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We Live in The World We’re Thinking Of!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again in front of the Sun beautiful
reality thoughts belief it’s all bs
belief systems and that’s what I came to
realize that it’s all bs and we are
creating our reality through our
thoughts a lot of the time and then some
people say well we’re not creating our
reality through our thoughts because
look what’s happening on the TV look at
all of these things which are happening
how can you say it’s just our thoughts
which are creating them and for me I
just see how we’re living in the world
that we’re thinking of a lot of the
times of course we’re governed by
everything around us but just on another
level we are creating our reality
through our thoughts we are architects
for our own reality and the more and
more I see it is that if we look at how
we were as children – how we are today I
feel a lot of us we have so many
problems because we’ve adopted erroneous
belief systems about people about things
about places our minds have become
clouded when it’s children we live in a
state of non judgment where we are so
free we don’t question and judge anybody
somewhere along the line something
happened was it school maybe was it
the programming we received from
television our parents and all of these
things but more and more I’m just seeing
how we are responsible for our internal
condition which is really just mirroring
it’s a mirror for the external
and this whole dynamic which is always a
play we are thinking this world into
existence and because our thoughts are
so powerful a lot of us even for me I’ve
just realized that although although
knowledge is such a great tool at this
stage especially now in 2012 when
everyone is talking about enlightenment
and all of these things I’m realizing
that it’s always about letting go of all
of these thoughts as well letting go of
information to really step into a state
of being which is essentially our more
our most expansive state we’re really
we’re not thinking all the time we’re
just in the moment we are losing
ourselves in the moment and for me I’m
just realizing that the thoughts we have
about other people and the world around
us who put those thoughts into our minds
and that’s the question I’ve always
asked myself are these even my own
infinite waters we live in the world that we’re thinking of peace

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