in the world of work
nvidia of the head the envy of the
employees the envy of competitors
and then envy on social media is this
dominates as if the social media had been
programmed to trigger envy
some people are envious
of what we the best car
its the envious ones of the one who lives
on a helicopter on the private ones
envious of the one on the pool
vidyo xi of the guy who lives traveling
those envious of guys with hair
so much hair that you always have
dissociates this evil sport
of envy is unfortunately very practiced
and one may often fall into this one
trap and is a loser for various reasons
first of all, envy distracts you no longer
concentrated on your game system
key is that there focus on yours
system is obvious that it is important to have
antennas raised and see how the moves
market the competitors what they do but not
it can become your reason for living
always be focused on what
do others on how much you make yours
competitor on the fact that the other cia
more followers than you but who the fuck you care
try to stay focused dates envy
instead it unhinges you because it takes you away
this balance and becomes a lot
dangerous and easy to fall into that
point envy at work is
a daily toxicity injection is
just like that, all shots in the mood
in the pure state this toxin ban that
it doesn’t do you any good you know how
it is said frasetta da bacio perugina that
but it’s true if you can’t stand the
another’s success you can’t
experience your third success
problem of an envious person and that
in the end if you win that
let’s take a moment that one
manages to win at the game of envy
if this is the case, nulse criticizes insults
destroys everything and in the end you the
your competitor who raised the money
you a better product than yours
what you pull it down in a way or
in the other once you have also
got the question is we are
sure that that turned out to be one
wants to get and professionally
we are sure that one wants to be
remembered for that year it was a big one
envious dvd and great capacity of
he criticizes how he destroyed the others
people the other companies but nobody ever
but we are sure this is what we want
be or want to be instead
something else really wrong
logic of an envious person who
starts from the assumption that to raise if
itself must lower the others not
you know if it says so is like saying if it is
one meter high and thirty, and at this point
if you take down shaquille o’neal in the morning
you get out of bed and you’re two meters tall
15 and home the reasoning is then so
to be also constructive in this
analysis as you exit the game
of envy and how it is exceeded by
be so quiet and make your own
tran tran beautiful quiet to be
focus on what we want
building that is an important aspect
do not be an entrepreneur or to do
something in this world here with
resourcefulness and rebuilding something is
you are not the basis of the reasoning
there to destroy something to them if
build something the first care
parameter is what you want to play the game
of being in defense must always be
critic must always be non
negative destructive or do you want to play a
game that you try to be beautiful
person a great person and have a
rich inclusive open vision not this one
idea of scarcity if the
competitor takes the customer away from you
then you know the fuck happens there will be
other customers and competitor took
more money than you have a lot of
money around or work in
a company and you have one that has had the
promotion that you dream about understood there are
one thousand companies will have other circulation
solutions other possible alternatives
second consideration that helps
overcome invitations to take note of one
situation that there is out there
a company or entrepreneur who has
success all the media talk about him and
beyoncé calls him to ask him to
serenade him on the phone understood and
hangs from his lips I’m happy for
but back to focus on ours
activity this according to me the game that
one has to get used to having it acknowledged
and happy for others happy for
you but let’s focus on that again
what we are doing
bad sport envy is not worth it
just worth it because you know how it is
says envy and ulcer of the soul e
also the preferred religion by all
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