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The 6th Mass Extinction’s Shocking Truth

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again the sick mass extinction oh can I
get a hello Stanford scientists say
seventy-five percent of the species on
earth today could be lost in just two
generations time and species are
disappearing about a hundred times
faster than normal rate so take a look
at this chart since 1500 more than 320
terrestrial vertebrates have become
extinct that’s not good that’s
definitely not good your favorite panda
elephant rhino tiger all of these
beautiful animals are at risk of
becoming extinct all because of ego
that’s right we got to get back to
nature baby we got to get back to nature
oh don’t think what happened to the
dinosaurs won’t happen to you we all
could go we all could get out of here if
we’re not careful to pack we got money
for war but we can’t feed the poor
Leonardo I awoke only to see the rest of
the world is still asleep now solutions
I’ve seen we’ve all gotta start cycling
that’s it start walking reduce fuel
emissions we’ve got to start treating
animals with more care got to reduce
toxins that poison the air we got to
stop land clearing for resources in
essence we got to get our mind right
because if not we’re in big trouble real
big trouble we’ve got to become more
mindful otherwise we’re not going to
have a planet that’s right you heard me
so have a beautiful day infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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