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4 chiacchiere con Andrea Ranocchia

they are all happy in general of
this of this premier league because
I know that there is a division
economic clearly better because a
10 years of television rights and then the
brighton lithium played there is an area
where there is today there is mcdonald nando
ske where they make barcelona chicken
that you have
and then there was a bit and saras that now
they closed and there the brighton played
it was a kind of parking but
they played just one story
incredible that of the brighton that then
soon arrived to play the premier
league now I do not know how you do it
I recommend it because I am when I am
given I found myself in this reality
that was totally the opposite, that is, the
same sport though it really does seem like a
other sport
crazy but because there is a sense of
Ski education or more you can English
knows they drink so that you can not
hinterland will be falling scene I have
saw a battle before series that is
exited like bulls probe pole around
instead instead they are really studying
they are harmless in the sense they enjoy it
show and ends there ends there
when talking ends the game is
all finished understood not famous hooligans
English have totally had them
reset years ago I put from purple but
we were no longer compacted with us
more organized fan groups were there
I can not believe they do not exist anymore
he stayed a little over twenty years
makes from the naturino still plays in bed
then the memory or two technical questions
instead of then I wanted to make you my own
I remember that I played one football
once in my life that is essentially
I always played as a kid I was incapable
and then once I followed platini that is me
liked when there was michel platini the
that player leno
that pulled the forecasts from good and is
easy punishment no and come back like that
skip the variety did so I remember
that a period followed platini
We pollute in the yard I was doing my
I trained to do the punishment and then me
I remember maybe my father took me to a
There were chicks in Milan
peyo a stuff like that not just yes
he spoke understood 35 years ago and I went to
I try this experiment
unable at some point to foul and there is
a punishment to attract and then
they say who pulls the punishment and I say
the shot I ok I leave and sign on punishment
and all my mother
here also true torment that casse
some I have never done, then second
time other punishment and everyone says the
She pulls him pulls him and I still sign
on punishment
then those who were the talent scouts
he said this here understood the new one
platini is basically said by
Come play and then I ‘m born can you
play two three times and when I saw it
that I am as I was completely
unable to discourage now the ass exists
and in fact I made two goals in my life
there on punishment and just the model where
I remember I did not understand anything
football is at wings has released a
know him help me and in this thing
paternally one of my children
you have to learn a little to play football
he’s so good and then he asked me but
how do you shoot when you play football and
I wanted to answer but I do not have the most
pale you did not understand
flat shots of neck patties are you brito
give me two concepts that is if I want to
pull in the door as a throw that then the
shot in the doorway flowers but not much time
I am the best expert because I am
defensive defenders there was a nice happened to
official also of many he great one
it happens to pull in the door captain
figures taken from time to time there are also more
good head because I’m 197 is however and
that is, in the sense there is not really a method
to pull on the door then it depends a lot
from the player’s structure from the
above all, a very important thing is
true an ankle strong ok because
the impact in the balloon is very strong then
beyond the muscle strength that
must have quadriceps and so on
the impact of the ankle very strong
so he must have a strong ankle
because otherwise the ball is present
loses strength and does not take you to the reality show
neck is usually taken from the neck
take it, take it here if I take it
here I usually break the light because
there is a 47 year old so dangerous
but then there is to say how he pulled
so many times famous to draw it from Piero
so in turn he took a while with
milan yes with the dish they did
a certain type of game then there was
andrea pirlo that at some point given
out of the damn or giulino
pernambucano who did not know how to dvd car
as already absolute they had fir less
I had arrested them in the courses and they have them
they invented this other type of shot
they called the bloody or dead leaf
that practically this balloon does not
took a strange effect it was a lot
difficult for the goalkeeper to predict the
where it ended because maybe it started in one
direction and then lowered rose
really take strange effects
then it also depends a lot on the type of
balloon have evolved a lot over the years
balloon as it positions the weight as it does
now pertusi weighs on the leg of
then support if you are the shots of
right this is exclusively on the
left leg
in fact for those who do so many shots
or anyway that
they have a way of disconnecting let’s say
attack the ball of the earthquake
terminated type so it changes a lot
the strength of one leg from the other to the other
there that 6 left-handed gastro therefore a lot e
very technical now how do you know how to pull
but complicated but let’s say we learn
since we have 5 and like you when
play ping pong without knowing where
departed network however start the era of the
technique and slowly we are the defense
because every time I tried to
defend me jump in 5 seconds are
in the front I do not even know the UFOs
he also had to there is very much based on the type
talented to the kind of body you have for
say I’m a long-limbed guy I’m not
a quick in the first few meters maybe in
let’s say we have a very long lever
so I can also take speed
but we speak from 20 meters onwards i
first meters for me say we are not not
it’s my strong point instead
players who are maybe to say a
