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Armi di (pre)suasione di massa

how many of you have tried to stop
one in the street and ask for her number
phone , my time was used this way
we were losers we asked for the
phone number that is no longer used
it’s stuff now what do you do cables up
now the name giorgia is enough for the doctors
I find you online in my time instead
brave we tried to have at least
phone numbers one thing but not
I have never asked myself in these attempts
always unsuccessful I have done e
how much the context could count
they would be some studies that prove
that if you ask for the phone number
in front of a shoe store or a
butcher a jerk in front of some
I did it if the probability of a ti
leave the phone number is a lot
lower than the probability
that you have if you ask for the phone numbers
in front of a florist because women
are romantic this background the
This inspires romance your
probability that I leave the number
then this example of cock
it only means that it is possible
install in our head of gods
signals that we often do not make ourselves
absolutely mindful that they help us
say yes even before the negotiation
both started earlier than one
trying to sell you something
the text I suggest on this subject
is that of good cialdini that 30 years
ago wrote influence and later
thirty years has now come out in September
2016 tablets in this beautiful tome I know that
fun literally devoured there
there are 150 pages of references to studies
scientific and notes if you want
deepen the theme scenes from hub fars
someone maybe some time ago saw the
film focus that with will smith you
remember how sometimes they use these
presumption priming techniques for
prepare the victim is to make sure of
to pilot his decisions and decisions
without even realizing it
some examples of cialdini are a lot
interesting and perhaps concern life
everyday with the premise
dutifully it is true that at the base there are
a lot of scientific studies is not
that one necessarily says yes and it
convince us or we are convinced but increases
the probability of this happening
when you go to ask for preferences
vote in the United States if you add the
American flag
people claim to be more
because the American flag is
associated more with the world of gods
the flag there in the opposite corner
slightly the vote as well as the place
6 vote in a school vote more
democratic vote in a church vote
more republican context impact
or they did this experiment
try to stop people on the street
to take a survey if you ever have
tried to stop people on the street
you know how damned difficult it is
trying to stop them on 0 to 0 29
percent of people turned out
trying vc to affirm them starting from one
question that does not concern the survey
accused I consider a person who helps
the next 79 percent of the people o
it stops there and I arrange yours
state of mind by making it concentrate
on the feature that I want you
go to express and the same reason for
which if one reads you and the hand
he is probably right because why
whatever he tells you is enough
irrelevant because it appeals to this
psychological mechanism that comes
demonstrated with the so-called positives
test strategy whatever one there
indicates we are going to look for confirmations
of the existence of that something if one
tells you eh well pressing there is news
po stubborn to immediately goes to
look for all the confirmations in your life
chadi when you’ve been stubborn and al
same way if not it tells you if one much
open mentally flexible succeeds yes
in fact he is right because he is looking for
confirm that simple trick of
who reads his hands and so away a thousand
other examples the restaurant name can
affect the price that I am willing
to pay it would seem so
restaurant which is called restaurant 97
predisposes to pay more than
restaurant which is called restaurant 27
if before asking yourself how long is a
river I make you draw lines
longer you are likely to estimate
that the length is longer or
think online when there are these
order forms you’ve never noticed before
that often some guys some companies
they write click here to confirm that
you want to join this magnificent offer
even that is an already trivial technician
of priming by press way john like the
would call cialdini to make sure you
be ready and convinced even before
get on the cart text a lot
interesting to read at least a
defensive purpose to ask us the
next time we bought
something next time they have it
to say yes we try to go back e
think beyond what happened
during the negotiation during the
negotiation during the purchase that
what happened before
because it would seem that the factor that
in the end it influences us the most it is not
so much a rational economic factor but
in the last thing they managed to do it
enter the brain before
present us the fantastic offer maybe
we realize that we said yes
we have been convinced
simply because we were among the
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