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The Return Of Gods Part 6- The Great Light Show!

you remember this place don’t you
you’ve been here before the great light
show our Constitution would appear to be
ethereal Stardust from the source will
receive our energy we cannot live
without for a moment a moment we wonder
on this dimension why were created why
we even came into existence it has been
the puzzle which has looked us in the
eye since our conception the image still
remains the image is not us it can never
be the persona the mask is what we use
to conceal ourselves the veil how can we
pierce it when we’re wearing it and then
the mind the labyrinth we become
a rebel without a cause the spell was
cast now we live in buildings the
architecture the clothing of the earth
running around in circles are we cursed
have you ever there ever occur to you
that is one big experiment the cosmic
game the web the rat race Silence of the
where do we stand where do we go from
here when this whole game has been based
on manipulation cultures traditions the
dominant program in the common universal
mind control on Planet
we ask questions realizing we will never
receive the answer we desire and we
search the four corners looking for a
how did we develop the need to become
somebody how did we create the Mirage of
separation how did we lose our
when we
maybe exile they said everything will
change and it looks like that’s turning
out to be true balance is necessary so
is equilibrium one insane hadn’t become
to view our human body as something
deep down something troubles us we
realize we’re living in a transient
universe a universe where nothing
remains the same
the world that we live in is it ending
if the world is my dear ideas crumble
I want to live forever we search for
immortality the elixir of life is water
air but even if you live for 500 years
that would be nothing more than a drop
in the ocean who’d we placed our trust
in we’ll be invited into a house I want
to be sovereign but I see that we have
changing you can call it the
evolutionary cycle the technology we use
is becoming one ourselves the social
networks the social communication is
that just the need a cry for help is
it’s showing us something far more
that we feel we’re superior to every
other life form on the planet through
our thoughts our thoughts create the
without the thoughts there is no me in
you so where do we go from here how do
we see ourselves the male-female the
strong the weak this dimension of
polarity engulfs us all Darwin once said
only the strong survive but when the
strong die what happens the empowered
human the empowered mind one that
realizes we are what we’re looking for
the great film that we are directing
producing the culmination of humanity’s
collective memory is unfolding in our
very lifetime mind programming mind
awareness mind matters who is controlled
people always afraid of what they can’t
see from what they can’t hear of what
they can’t feel but if we’ve become
desensitized comatose zombified
therefore we are afraid of everything
that we could potentially feel so we get
a big surprise what is the human being
turning into more importantly what is a
human being we see ourselves divided in
the society through race religion
sexuality gender and we all are fighting
in the name of the truth but anyone who
claims to know the truth is lying the
truth is that which is forever changing according to our level of consciousness

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