cannavaro and now I’ll make you some
examples of players, in short, very important
that in China now cannavaro breed
just train now, however, in the FIFA
I saw he was still playing in the videogame
still along the hills again
cannavaro, however, the way to defend
they are various types of ways are many schools
of thought then there is not a school of
thinking it’s right or wrong
let’s say that in Italian football this
this thing of the defensive phase of the
way of defending even the position
of the body of the defender’s feet is
very studied since it was small
compared to other types of calcium can
to be with English which is much more
physical much more instinctive in the sense of them
or take the ball take the man is the
same thing here in Italy 1 cc yes
commits a lot more but as a child
even in football schools already you
they teach how you have to put your feet like
it puts the body on me how to deal with it
the opponent because then the opponent does not
you never know what he will do where
will decide to go though to say us
we study a lot above all however
from higher levels if that with which
you have to do the defensive duel then the
the other team’s point is a right one
left articles to me had it
why we are missing the circles of
close the left-handed therefore of
position in a situation where he has to
send it to the other side then there are
phenomenal players clearly in
somehow they manage to bring in
take you where they want to be here then
the good thing that is a team game
so there are your companions too
they still have a lot of goddess you are
the last ones hit me
australian open tennis where otherwise
djokovic resounding I saw that the
crazy ending
but he hit me because they gave them then
various statistics not an example on the
service and when to beat nadal
you immediately saw you are already more or less 73 for
one hundred beats in the middle have all the data
and then saw the quantity of
technology that they put behind and
1 teaching materials available on each
player is said to look at this here
statistically this does not
then removed large phenomena in football a
po to what is then like the honey movie
ball I do not know if I saw the movie honey ball
short simone and that they study their own
the fatigue the method is the one there on
player statistics in football is a lot
complicated first because compared to one
basketball court four times and then
the spaces are much larger and
above all, there are more players and more
characteristics of a player I know a lot
according to me variegated compared to one
sport that anyway can be tennis
which is one against one then that of
study that there and me
we study more or less with ours
match analyst the various players the various
schools how they play because it then affects
very much the tactical part then chester
coach must be good at preparing
the team with the various counter offensive
I still want to hurt you but you
they give a hand
but I’m of the idea that anyway
I must be ready for everything
it can happen because I can know that
a fast and high strong player of
head and strong open I do not go to the non
the percentages in the world are very important
football in my opinion is that there are
various characteristics of the players that
of course you must know before
face a game however in the
match do not affect that much
in my opinion, also because there are so many
minds in one in a game think of one
so many variables are the variables
infinite variables therefore really
difficult to predict the trend of both
a game but also a player who
movements will do because then especially the
offensive part of the team is based on
a very impromptu way of thinking
in the sense of the player maybe he sees that one
a striker a fullback is a moment of
difficulty of the physical match e
technical mental and then maybe yes
move more in that one with that in
that piece of field free for
make it better understand then it is
really complicated we study them
opposing teams we study in short
opponents but a lot of time is dedicated to
usually to look let’s say yes
they looked at the tape
when I started I looked at her
word of the gospel now more or less
the matches are very close 15 to
three days to prepare a match not
we played another yesterday now
Thursday we will play 15 great
But yesterday I went in the direction
bad room but we hope to recover
now about the period is three days
to prepare a game then of
you usually take the defensive phase one day
one day the offensive phase
one day put all together with the
inactive balls that is a part
important to say a statistic
important that every morning would be
punishment kicks of corners punishments from the
limit so let’s say those to those
that screwdriver directly in the door and
that studied I do not know that
percentage is a very high percentage
on goals in the league we are many
teams make a lot of palliative voices
more than on action
let’s talk about moving on here
we say to get you lives but compared to
todi years ago where there were no shots in
any part of the super field
meticulous in hd as there are today where
I’ll take you back I see everything
what you say any kind of
reaction to and I send you in monovision
in real time and before this not
there was and therefore also a defender’s relationship
I know it
kind maradona kind of by a lot
of wood out of the shooting and every
so much of maradona with the shirt
ripped he said kind he said he does not
nothing could be reviewed
it will come out clearly but I look I was
looking on the other hand instead today
if you pillet ronaldo and start it
hammering can do nothing more
compared to the hand, it does not have many years
ago and why already when I started to
play soccer but play let’s say in between
the professionals then 12 years ago and the
soccer is totally almost another sport
the last few years with lavar help me wash
practically the moviola in the field hunger
the famous moviola in the field of
biscardi you know that biscardi wanted it
slow motion in the field
now he is active and practically the referee
can review an action and change decisions
exact depending on what you see
