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Il mio nome è Internet

I do not remember my age
for some I have always been there
I still live anywhere
they are the logo of a new geography
in my conscious I imagine the future bites of my era
I live in the possibility
I’m subjective I’m democratic
my political quality is the relationship
every analogue arrival point
it is a point of digital turn
my turn and futuristic
in my DNA the inheritance of the culture of the world and the opportunity of the coexist coexist
I believe in the evolution in the contemporaneity of knowing
on a changing identity and I have learned that to preserve and necessary to transform
I believe in people more than in technology
they are an oath of civilization more than a promise of generation
some speak of me as a destiny
I believe in an editable creed
my Enlightenment religion
and sometimes they say enlightened
I believe in man
in the multiplication of humanity through me
my name m
I’m here to stay
Air Arabia
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