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Why Most People Die Before Age 25

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
just whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby why most people die at age 25
deep divers do you ever wake up
sometimes feeling really tired but
you’re still kind of young like really
young I’ve got a confession when I was
25 I was tired that’s right I had
nothing left in me no energy cuz I
didn’t have any passion I didn’t have
any passion I settled I thought I knew
everything I thought it’s a terrible
world I live in I thought things aren’t
gonna get better
and I’m like I retire that’s right
there are three reasons three reasons
why most people died aged 25 and don’t
get buried until 75 the first reason
you’ve lost your passion do you remember
when you were really small when you were
a child
used to love to do cartwheels and stuff
yeah you lost that passion now you’re so
serious why so serious I’ve got a
Warcraft I go to pay bills and that’s
why you feel really old right the second
reason you settle for mediocrity a
mediocre life that’s what I did at 25
the third reason you think you’ve lived
I know it all Ralph you can’t tell me
you can’t tell me nothing until I
realize actually it was time to start
skating again because for so long I
stopped skating and I was reborn and
then I stopped settling
I’m like actually this world can be
anything I want and then I’m like
actually I don’t know anything I know
thing and that’s really what helped me
to become my greatest version everybody
dies but not everybody lives and once
you realize that deep dive as well you
just say feel so get to be a live baby
can I get a hello wonderful deep divers
you are amazing have an amazing day we
just whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you if
you’re young and you feel old just whoa
breathing that good ass prana baby shout
out to everybody who’s been getting the
shirts Ralph smart calm slash clothes
just remind yourself everybody dies but not everybody lives

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