therefore directly in the field then a
starting out stretch a little there are the pros
and against his thought, however, he has changed
a lot before there was not everything
this but how much has changed with
social networks first because there is no longer no
we have more privacy than any of us have
more privacy no longer exists privacy
there is nothing left and even the point of
view of the soccer player
unfortunately because I’m not a big one
lover of social you must anyway
adapt to what society is
because otherwise you are in some way and you are
cut off from many areas also in the
of apple in the way of defending you from
what then are the various accusations
various things that can come out because if
everyone has it and you do not have it
you have a way to defend anything you can
come out from the point of view
football must to the point of view of the
private life and once upon a time there was not
all this there was a footballer was
much more unreachable but all were
much more in rockstar arrives you see
the initial you saw at the concert, that is
they went out to a picture of a rockstar or
an actor now instead they seem
already neighbors so here it is
changed a lot also in that there
especially for us above all with con
mobile phones with video cameras and with
photo 6 is no longer able to star
quiet and above all when you are the
restaurant a family with friends
etc., etc., however, keep one
that is in the field if I think if one me
resume while I do a race of
serious ping pong every two minutes I do
something bad
every two minutes I can do whatever
what in reality and formative for which it does not
I’ve never been a great player
because there is understood that I can do
something and then if you take me back into
that moment demand in world vision
licia vera this here that shit men and
in the sense a very bad image
and on the other side maybe only one
reaction of annoyance compared to one
moment is not that it means anything to us
an effort in a competition then you have
people with whom never a contrast in
consideration is not that you can always
be perfect
instead today there is this thing not immediately
condemnation then how it manages it
then you do not even think about it when you are
there performance do not think of anything looking for
It’s not that you ‘re looking for and you’re instinctive
to exclude everything that is there
external influences
I had a period for me it was
very complicated when I arrived
when I am when I have arrived some
year ago when I was here at the in which
the team was not doing well
let’s say I was the captain of the I had
a very complicated moment in which everything
the external environment was really with me
for me to recommend to the gallows and you
they came against me I could do any
what and in any case I was saying I got myself
a certain kind of label that I have
took many years to clean it up
plan we have cleaned up however however it is
It was a very very complicated moment
and at that moment I was not there, no no
I was ready I was not prepared to
estrange me from everything that was the
world the outside world what was the
world of social world of life
normal the world of the stadium then
of the match itself for itself then only
at that moment I was not there
ready I have not been preparing this
now let’s say since when we say when
exceed certain types of tests in
life has trained you are trained and you are
ready 6 and like sites as it is as if tt
a harder scar is formed
what of what was maybe the
skin integrates first with the most part
hard to handle
the fans who insult you and pull you
coins if you still pull coin
I do not know
less Moneti sio media and newspapers
attacks you make the headlines here’s what
or the teammates opponents
that is, the part two plus one is one
ranking of testimonials the most part
difficult to manage yourself is not
everything around it because
what around in some way does
what he wants in the sense of the opponent
he does what he wants
the fan who comes to watch the game
he does what he wants says what
he wants free will
the most complicated part to manage yourself
same because you are you make you enter
inside you and all these all these
thoughts that can be thought
of the teammate’s opponent
of the family of the
friends of the fan and the ways of doing
come back in to give one
part of yourself for everything else
go out no more go out no more you do not know anymore
where the head is no longer there
take nothing then the part more
it’s hard to be ready
the impact of what the world
external be centered with what
he knows at that moment, and I have arrived
a moment that I said but what
it will happen possible for a day
at the other I am no longer a player o
I’m not good at making a ride
instead it was because all that was
outside I had entered therefore
they did he did what he wanted in the
in any case, I no longer controlled myself
then I worked it took me years
went to England
and by myself I have re-centered myself and
as if I had returned to mine
body inside my original thought is
a fact of field training a
mental training or doing and where it started from
you can not change in a day is
impossible, nobody can not do it
he can reset it for a day that I say
I wake up now I’m the one of
it does not exist before because when it has
when you’re hammered for days for hours
for years for me, yes, in short all
young bum bum good end
you think you’re stupid I do not know how
explain here and then I put me
I’m placed
let’s say I put a plan back
let’s say started a path as one
person who gave me that which has me
gave a hand and then I said that
we work day by day time for
moment and rebuild as you are
remitted collapses a house puts back a
brick for brick is definitely there
get better than before you do not lose them
as before the remedies, better said you know
that before I did this, however, he has me
brought to make the house fall ok
we put this better because if not
it can work and the end rebuilds
a a nicer house that is what
then it’s already right now so here
certainly work day by day
goal for objective and plan
rebuilds everything that I then have
let’s say my unlock point was in
England that I found a bit
