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peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
here just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby
happy Sunday deep divers what has
changed my life what has changed my life
really want to know it’s this deep
divers don’t wait until everything is
really bad before you decide to change
your life for the better that’s what’s
really changed my life because I see so
many people waiting until they hit rock
bottom before they decide to make a
change in their life and that was me
along my early journey I would wait
until he got nightmarish disastrous
catastrophic before I’m like okay maybe
it’s time I start improving my life for
the better
deep divers are less no more you see
every single day I’m making sure I’m
making the best out of every opportunity
that comes my way are you someone who’s
waiting everything to be perfect right
now are you someone who’s waiting for
life to happen I’m not waiting anymore
I’m preparing myself every single second
how many times deep divers have you
injured yourself and now all of a sudden
you want to start taking care of
yourself well don’t wait until you are
injured to take care of your health to
take care of yourself do it right now
don’t wait until someone leaves you in a
relationship to finally appreciate them
appreciate them right now don’t wait
until your life is a shambles
before you actually make something out
of yourself do it right now deep divers
I’m always learning about editing and
sometimes I’m like oh how do I do this
whoops it’s too late cuz I need to do it
right now but if I had learned before it
wouldn’t have been a problem so this is
your chance deep divers you have an
amazing opportunity to do everything you
want to do right now a lot of people
stopped praying when they really need
help but stop praying when you don’t
need help start appreciating this moment
right now don’t take it for granted
don’t make everything be so bad but
you’re like I need to change no make the
change even when it’s good and then
you’ll just say feels don’t get to be a
live baby can I get a hello hey
beautiful deep divers were just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
take all of that good energy shout out
to everybody who’s been getting the
wonderful good ass prana shirts Ralph
smart dog come slash clothes get more
daily inspiration on instagram at
infinite waters check out the new book
on Amazon feel alive by Ralph smart deep
divers don’t wait until everything is
bad for you to decide to change your
have a beautiful daily basis infinite
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy peace you don’t wait for Friday
don’t wait for Monday do it right now [Music]

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