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Not Another Self-Help Book – Think Positive???

peace infinite waters diving deep once
peace infinite waters diving deep once again stay positive
not another self-help book I used to
not another self-help book I used to work in a library for five years and my
work in a library for five years and my
work in a library for five years and my favorite section was a self-help book
favorite section was a self-help book
favorite section was a self-help book section because during that time I had
section because during that time I had
section because during that time I had so many problems I had so many issues
so many problems I had so many issues
so many problems I had so many issues and I just found that a lot of these
and I just found that a lot of these
and I just found that a lot of these books were helping me really just become
books were helping me really just become
books were helping me really just become empowered and some of the titles were
empowered and some of the titles were
empowered and some of the titles were like stay positive but at the same time
like stay positive but at the same time
like stay positive but at the same time I also realized that even when I read
I also realized that even when I read
I also realized that even when I read these books I would still be getting the
these books I would still be getting the
these books I would still be getting the same problems in my life I would still
same problems in my life I would still
same problems in my life I would still be dealing with the same conflicts and I
be dealing with the same conflicts and I
be dealing with the same conflicts and I was like okay what’s what’s happening
was like okay what’s what’s happening
was like okay what’s what’s happening here
here I followed the book I’ve read it and now
I followed the book I’ve read it and now
I followed the book I’ve read it and now it’s not working and I just realized on
it’s not working and I just realized on
it’s not working and I just realized on my journey that no book is going to show
my journey that no book is going to show
my journey that no book is going to show you the way out of your misery out of
you the way out of your misery out of
you the way out of your misery out of your depression no book is gonna change
your depression no book is gonna change
your depression no book is gonna change you essentially you have to do that
you essentially you have to do that
you essentially you have to do that yourself and that’s what I’m saying to
yourself and that’s what I’m saying to
yourself and that’s what I’m saying to myself at the end of it because I
myself at the end of it because I
myself at the end of it because I realized that no book could ever help me
realized that no book could ever help me
realized that no book could ever help me all the book was doing was just helping
all the book was doing was just helping
all the book was doing was just helping me remember and acted like a guide and
me remember and acted like a guide and
me remember and acted like a guide and when we talk about self-help books they
when we talk about self-help books they
when we talk about self-help books they have a lot of them have this theme
have a lot of them have this theme
have a lot of them have this theme running through them which is stay
running through them which is stay
running through them which is stay positive someone’s just punched you in
positive someone’s just punched you in
positive someone’s just punched you in the face stay positive and a lot of the
the face stay positive and a lot of the
the face stay positive and a lot of the times one thing I’ve realized sometimes
times one thing I’ve realized sometimes
times one thing I’ve realized sometimes if we for me what empowered me the most
if we for me what empowered me the most
if we for me what empowered me the most when I realized that essentially you
when I realized that essentially you
when I realized that essentially you can’t stay positive all the time and
can’t stay positive all the time and
can’t stay positive all the time and sometimes it’s not healthy to stay
sometimes it’s not healthy to stay
sometimes it’s not healthy to stay positive all the time people have to be
positive all the time people have to be
positive all the time people have to be practical and realize that nature also
practical and realize that nature also
practical and realize that nature also shows us the truth even if you look at a
shows us the truth even if you look at a
shows us the truth even if you look at a battery it’s got a positive and a
battery it’s got a positive and a
battery it’s got a positive and a negative charge but at the same time
negative charge but at the same time
negative charge but at the same time it’s the one force so essentially it’s
it’s the one force so essentially it’s
it’s the one force so essentially it’s about balance is about being in a
about balance is about being in a
about balance is about being in a neutral space and for me when I embrace
neutral space and for me when I embrace
neutral space and for me when I embrace my positive and my negative side then
my positive and my negative side then
my positive and my negative side then that’s where I get my power from and a
that’s where I get my power from and a
that’s where I get my power from and a lot of these self-help books there are
lot of these self-help books there are
lot of these self-help books there are some great ones out there but the ones
some great ones out there but the ones
some great ones out there but the ones which just focus on positive thinking
which just focus on positive thinking
which just focus on positive thinking just meditate and all of these things
just meditate and all of these things
just meditate and all of these things some people literally go crazy because
some people literally go crazy because
some people literally go crazy because what happens that is that it deep
what happens that is that it deep
what happens that is that it deep programs them to sort of cope with
programs them to sort of cope with
programs them to sort of cope with failures in life it sort of takes away
failures in life it sort of takes away
failures in life it sort of takes away their doubt about certain things and
their doubt about certain things and
their doubt about certain things and sometimes I’ve found on my journey that
sometimes I’ve found on my journey that
sometimes I’ve found on my journey that doubt can be the cause of your grand
doubt can be the cause of your grand
doubt can be the cause of your grand awakening many people in this so-called
awakening many people in this so-called
awakening many people in this so-called who are going through these paradigm