a bit of everything I did not have anymore
so here I did a good job I am
satisfied with that point of view you have
immediately understood that I had done the
footballer or was something we say is
coming in the sense there have been a
concomitance of events they have made
yes, I’ve come to be a footballer
like all the works, in short
even I, however, anyone I do a
work there were concomitant events
that make sure you do that job
free dj I play football but I would have
could do any other kind of
work to get a certain type
work you have to spend time you
I have started experiences
very soon when five years in short
like all children who start to
play soccer and then do not tell you the
truth I never thought of becoming
a professional footballer is to me ever
and I simply enjoyed myself
amusing there is also a car your own
the most games that I was playing friends
I played at an Umbrian country club that close to
assisi plays with a team in lippo
I am saying more goes on and more you are
bravo più cresci we say probed perugia
so there is not a team
professional to do the whole industry
juvenile there then various started started
my firm in london for credits notice
of note someone says come and play from
yes, yes, famous, not famous specimens
provini let’s say it is different
representative at least not at the time
now I honestly do not know
how football works
I know there is a huge problem that
they are the parents
I was lucky to have had two
parents who practically do not football
they knew nothing you are an amateur in
comparison is still today I tell you the
my truth just do not understand
nothing football but for charity when
play and the games see them but when
I do not play
they are not interested then they have nothing
nothing at all for that hour either
let’s say they accompanied you favored
this Europe is not that they were there to
I still remember I unfortunately not me
I graduated due to stop in
fifth higher because we were always
the retreat and the teachers and teachers
he called me and said look
kept the light up we tell here
because it seems excessive
when we say started playing in
series b then among professionals
there was Europe that told me but the
study why stop because it stopped
study to play soccer words
in series b I’m professional now it is
started my career, let’s say between
the great ex
and he and again we went he went
down for a long time he does not choose it
instead we say football is chosen
compared to a life as a student than mine
Mom actually told me for years
you’re sure you do not want to take the exam from
lawyer but kind after ten years that
I was working on the internet , I do not want to do it
the lawyer
without the premier when it is understood
since when in football it becomes something
serious where they turn therefore also two
money that one can survive and
potentially they can grow from that
so much depends on the skill
of the player in the sense now i
young players who are good
earn immediately they earn immediately
a lot when 18 19 years series c1
little novara in the pro league by chance
call league pro ex series c
no if there is in the sense we can live for
pink when then play when you stop
however, finding them work because
surely for which when you were in
series b however already was one was a
interesting level ceo I earned
with the first year in series b as a
normal worker I was 18 years old
But here is just over a thousand euros a month
I earned then if I continued
in that way
I would not have been enough here then calls
of course the career progresses and
when is it now certain is said perhaps?
mammals water when I won the
championship series b ok
I was in Bari with
with mister conte count antonio the famous
not the premier the prize I understand but
that I did not know that he was training even before
maybe because he said you see in effect
we first had a past though in
this is connected I did not want and I have it
seen I saw it with you I trained it
also the national both the Europeans and
what a little there is the sinister work they have
won the series b championship with him and
the following year I stayed in that one
team that we were in series a and with ok
from the iraq we say I understood from before
that I would have become that I could have
live with with the salary of a
inserting cash with squadrons
where one begins to sit at the table
ice one, that is maybe step from the
a little less team at the super tops
powell family the first contact
I’ve had it since when I was at
arezzo that practically I did not have it
the prosecutor say procurator la
people who find you the job here
let’s say all the way it is done is done
all the negotiation etcetera and so on
I state that it was my father 0 of football
with the businessman important then more
or less on that he could negotiate but then he knows
choose will be the inter-level his
turin would have been practically
this happens
arezzo was in pro league in series c e
cabbage so I expected to do one
jump into a more important team for
then make career levels higher and me
call me call in the middle of the night
president of the squat says dad not me
he was sleeping by 3 am he did not
I know, however, one of them arrives at 7 am
car you have to go to Florence that you
we sold the Florentine it is
understood but me in the sense I have to talk with
someone to decide no no no comes to
car let’s go for medical visits
I call my dad how he answers later
a few hours at night he answers me
come to take let’s go to Florence
morning and dad 0 soccer and zero I do
you forget everything well certain point
having no prosecutor he went to
negotiate with
I would say executives of the Florentine
etc. etc. I go to the hotel and
wait to see let’s wait
a tension in the sweaty excuse waits
but when they said we have a
Florentine because the team to yours
tag and therefore knew that
let’s say that ok call me the Florentine
I will dall’Arezzo was happy to have
used with lovati played in the no, not it
I know it’s a while before me again
we are practically going to notice
of my dad at some point back is
no how I woke up at 4 for
come here do not no no
everything is done, but why not?
