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7 tipologie di persone da evitare sul lavoro e nel Tuo business

Who does strike knows perfectly that some types
of people are lethal and you have to avoid them,
like the plague. Not because one is a stinking bastard,
but simply because unless one does the psychiatrist,
be devoted to martyrdom, or must necessarily take care of people out of work
of head, a team of deadly people,
it will always make you lose. Imagine going to play
the most important match of your water polo life.
And in the team with you play a goalkeeper who never knows
if going out, do not go out, go left, go right,
I’m talking about here, I’m talking about there, I do not know. In defense you have one
who is so convinced of losing that sometimes he throws himself down and drowns
under the water and they must save it. We’ll never make it …
You may be attacking and the team director never passes you the ball
because he does not want you to look good.
The tip next to you breaks the fungus in every situation,
on any kind of detail stuff, anything.
On the bench you have a coach who complains about anything
also the fact that the water is wet, and then I ask you,
but are you really sure you want to play with a team like that?
So let’s see quickly these types of people
to keep away. The first type, number one.
I have a five because the pins are not in order …
The pain in the ass. The phenomena of the useless. Those that split
the hair in four, of mediocrity. As we know,
if you look like a pain in the ass, you will make a full life
of broken balls. This is easy. Negatives and repressives.
Negatives, an example, I remember at the time of Blogosfere
when we launched the project we presented ourselves to do
a roadshow, saying what we would do, we will make a hundred blogs
of information, bla bla bla. The average comment
do you know what it was? Eh, but you’ll never make it.
Thanks, you really help me, let’s do it, you stay there
that I stay here as well. The repressives, on the other hand, are even worse.
Another example: as a child at the sea
I had a friend who always had all his projects, I remember once
at the table with his parents, he began to illustrate his project
of what he wanted to do when he was grown up. He made this little house
with some papers, where he explained that when he grew up he wanted to do it
the newsagent to sell Mickey Mouse, the comics.
He speaks and exposes his project with great enthusiasm,
after five minutes his father looks at him and makes him talk, from a blow
at the table, he throws down all his built castle
with so much love and says to him: “Here are your plans.”
This type of people, dispassionate advice, in any
type of relationship one is, parental,
not parental, spatial, astrospatial, as soon as
you have the chance, run. Fast, like Bolt.
Far away, as much as possible. The envious ones, those
who have the bile spraying out of their ears, by how much
it’s not good for them, how bad they are when it’s OK with you
something. Benedetto Signur! People
deeply insecure. A disaster! Are those
that you can never make a decision. We do business
or maybe not, let’s proceed with this project,
yes, no, maybe, I think of it, so yes, but no, I changed my mind
but then you hear … They go out of their mind. The professionals
of complaint, those who complain about anything and this too is easy,
we already know. Complaining is never a strategy.
And those who only ask you problems but never solve them.
I am lucky to have a sweet half that is
a phenomenon, it never brings you a problem, it always brings you
the problem with the solution, which he has already done.
It’s too much easier. But too much.
You know it as they say: we can not change the character
of the people around us, but we can change
which people keep around us. Yes.
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