who are going through these paradigm
who are going through these paradigm shifts where they’re realizing that life
shifts where they’re realizing that life
shifts where they’re realizing that life is nothing what it seems on the surface
is nothing what it seems on the surface
is nothing what it seems on the surface a lot of people are questioning
a lot of people are questioning
a lot of people are questioning realizing that planet Earth is in a low
realizing that planet Earth is in a low
realizing that planet Earth is in a low vibration essentially we have to rise to
vibration essentially we have to rise to
vibration essentially we have to rise to a higher vibration and it takes a lot of
a higher vibration and it takes a lot of
a higher vibration and it takes a lot of inner work and a lot of these people
inner work and a lot of these people
inner work and a lot of these people have reached where they are because of
have reached where they are because of
have reached where they are because of doubt because they were always
doubt because they were always
doubt because they were always questioning it wasn’t just about okay I
questioning it wasn’t just about okay I
questioning it wasn’t just about okay I have to be positive sometimes it’s also
have to be positive sometimes it’s also
have to be positive sometimes it’s also about being negative to wave you know
about being negative to wave you know
about being negative to wave you know went once you’re negative you’re all
went once you’re negative you’re all
went once you’re negative you’re all also able to see your shadow self you’re
also able to see your shadow self you’re
also able to see your shadow self you’re able to see things for what they really
able to see things for what they really
able to see things for what they really are because sometimes just being
are because sometimes just being
are because sometimes just being positive all the time you can also
positive all the time you can also
positive all the time you can also become blinded and I’ve been there
become blinded and I’ve been there
become blinded and I’ve been there sometimes you just want to look at
sometimes you just want to look at
sometimes you just want to look at everything in positive eyes but at the
everything in positive eyes but at the
everything in positive eyes but at the same time one has to also think how come
same time one has to also think how come
same time one has to also think how come a lot of so-called positive people are
a lot of so-called positive people are
a lot of so-called positive people are still dealing with all of these trials
still dealing with all of these trials
still dealing with all of these trials and tribulations and how come these
and tribulations and how come these
and tribulations and how come these so-called negative people are becoming
so-called negative people are becoming
so-called negative people are becoming so successful obviously successes
so successful obviously successes
so successful obviously successes depends who you are is subjective but at
depends who you are is subjective but at
depends who you are is subjective but at the same time a lot of the times I’ve
the same time a lot of the times I’ve
the same time a lot of the times I’ve realized that it’s not just about saying
realized that it’s not just about saying
realized that it’s not just about saying okay let’s just throw out all the things
okay let’s just throw out all the things
okay let’s just throw out all the things negative in life because that’s not life
negative in life because that’s not life
negative in life because that’s not life I mean you go outside and look around
I mean you go outside and look around
I mean you go outside and look around see people struggles on their face you
see people struggles on their face you
see people struggles on their face you realize that we’re living in a universe
realize that we’re living in a universe
realize that we’re living in a universe of duality and there are many beauties
of duality and there are many beauties
of duality and there are many beauties on this planet but at the same time
on this planet but at the same time
on this planet but at the same time there’s a lot of ugliness and for me I
there’s a lot of ugliness and for me I
there’s a lot of ugliness and for me I found the most empowering thing is not
found the most empowering thing is not
found the most empowering thing is not to run away from the ugliness of the
to run away from the ugliness of the
to run away from the ugliness of the world a lot of
world a lot of
world a lot of people even when I’m making these video
people even when I’m making these video
people even when I’m making these video sometimes I make a lot of positive so
sometimes I make a lot of positive so
sometimes I make a lot of positive so called positive videos and it gets a big
called positive videos and it gets a big
called positive videos and it gets a big response and sometimes I make a lot of
response and sometimes I make a lot of
response and sometimes I make a lot of so-called negative videos not they’re
so-called negative videos not they’re
so-called negative videos not they’re not even negative they’re just talking
not even negative they’re just talking
not even negative they’re just talking about the ugliness of the world and they
about the ugliness of the world and they
about the ugliness of the world and they also get a big response but at the same
also get a big response but at the same
also get a big response but at the same time a lot of people sometimes people
time a lot of people sometimes people
time a lot of people sometimes people come in oh you know but stay positive
come in oh you know but stay positive
come in oh you know but stay positive and stay all of these things and it’s
and stay all of these things and it’s
and stay all of these things and it’s like and when I make my positive video
like and when I make my positive video
like and when I make my positive video some people are like oh well can’t you
some people are like oh well can’t you
some people are like oh well can’t you see the ugliness of the world it says
see the ugliness of the world it says
see the ugliness of the world it says it’s a no-win situation but really I
it’s a no-win situation but really I
it’s a no-win situation but really I found you have to have a balance always
found you have to have a balance always
found you have to have a balance always and yes we have to stay positive but at
and yes we have to stay positive but at
and yes we have to stay positive but at the same time we can’t stay delusional
the same time we can’t stay delusional
the same time we can’t stay delusional we can’t because one thing as well this