I know but said but as you do not know in the axis
this said no but said I do not know
But you need a prosecutor
because I do not do it anymore
they were in this room of in this room
of this tell her the various directors with
those who spoke the numbers of things
at a certain point the president
of the scrape the director of the reaction if
I do not remember
gets inside said ear says
to the Iami europe then to skip everything because
I’ll explain to you tomorrow
there were figures of figures
very important for those that were
My things quintupled my dad this
to see them even in ten years of
I work as I blow everything not
I can make figures so I ‘m jumping
everything goes all out
some point has taken we make sauces
valentin or just do not care anymore is
you practically know that even today I do not know
because even today I do not know why there is not
they were not told anymore but then it is then
they could have taken a prosecutor
take procurator the mention nor that
they immediately said that then at least
we have another 9 I stayed there up
in the end and husband was shocked
since then because he said I am
entrepreneur I deal with many
entrepreneurs however I in this world here
He did not tell us anything and when instead
you went to the senate to talk
with those who die there when I ‘m gone
to the hero of the genoa
because after the Florentine practically
in six months later because if the market is
interspersed January summer you do not know
just say I followed the negotiations
for transfers et cetera and
he bought me the genova four months
later and I played day but only six
months before I was in Bari a year e
half on loan then I came back today
to head a six month to and in December
of 2000 in 2010 practically in January
but I the president generates sold
the inter that is also there you get there
phone call we have inside I was in retreat
with Genoa in Rome they were in retreat
let’s just say christmas park
arrived in Rome
I was calm because he had not had it
no warning from nothing before
lunch with the team arrives the
director of the genre says they want you to
phone said something happened to
home scared because why we say a
table you can not use us phones
we can not use pearls for one of them
rules of changing rooms
the president said you had to go to
milan as I have just arrived in Rome
for collection we sold to the
I took all the suitcases I went to
milan and via da roma spa every day a
the other I found the Inter as you do
starting ie inter saint siro anyway
there is a great team
beautiful because then among other things was the
famous triplet treble team
who did inter 2010 with mourinho
ok if mourinho in the races at 9 ha
won three cups say more important
of the Italian cup and champions championship
when he says he wins the treble e
so there was that team there was not
more mourinho because he had just arrived
leonardo there were these champions here that
I saw them all the year before
what was possible to get up in the
sense they could not win more have
won everything there was to win
I found myself there started to close to
as it knows that it is a bit serious
but I am among the sense of experience
incredible how to get to
play with federer with lebron with
these characters here because the team
the strongest in the world you understand then and what
it was their availability in yours
comparisons I do not have exceptional say with
the various personalities, the various the various
cultures we say the various ethnic groups too
so each one, that is, his beliefs i
his ways of reasoning
derived from where they come from as they are
grown up but committed very good states
in the sense they were not as they used to be
word with gaudenzi the tennis player te lo
remember to go home in situ less yes
then I will roll joy and say but
when did you jump in
quality says when they are trained with
buster that was this Austrian tennis player
very strong left-handed very leathery
we say little talent but a worker
crazy workaholic 16 as the first one
period with me they did not even speak
English then in practice sent in
other tools do not become better than not
we waste time talking with evening six
months to talk with Austrian sahin
German because they did not consider it then
when the level has risen then they have
started to greet him with you is not
been so that carlo de oro with less
as there is no saying then it depends on whom
I repeat we are so many it is not a sport
individual therefore the balances are
they are quite complicated but accepted
very well then among other things that there
we had also done very well then
despite then I repeat that is to train with
of the samples but of the true samples that
of the champions because he was one of the gods
however it makes you grow makes you understand the
way of reasoning the way of
interpret the training of
interpreting the game is the thing that
which is not that I’ve noticed more and this
this agonism is truly an agonism
there is the match of the matches between di
we of the training were there was war
in the sense that the loser died in the balance is
really not
they did not accept failure, this is it
really he immediately jumped to me
eyes this thing here then is the la
prerogative of the great athletes in the big ones
talents of the great sports but in
general of many new brian in this
interview that said but how to treat i
your companions as brian there is a
extreme character but said every
my goal in training
it was winning to defeat them to let him know
that I had won and made him rethink
compared to the idea of ​​doing the player
This was his approach to basketball
I saw it and I saw it in kg and
fantastic that is not the best play
with one case however it does not have somehow
you want to survive even if you do not
you realize, however, to turn the bales there
for there, however, it improves you and encourages you to give
to give more because then you do not want to do
that end you find them louder anymore
incredible with which you have trained
against which he played who he is or who he is
I was the heal I have to tell the truth I had
fortunate enough to play with
against all the greatest of this age
and of course it is not maradona and so on
But they came and I do not know it sincerely
I can not tell you one that surely
that made me more impression
there, at first, it was Andrea to ask him why
It seemed like he had six eyes he had
eyes in front behind really expected
what was happening had beyond
of the technical part that was in short
very important part of speed of
incredible thought
as if he foresaw the future you can
it was not normal to explain it was normal
the amazing thing with his so
one was very calm
time it suffers and it displaces you because after in
field seems to be one of the spells
he knows what has impacted the first
workout says ok
he has a few euro europe exactly
something more than the others then
in fact he has won almost everything
how much then so really him
crossing the cash and ten people
purchases if pros as now I do not know
