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Comprare e vendere Casa: rivoluzione digitale in arrivo

I remind you that they bought mine
first home first time my life I was a
gallarate and I had graduated in
jurisprudence authorized for legal aid
I was a lawyer by profession did
practice, but I understand there when you clothes
a patrocinio ie your cassettes is
equally I remember that I had this way
so many problems to understand each other and year to
try not to make me respect
to real estate people with whom
we were dealing with a friend of mine
that was the real estate agent
pretending it to my uncle to try to
help me in the negotiation
overall purchase experience
I would say it was horrible and horrible
I make the whole thing if you bought it
tattoo house auser if you sold it and
horrendous in Italy also kwang the
earth also in the United States in general
for a thousand reasons on one side there is the
problem of real estate agents for
charity there are friends or agents
real estate very good very correct
very ethical and there are super agencies
professional very good but the average
unfortunately in Italy, England
itself is a really bad average
where you have no preparation where you have us
understood spanu miter city continues where
his interest is not aligned with yours
so-called agency dilemma we are not
aligned the economic incentive there is not
leads in the same direction and then
overall the relationship with the
banks the theme of the credit core to give you
mortgage the times and you want to take home
is not then dumb they do not give you one passes
life of expertise for the tomini thing ai
times seemed like stuff there the feeling is
that when you take a taxi to amalfi and su
new licenses and I said which one I should go
there ten goals as it costs 50
euro to where the euro cyclat and told me
taxi driver when I went but I have to
even going back even to come back
back down when an industry like
that real estate in buying a house
renting a house is so bad
from the point of view of experience and the
business is so high 100 billion
physx dollars only in states
united and consider that the good is less
10 billion selling any stuff
in the world in the very wide market at that
you know with certainty that there comes the
next wave
the world of technological players is thrown out
there to try and get you to all that
market what will happen
we talk about it after the initials in this
video is offered by for books where
you can read listen in Italian i
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if you are interested in the theme for this
personal curiosity because you work in the
the presentation sector absolutely
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real state software the redevelopment e
I try to put some language but if
look better so one makes that effort
and then look at it for more than 20 minutes e
presentation made very well where
I try to summarize some data
that are interesting number one the
change is already in place we are
to the tide of app sites that are there
I therefore see the real estate theme
england rightmove is a zillo colossus
ie 3000 dinners of sites that have a
great impact make a lot of information
they try to give you a whole series of data
they put themselves between those who buy and who
sells try to get home
loaf in a variety of ways with the
part advertising with the percentage up
the commissions and so on and so on
interesting and this has also been seen
in other areas and that at the beginning there is
it stopped there think amazon at the beginning not
I have deviated products when I have them
started getting a lot more money from
part of investors when the
software started to be more and more
elaborate they go altogether the
technology said but why stop me to
I can do a bit of this supply chain
take all can be so-called
food stack
at that point he said what it is
the real estate market changed
let’s take it all not a slice of
cake all the cake different reality
interesting find them on
presentation that you told me I will mention
some that hit me yes
call fly holmes in practice solves
this problem bono you arrive want
buy house says ok I have some cash
cash and then I need a mortgage
on the other side comes another that says
wait wait i have it all cash
of lions solves the problem because it says
ok if you are clearly qualified
as a buyer they make their checks
it’s not that nobody gives money in the sound
at that point if you arrive with his
cash part
I add the rest of the house I buy it
me and when the wheat arrives you understand
with the final mortgage at that point me them
I laughed and I do not have a case I said in
Italian that if they do not always tell me
had and I speak with the terms
English in England sorry if I speak
that ends almost a percentage a
another disruptive model is that of
open door them in practice solve the
problem of wanting to sell the house but
when I put it on the market, sure
depends on the market but it is not that in 10
seconds I sold it, maybe months
that my house and won is on
market nobody buys this point them
What are they doing
they buy it also in this case
they clearly make their assessments
let them analyze if it works for them
less is that they buy everything already a lot
of capital to buy property and one
should see them as netflix ie
netflix creates its own contents
original and spends understood 8 million
per year for original content
when they make your houses understood
original contents that are the
immovable and at that point one enters the open
door and says look at all these things here
that are the open doors when you sell to
that point they have us loaf you
you understand that a model as it does a
make it a real estate agent you should
understood to be a gigantic fund that
manages to do these operations e
just far from the mentality
of the intermediary here if you understand
what you put at home all these
own expenses very little different theme
very aggressive another example that has me
hit is called dvd i live y where in
substance also buy in this case
the house for you of the rent for three
you in those three years continue to
pay the rent but continue to grow
also as a percentage of equity no
how much altitude do you have of that house and then
after three years you decide against the mind
interesting not as a model and the other
that intrigued me is called point
where in practice if you have a house and a
that point maybe you’re choked you have us
understood of debts an economic basket
what do you do
sell a piece of your home in point
and then at that point with that grain t
get back on track and do what you owe
when you’re ready then potentially
buy back from that point of the
your home or when you sell the property
they keep their percentage understood
based on what they bought here is one
series of models that are objectively
several new ones that will revolutionize one
sector that seemed a sector understood
impossible to revolutionize homes
understood real estate the earth then
they will be seeing
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