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Come guadagna chi è famoso online?

but the deaf as the iva debut online pavan
that the sghei where neither
artificial intelligence can
start monetizing visibility
There are a thousand ways
and still a lot of medical confusion some
on the fly dinners 3000 if a guy does not pyre
piro 1 youtuber a facebook was a
someone music hall theirs in someone
that there is an online community in
any sector but once it has
visibility and credibility compared to
we see these people as we monetize them
with the number one examples the publicity
great myth because the truth is that you
you earn from advertising only if you do
of crazy numbers
if you are a quaquaraquà any up to
that does not make the numbers more than pai
however important numbers the
advertising does not earn us any money
kernels valdez long way number two
so-called brand content so we do
an example you saw a garage on mine
channel team sap are companies that come
from the uncle, the kiosks, but we are
interested in the topic
digital transformation since you go
already videos on these topics
we promote we give some grain for
promote these videos to associate
our brand
to you that is the curve to the right that is
a cut of great elegance and this
we have a benefit for people
they have a benefit because they have a good one
content theory of a benefit and that
I look for grain and we have a benefit
because we enlarge ours
visibility to your community
or what I do not mean by
promote switch go all those who
they make gameplay and make a deal to have
advertising within these videos
that must be clearly a stuff
transparent bla bla bla but let’s say a
another form of monetization number 3
you can make digital products
maybe you are in a channel
kitchen and at that point make the video course
of cooking you sell it to 19 97 100 90 99 97
and at this point that is a form of
or always online to organize a
online event and one buys the ticket
to participate in the event, others do
the live seminar I know for four
weeks once a week you
colleagues live and there are people who
pay to participate in this direct
I’ll have 4 you can have what I know one
membership and the guilty always online
people pay a tot a month
to be part of a community I from
day 1 practically since it started
to make video community totally born
as a hobby, we are now 250 people
they pay 47 euros a month to be part of
a community of enlightened people in
that case a community that exchanges
advice on the topics of entrepreneurship
digital as I promote online bla bla
bla 661 that teaches pilates you can have it
community of people who pay tot al
month to be among all the
pilates pilates or any other
the same always as digital products
or I say the first on the fly that you come but
there 3000 you can do one you can do one
videogame more than pai that makes the
paid video game and monetize that
you can make an ebook then an object that
it is not a physical object but it is not true
I sell it digitally miku with 70 for
a hundred more or less than mine
enter through amazon
then it’s all the rundown instead of
physical products what we have said
you can physically do it then organize
a workshop and says I do the workshop
dedicated to those involved in machines
photographic and via the workshop you sell a
ticket to attend a day two
days you can sell your own products
the physical glenn beck when michelle
phan says vendola glenn beck and every month
you get the bag with the samples
of tricks touches tricks that one
other physical product and it can be
sold or bank shot or pay it
monthly every month paid structures
think of all the products you can
sell by putting your brand you can
sell the shoes and the t-shirts
sweatshirts and underwear with yours
mark of substances at sites
that offer you to do all this stuff
here only it needs to put the goal above
apply a margin at that point to them
they’ve been around for a long time
there are other ways connected that
of licensing think how it is disney a
money with live semi essentially
in practice it does come out with the film moana
which in Italian is called Manuel Negro
it is called at that point by la
possibility of using this image
of moana on any type of product
the mcdonald come out with the kit for i
kids moana tac pay me an 8 do
revenue share on what it once was
that you are a recognized brand you can give
that face is not used that image
that brand
any type of product I for example
I’m about to launch a bottom line
brush and scissors for hairdressers no
because he gave I do not know why today I am here
intestines hair perhaps because yesterday
in direct, however, they will pull
monti has cut her hair
first seen had entangled hair
I do not know understood is always the same
first it was so now then what else for
consult if one wants to do
good luck advice
advice in its file sector
the architect does have advice
on how to do a certain tower production
whatever you can do you can do one
then he makes a documentary then there
produce some multimedia stuff
he then sees the whole part somewhere
of the winds as a speaker as moderator
there’s all that world there I’ll call you
give the grain to go and talk a
event to moderate an event to do
artistic director an event all the
world of business events
business typically and a thousand others
opportunities above all for contacts from
so many realities and then you can become
maybe an advisor of a company
investor in another start up because
maybe first comes to you so you have
first access to the so-called floor
last you are an average if you want to launch a
Your project is a new company that
you want to launch a new product one
new campaign whatever cricket thing
launched political movement from his blog
you can do it at a medium you give it
the possibility of launching initiatives
monetization you see it is alone
limited by your creativity and then
above all there is a last world
secret that sniffs no one I want it
tell you Alex of the herons so
secret to earn
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