nothing, however, I had read something and you
you have not always just been a defender
that is, no party with happy dinners and i
events that I told you and also this one here
in the sense I up to the students
it practically works like this in the sectors
youth and to get to play ad
high levels let’s say the most
of the players and does this save to say
great decisive rigor worldwide 2006
what is there with the rigor
no what he does he did we saw
red by signing a culture that does not have
voice of the machi that instead has clicked the
rigor to novation maybe around May
he was wrong about ten years
what happened to big plays still no
does the coach does not remember where
I will not change it has a strength but I do not know
ok, however, it works like this in the
route of the youth sector steps
from beginners and then there are
I’ll do the ladder from the smallest more
small biggest weight of er debutants
very young national national students
first team spring
the best do this or
even jump categories
they do they just make the leap from them
students the first team do not know
now an example I practically have
made very young national debutants
this means the middle way
I played the midfielder
playmaker I played before I did not
the defender was already tall as I was
now therefore 196 I weighed 79 kg now
I am 91 92 so I guess I was
practically a pole of light
I have done very young nationals in
which I did not play a little
that year of and then I did
regional students then at the step of
half say that if you do this step here
and does not pass to national students
your career almost finished ok with
let ‘s say of acute career to become
player almost finished the possibilities
they are really very few because more
good do the jump the normal is good
it makes the normal jump as it is
just how it should happen and
that year we basically go in there
we start a pre-season and non- retirement training
there were defenders there was not one
team of a team are not there
defenders there was only one but because
because they were a sign then they were
still trying is not the team was not
ready they are looking for the coach now
of the time that they are pietro montanelli
he tells me tense at the top he is trying to go
behind until we find another then
after we are tense we put time and after
go back to doing what he did from behind
and she started to play well and has
immediately started immediately to find me well
play well and after a few months me
they immediately brought as if they had me
put back on track thanks to that
thank you run back if that year there
there was not
meaning that there were all the defenders
mister would never put me there and me
now I would be able to do something
another was fine but the same
it would make more sense we would never have
to think about which you then inspired with it
started defending the pa here
this would be let’s say it’s a player
yes, I’ve always liked Alessandro
right always ok milan milan yes it is not
one of the Lazio is grafted exactly
Their yes I’ve always liked him as
kind of defender but above all like
kind of person that’s why in the world
of football world a little particular
instead he always had a profile
always just a low profile right
linear never uplifted to right a
left but the extra kick problems with
coaches you always understand very linear
as a way of interpreting the profession
then, in short, a champion in what he has
in short, one of the greatest defenders of
all time to leh the main virtue
according to you the defender at a big one
concentration a concentration
because beyond that then the qualities
technical and physical
a concentration is fundamental because
the defender is the last before the
goalkeeper who already does a lot of work
complicated the goalkeeper because it is there from
only he must try to put his hand where
can he
say the defenders are the last line
so you must always be focused
you have to be wrong little you have to make mistakes
little position way of understanding that
role there is compared to a tip and a
midfielder that maybe you can
miss a goal can make a mistake
passing a camper point though
let’s say there is time to recover
the defender is wrong and or if he does not do it
right thing to do it do goals
there was so we lose the games here
so that others that you do other activities
when there is in the breaks between
training and competition and you are all
get together what you do for this
ronaldo plays ping pong and then
I wanted to sedate it publicly chapter
we are also us and complains about work
then I do not play but I’m not good at
I’ll tell you right now you’re away nevada
purple looks at us the thing I noticed
a lot is the difference between big teams
and small teams however medium teams
is the dressing room the way to understand it
locker room in the big teams is
difficult that we are saying in the
free moments all together
usually 12 percent are created
23 people or maybe someone this
alone there is track 3 each one is done
let’s say his life in praying in the pre
training etcetera etcetera and
small different teams are created a bit
more cohesion between the group
the reasons are many and are
certainly in the great team of the
personalities are much stronger than they are
much more is this ego a little strong
let’s say about the important player
player who is still always on
newspapers always here always from there
so it is not easy to create a group la
part of I read is very relevant
relevant in martian human relationships more
both on a plus level even a player
how to say independent so that is there
There are so many laterino arrivals lately
crimes even in many more interests
economic and image everything revolves
let’s say a player of high levels is
an important company maybe you do not
it never means to say that I did
your job comes to me ronaldo che
tries to unwrap me pulled him down in the
doubt it pulled him down however the problem that
I ask myself, however, is ronaldo pulled him down
me that the gap a leg that is then
this is a mess in the sense it was an al
gift not now when you play a game
Prince of course if you’re bad
entrance with the bar with the moviola in
field now you’re out direct that is six
in other words, expelled the risks very much now
in attitudes and ways of
play the game you have to stay a lot
careful because now you do not escape seen
as mentioned that there are 50 types
cameras to match and then some
so they take you curious about this
I was talking to Gallinari danilo a bit
long ago and said that when you walk in
nba there is a camp where all the players
they must go where they essentially come
train and respect them
a thousand things that concern the
league no then the management of the
journalists at a press conference like there
he relates women to journalists
you Magarity assault because if the
player of the nba and then the management
of a thousand aspects that concern making the
professional basketball player
when you have reached a high level e
so you started to be
recognizable visible etcetera etc.
