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You’ll NEVER Be The Same After Watching This (Use This)

do you have someone in your life right
now who is constantly trying to bring
you down they talk behind your back they
say stuff right in front of you they do
stuff and it really right now is
bringing you down just remind yourself
this that when someone is trying to
bring you down
they are already below you there is a
great story in ancient China
there was this great warrior and he was
very old at this time but his community
still loved him because he was so
helpful to everybody he was a very
peaceful warrior and in his same
community there was a young warrior
emerging and he was very different from
the old great warrior he would pull
insults at everybody he met until they
bow down to him and then one day word
got round to the old great warrior there
is this young warrior in town hurling
insult to everybody and then one day the
young warrior crossed paths with the old
great warrior and he said look at its
old fool he started to hurl all kinds of
insults at the old great warrior and old
he didn’t move not one inch and this
really confused the young warrior
because everybody else had run away or
bow down this story is called the gift
of insults you see what the great
warrior knew is that the gift
if you don’t receive it it goes back to
that same person so the young warrior
bow down because he had to live with
everything he had said everything he had
said to the old warrior so just remind
yourself if someone is trying to bring
you down
they are already below you and nobody
can make you unhappy without your
permission all the power lies within
yourself when you realize this well
you’re just saying help so get to be a
live baby can I get a Hello we are out
here in nature just work breathing in
that good ass prana baby have a
beautiful day infinite waters diving
deep once again
you [Music]

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