we can’t because one thing as well this
we can’t because one thing as well this is the biggest thing this is what
is the biggest thing this is what
is the biggest thing this is what actually freed me from a lot of
actually freed me from a lot of
actually freed me from a lot of self-help books to realize that
self-help books to realize that
self-help books to realize that essentially we are the living book and
essentially we are the living book and
essentially we are the living book and no book no authority no religion no
no book no authority no religion no
no book no authority no religion no organization is going to show you the
organization is going to show you the
organization is going to show you the way you have to do it and it was
way you have to do it and it was
way you have to do it and it was essentially a lot of these self-help
essentially a lot of these self-help
essentially a lot of these self-help books these positive thinking books they
books these positive thinking books they
books these positive thinking books they say things like just think and manifests
say things like just think and manifests
say things like just think and manifests your creation just think you don’t have
your creation just think you don’t have
your creation just think you don’t have to do anything you can just sleep and
to do anything you can just sleep and
to do anything you can just sleep and just think about the world you want to
just think about the world you want to
just think about the world you want to live in think about the money you want
live in think about the money you want
live in think about the money you want to attract think about the beautiful
to attract think about the beautiful
to attract think about the beautiful relationship you want to attract and
relationship you want to attract and
relationship you want to attract and it’s magically gonna appear and I tried
it’s magically gonna appear and I tried
it’s magically gonna appear and I tried that and it didn’t work so the next step
that and it didn’t work so the next step
that and it didn’t work so the next step was to realize that this isn’t working
was to realize that this isn’t working
was to realize that this isn’t working and then I realized suddenly it’s not
and then I realized suddenly it’s not
and then I realized suddenly it’s not just about thinking things into
just about thinking things into
just about thinking things into existence it’s about acting upon them
existence it’s about acting upon them
existence it’s about acting upon them it’s about action and that’s why a lot
it’s about action and that’s why a lot
it’s about action and that’s why a lot of people who get things done in this
of people who get things done in this
of people who get things done in this reality is because they are acting they
reality is because they are acting they
reality is because they are acting they are putting their thoughts into actions
are putting their thoughts into actions
are putting their thoughts into actions it’s not just about thinking in a
it’s not just about thinking in a
it’s not just about thinking in a valiant and closing your eyes you have
valiant and closing your eyes you have
valiant and closing your eyes you have to work you have to put these muscles to
to work you have to put these muscles to
to work you have to put these muscles to work the body is a vehicle
work the body is a vehicle
work the body is a vehicle and that’s it not another self-help book
and that’s it not another self-help book
and that’s it not another self-help book buzz positive thinking there are some
buzz positive thinking there are some
buzz positive thinking there are some great books out there though but for me
great books out there though but for me
great books out there though but for me I just realized that we are the living
I just realized that we are the living
I just realized that we are the living book and we have to study ourselves
book and we have to study ourselves
book and we have to study ourselves first and foremost and we have to
first and foremost and we have to
first and foremost and we have to embrace both positive and negative
embrace both positive and negative
embrace both positive and negative because it’s like in this society we we
because it’s like in this society we we
because it’s like in this society we we look at things which are positive and we
look at things which are positive and we
look at things which are positive and we say they’re lights come to the lights
say they’re lights come to the lights
say they’re lights come to the lights come to the step away from the darkness
come to the step away from the darkness
come to the step away from the darkness so we’ve all through the language we’re
so we’ve all through the language we’re
so we’ve all through the language we’re also programmed to see dark things as
also programmed to see dark things as
also programmed to see dark things as being negative when really and truly
being negative when really and truly
being negative when really and truly it’s in our darkest moments where we
it’s in our darkest moments where we
it’s in our darkest moments where we really find ourselves and we sometimes
really find ourselves and we sometimes
really find ourselves and we sometimes gather the most strength because during
gather the most strength because during
gather the most strength because during the day you can’t see your innermost
the day you can’t see your innermost
the day you can’t see your innermost self it’s when you go to sleep and you
self it’s when you go to sleep and you
self it’s when you go to sleep and you start dreaming and that’s where people
start dreaming and that’s where people
start dreaming and that’s where people become illuminated even more but it’s
become illuminated even more but it’s
become illuminated even more but it’s not about just throwing our darkside
not about just throwing our darkside
not about just throwing our darkside away it’s about embracing it and
away it’s about embracing it and
away it’s about embracing it and learning from both sides who remain
learning from both sides who remain
learning from both sides who remain neutral and to grow to great greater
neutral and to grow to great greater
neutral and to grow to great greater heights but this is it not another
heights but this is it not another
heights but this is it not another self-help book
self-help book
self-help book infinite waters diving deep in front of
infinite waters diving deep in front of
infinite waters diving deep in front of the sunshine stay well stay positive
the sunshine stay well stay positive
the sunshine stay well stay positive stay negative stay neutral peace

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