this kind of is somewhere
approach or each for himself and then
you must kill her, maybe one
team as saying the guidelines o
indications follow the media
we behave like this or speak
only coach does not speak does not play from
I do not know yes no we have ours
changing room rules so they are all
the ways of various behaviors that
we must keep
during while we are at appiano then
at the sports center when we are in the
free time so we have a schedule of
return in the evening secondary that day
this week we have beyond
part of the diet that is important in short
like everyone, like all athletes, in short
you must generally keep yourself on a diet
we specific rules of their own
how to behave with social networks like
behave with the newspapers then
yes we are that these rules oe
every company is not his own
being part of the whole is all the more
amplified because in short if the eye
of the cyclone in short, therefore any
what do you do any attitude you take
anything you write especially in
in social media it is amplified a
a thousand cases are created on gods
like to say that many times it is me
happened to scroll the phone
to also put likes that do not me
I realized
then maybe I’ll check and this
if someone sees it, maybe he can come
out of a case because it’s really there now
it attacks everything to make news is a lot
Italian this thing is very Italian me
in England there was not there were not
almost king and I imagine then that is not
you can go capitol mobile locker rooms
to say beautiful all the guys are here
street miccoli that is unless it is
something agreed by the company though
if everyone starts to exhaust the facts
his as I spoke before anyone else
that goes around with the cashier and stream not
I see that thing there gentle
you could do a hundred, but you do not do it
without having to explain are rules
dressing room that not written that not
you do it in the sense I do not know how to explain
the rules born in this way are the Lazio ontologies
it will be for us the respect and the visit of the
mate because maybe to say a
mate who is doing a massage
that maybe there is a sea ​​in a certain
I also have a point in pictures that there is one
ice in one knee from the others
parts that create a problem anyway
because they come out of the news of the
newspapers say eve of this player
is bad so danin to tease and i
other opponents and that is, they really mount
cost stories that if you can
avoiding yours should be avoided
let’s say a typical day right now
the thing I like to ask everyone for
understand what they do, that is since when you
get up at what time you get up what you do
in your typical training day
day workouts
I get up and hit my opinion
but I am had to dress at 20 25 minutes
from the sports center I have breakfast at
home or sports center depends how much
I’m hungry when I get up from it
fundamental then comes from the floor I do
I have breakfast if I did not then
I prepare myself so I have to do
maybe some particular bandages
particular massages that I get
some pain somewhere
so a bit of gym fatigue a
depending on the problems I have to say
some time I had a problem at one
knee so I had dropped a bit
vast of the quadriceps are enclosed in
gym turn up a little tone then the
the incredible thing or anyway
incredible that’s how it eventually comes from
between you are very sensitive to the parts
of the body
doing this job, however, I believe
all high level athletes succeed
to feel the difference between a muscle
another in a really strong and
things that maybe normal people who do not
they are used to doing nothing they can not
to perceive instead that I can understand for
say when there is a part of the body that
it is more toned louder or the part of the
body that not even in the field
maybe in some during art after
three four workouts I feel that
maybe there is a muscle that is not reactive
like the other, this thing is bestial in the
sense is created, synapses are created
I believe celebrated cells itself is much more
in the but it is however back of the intersection
I do a bit of lebron team that
spend a million and a half a year for
his physical form when you hear talk
it is always there, as if he were seeing himself
from the same and see the body and says ok
this a little incredible good fabric
this sensitivity that is created in the
years does not train in all experiences
as then begins, we say to the coach often
make various meetings to prepare
the opponent then the workouts are
almost all focused on the match
waiting for you it’s hard for you to do one
so random training so let’s see
maybe the adversary’s video
we prepare them in the mind in that sense
you do rough hard training
an hour and a half two hours then depends
how much distance is there from the game
of course, day before the match
you can not do hard do you do an hour an hour
an hour and a quarter ends training
We always have the pools of ice
rio therapy I am the fourth
week of wiimote the method of
wi move ice which I do not know
but it is the ice recordman this
two hours in and what he did and lo
directed a story but be that
he did at the north pole and jumped
day made the hole and got knocked out
he went through and had to get out of the
other side malisse icy the retina
and blinded the exit and then under the
North pole began to swim is
at all a video course I started
now I’m the fourth week where you
teaches to bear the cold more
because you’ll have a cold beast and me
I do not know really cold and this week
I saw the video announcement where it says
until now it was a minute of shower
cold immediately then hot and cold a
minute as cold icy cold 6 a
brighton unfortunately cold and cold
and this week I said in this week
females in uk and death and I thought
no the 10 minutes under the cold shower
I understood it is probable on Friday instead
Once the bronchi have reached 4 once
I have to do so now I was preparing
on average, therefore, green and you do
chemotherapy is done so much the
ice as collectively because
slows down I think it slows down the molecules
etc. and so on
the site gives you relief especially from
relief of the joints and muscles
let’s say and we have our table that
it is written practically you should do
a minute of cold water and two minutes
of hot water or one minute minute
we have two pools a hot one
cold but almost true wide for
enlarge the blood vessels tighten
then all or blood supply
practically five minutes in the water
cold they say to do accompany you are there
within 5 to 5 6 degrees the water then that
