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This is why you’ll never meet the ONE!

see some thinner waters diving deep once
again we are out here baby
we’re in nature whoa breathing in that
good ask for a baby well if you can’t
find the one do this I got a lot of
people writing to me Ralph I’m still
searching for the one they haven’t
turned up yet
like where art thou and we needed
breakfast yet can I get a hello there I
used to say the same thing but you see
so many people spend their whole lives
searching for someone outside of them I
realize that one I was searching for was
actually myself oh the disowned aspects
of myself before you can meet someone
else you got to come to know yourself
before you can respect someone else you
got to respect yourself self-love is the
key to finding the one a lot of people
say I’m looking for my other half but
then you only have two halves when you
are hold you want to look for your other
whole now you become complete you see
many people don’t realize that you find
the one you love doing what you love you
don’t have to search all you have to do
is be in alignment with what you know
you came here to do and then it will
naturally come to you feels so good to
be a live baby can I get a hello there
have a beautiful day well infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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