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Lights Out – Connecting Back to Universal Law & Rhythm!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again in front of the sunshine lights
out is modern electricity making us all
mad there’s a great book called lights
out but even from my own research before
I just realized that we are funny old
law aren’t we as human beings that we
have the sunlight and the moment the Sun
Goes Down we go home and then we turn on
the lights again and some of us we may
not go to bed till 11 sometimes twelve
o’clock sometimes even one or two in the
morning depending on what you’re doing
but we really redefine the rules when it
comes to lighting and electricity and
how we use it as human beings and I’m
just realizing that in ancient times
when a lot of us when we went to bed
when we followed the universe or rhythm
and when we went to bed when the Sun
went down people would burn candles and
this is organic life and people didn’t
really have all of these mental issues
we have today they didn’t have all of
these problems because in my mind they
were following the universal cycle the
natural laws of the universe and when
the Sun is down just like the birds
that’s how they can wake up that you’re
waking me up from my sleep they’re
singing all around because they follow
how come these birds they have so much
energy in the morning waking up at six
o’clock flying all around the place
what’s going on because they are
following nature’s divine laws and
lights out is like a lot of us I’ve just
realized something i find fascinating
because a lot of the times i’m i’m
saying okay if a lot of times if i go to
bed as soon as the Sun Goes Down I’ve
done that when I’ve been on holiday
sometimes I just wake up with so much
more energy just the next day I have so
much more life force within me ready to
do this ready to do that and on a
biological level I’m just
realizing how what happens science of
behind it is that when the Sun Goes Down
and then you turn on the light again
essentially that messes up the serotonin
and melatonin levels within the body so
essentially what happens is that it
tricks the body and therefore there’s
almost a hormonal imbalance within the
body and therefore that’s why a lot of
people can get moody in the morning if
they’ve stayed up for too long but all
of this extra light it’s affecting the
homeostasis within the body the balance
and yes we can adapt as human beings we
can adapt to anything and everyone works
differently some genius is they work in
the morning and then they sleep during
the day but for me I just realized that
to follow nature’s law sometime that’s
what I’m striving to do more and more to
realize that it’s also linked in with
nutrition as well because essentially
what happens is that when you eat when
the Sun is up and you stop eating when
the Sun is down essentially I’ve
experimented this and basically
everything flows so smooth but
essentially when you turn the light on
when you get home from wherever you’ve
been in the streets you come home you
turn the light on what happens is
essentially that tricks the body to
thinking it’s daytime again so all of
those hormones essentially it’s like
you’re waking up again and that’s why
people start feeling hungry when they
come home from work because it’s trick
the body to think always the morning
time so people start eating at nine
o’clock at night ten o’clock at my
eleven o’clock at night because the body
is thinking it’s the daytime however if
people actually go to bed when it’s dark
then the body shuts down and then
therefore you can rest it can rejuvenate
but lights out is modern electricity
making us mad
i find this topic fascinating and share
your thoughts as well because it may not
just be the lights it could also be
human greed as well which is also making
us crazy how we can’t really just be we
always have to do we always have to to
do something and just like saying that
work was the first invention to cure
man’s boredom because a lot of us we
wouldn’t know what to do if we had all
the time in the world but I would and I
know a lot of people who would as well
the lights out turn the lights out peace
infinite waters stay well stay in the
sunshine getting that vitamin D piece you

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