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Dalla bolla di Internet del 2000 al Team per la Trasformazione Digitale: un’opportunità per l’Italia

between 2000 and 2002 the famous broke out
internet bubble you remember 5
trillion dollars go away smoked in
a second a tide of companies close
the claire and in Italy what happens
for years in Italy if only use of
use that fucking word internet is
revised like a leper or worse
classic conversation was this here and
out talking to someone is also
let’s say what a job you answer
a little embarrassed to work with me
network which network I do not know that
network the dawn when this will understand that you
you were one of those leather the army
of the 12 digital monkeys in his eyes
you clearly saw this thought but
you’re just show the but found a job
serious for everyone since that moment in
then to spit on st word here
internet innovation in politics
obviously we do not even talk about it
society in general considered
internet is a big crap pumped by
this fantastic world of media that in
Italy for 40 years more or less always the
same subjects to make information e
many of these gentlemen you see today
show off their innovative outfit
facebook twitter their accounts
use the words scissors are the same
belen that for twenty years have sunk
innovation in Italy and the internet was
a game now only for kids with i
pedophiles online scams was a place
scary and away all the places kit
common that you can find beautiful
documented online when you want
I remember once who ever has one
known tg of which I can not say the name
and this poor journalist told me
look marco I would love to talk about
internet of these things here but unfortunately
we can not because I’m around
unfortunately we have to talk about the festival
of the accordion
despite this a bunch of heroes
a few hundred at the beginning of people a
bit of crazy insane then we are
become a few thousand equally
they kept doing things to launch
things who in the small who in the big who
maybe to write a little timidly in
a place in a newspaper in his
space and small vat and who to speak in
television and in the radio who to launch
companies that make initiatives
each of these gentlemen has had one
fundamental role if you think about it
keep the flame as low as possible
we would deserve it at least a thank you
or not a hands away from
here is the hands from the internet in each
city ​​of Italy
but despite this we move forward
2014 for two years friends told you one
who lives in England as an observer
the situation in Italy is a lot
changed, there are investors first
that lets loose that the angel and
Italian venture capitalists do not have
the resources of andreessen horowitz though
at least there are first scoop if
you wanted some grain to go to the bank a
asking for the loan is not the same
What are journalists who know?
that understand us about these topics here
tech digital true years you had to dictate
the piece to the journalist that typically
he took care of cooking and was put there
to write the piece of stuff and to the
ecosystem that has developed a lot
take only the italian group
startups in what better group there is
distracted for Italians caspita
at the beginning we were a few stefano
bernardi the founder can testify
today there are 23 thousand that a hard core but
I think there are hundreds of thousands
of people who are launching
business initiatives that they do
lever on the online and all this
ferment is added to the fact that it arrives
also this new digital team
led by a good diego piacentini
diego has been doing so many years in apple ha
worked many years in amazon alongside
tight of jeff bezos is one who knows a
Parcel arrives devotes two years alitalia
free with a team of people with people
as paolo barberis paolo is another
very smart that has vision that knows them
doing things is a lot of other people
that I have no doubt of thinking that it will be
smart people and have the job
difficult to rebuild humbly
the digital infrastructure of the country
now it is clear that a task
extremely difficult if they leave them
work if the government if there are
thousand breast chance of success
very low though if there really is one
chance today for Italy to fill a
gap that there is not to become one
silicon valley chissenefrega of
become a silicon valley there
Italy becomes the Silicon Valley
nobody becomes the silicon valley
simply a country in step with i
times that it works that does not make you
die of bureaucracy that is not full
of digital illiterates and that gives everyone
the possibility if they want to do some
interesting thing
here you want me to tell you for the first one
Once in twenty years in Italy there is one
great opportunity is great
opportunity to do something not
despite Italy but do something
thanks to Italy you had to get us out
20 years ago
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