in the sense when you exit it fails to
walk for 10 minutes short is
proceeded helps a lot of strength inter
I wanted to tell you this and then later
have done the recovery in short mail
training at that point we have the
obligatory lunch there always for
control the diet, in short, what you eat
I’m sorry, but you feed me
I’m lucky enough because
in the sense I could eat of turi branches
I shake I do not take a gram that is me
I’m stabilized with that weight there and not
I can face even wanting can not
to take I could eat all the
day and I stop there so we eat
always vegetables first then in salted
they are various types of mixed salads and then
a first depending on what the
our cook and a second usually
I eat very much fish very much
fish that we always have the so much
fish is a fish a meat we have
every day the cook also follows you in
we are also away from home
we have our chef who leaves one
day before or if near day same
he prepares us all the various meals that
we always do line
yes, because then books are important i
daily meals let’s say let’s say if
a safe athlete from the point of view
nutritional for many years lengthens the
of course meals very close to
match are important for energy and
accumulate during the effort then
here is the reserve dvd finish lunch later
lunch I go home and now there is the
baby nothing on awake until that
he does not go to sleep in the evening
nothing with the baby our luck that
the afternoon we always train at the
morning and afternoon are almost
always books that a workout at
so yes if we have the cups yes because
let’s play Sunday to Wednesday
Sunday Sunday Thursday Sunday
now sunday thursday sunday because
we have the europe league
unfortunately if not when it was there
camera we played Saturday tuesday there
however, a bit of weekend and half
week we say then there you can not
do double training
if instead there is a long week then
games Sunday sunday usual the
Wednesday , double training then
he stays there for lunch and then makes her cry
afternoon and some do not know then you
I let it escape but number one I am
always asked how do you feel
the coach during the matches that
in the stadium there is always a beastly mess
but how can you do that even just to see it
understood do not hear voices 0 pro true e
just hear and you do not understand anything
light body shopper because instead
it seems that he does not move this
of her the other all perfect
usually lately it is used that i
coaches say when they do the
change damage to the player who enters
in the field a small sheet with the writing of the
change of training practically enters
in the field what comes in is the
coach’s newsletter shows or
how do you distribute the change of
training if there was secondary if not no
you ‘re out you do not understand anything too
because however there is the frenzy
fatigue must always be active i
break moments are few you turn around see
that embraces and then then that yes does not
you can tune evidence guess what
it never says complicated because then in reality
it could also go away of the snc dei
change the first second half puts a
things right then you usually change it
at the same time changes are made and then later
just because not in the field when you are
in the field and already there is the coach the
work and do it in the pre game in
days before the pre game after
if the game is everything instead of shoes
clothing because depending on the
sport you have those who are maniacs of the
rituals of superstition and what
there has always been same old shoes
because he won the dr
not even the real dirty tip e- shirt
the art molin has pulled out sum
final there is this or you are
always brand new
let’s say almost all the players of
series a series b have the technical sponsor
that sends him second of how the brand
adidas the second of those of those
that threw nicks and send the shoes
new when new model comes out then
you have to put those you can not put
those two years ago that you can put
a game that later they say no
in short, this is the new one you must
put this is then that then
come the shin guards that are always
those in the sense are neither disposable nor disposable
I mean mine but the shoes change them
every match is nole of those you hold
until you can keep them
us after maybe after a while you use them
they wear and break and so on and there
so I send you to the other model
letter b a bit if you are a
professional at the big tires
practically almost every game because
there are worn out that regulation that
so much cement that sometimes they are cut
just on the authoritative as old yes
they cut and also have less effect
after a while, you understand how good fishing is done
saw some videos
Oh well I did the job but
twenty years ago in short, it is now I would be one
pipa camorra or ronaldo played a
see me, oh well can not play in the sense
is a mature that is, however, undertakes clear
that if you do the job or not if
I saw the video he did that he had
I liked it a lot and you were practically saying it
that you were afraid to face one
ping pong challenge one who was not good at it
and then he massacred him
you know what he respects like you actually do
in sports with a tool if you have one
different gear another sport as if
I told you a ball that has a
balloon and you sure that 66 is one
another sport and maybe I always play with
balloon and then and then you play a
ping pong with one who used to play
with wood and you instead to ping pong games
with the tires they give is therefore
just another sport
and clear that if you put yourself there and play two
Sometimes you get sensitive, but you can
lose as facts I also lost with
people incapable of different figures and world
then when I tell you, you look like what
look for excuses instead you are analyzing
technically the problem because there is
an anxiety since it happens sometimes
play with my friends not childhood
march an anxiety to convince her of the match
that I say I do the figure give the 5
mila for cinema instead you’re worried
for them vegetables circles of us that is not
you can compete good so many times
in fact captain when he went to play
with my friends who practically do not
I say that I do not commit but I was looking for
to make it enjoyable the game and me
I found that maybe two three were missing
minutes that we were under two goals i
we must go then I went to 2000 e
last two minutes for beautiful big
thanks always creations
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