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kemet prince1 acapella

yeah consciousness came it prints a
cappella yes yes thank you you’re so
kind been saying hey this is our man Dre
I flow in harmony and I love my people
man it’s not hard to see I take it back
to the Egypt era when you can see
yourself look in the mirror let’s get
down to business because black people we
got a lot of work to do let’s take it
back to the basics because most of us
yet we’re still caught in a matrix
internet cell phones TV iPods went from
I am too and I was from Pharaohs to
rappers I want bling American Idol girl
you can’t sing from the Nile Valley to
London New York dr. ben dr. John they
all knew it and we all know it yep
unfortunately we don’t show it first to
Dillon agriculture books to read from
the papyrus seed we did it all man
calendars time yeah we did it all man
healthy living you are what you eat so
we weren’t chicken we were more like
green vegetables from the natural plants
we did the natural dance Sun worship all
over the place
black people were all over the place
melanin doc man I look in the universe
the biggest baddest strongest that lived
I’m the fastest man on the planet and
when I run nine seconds it’s not to show
off to you is to tell you what I’m about
my striker energy will blow you to
smithereens wake up this is not a dream
I went to sleep now I’m awake look what
happens to the world when I take a break
so tragic when people see the world
people isolated like you and your girl
the answer is in the question so what
makes black black get it so I’m a good
you a god he a god she a goddess
I’m just being modest Hippocrates please
and we’ll set yes you let’s get it
together the true medicine let’s not get
it confused this is what I do decrypt
the coded languages they give them back
to you the truth that can’t be told it
has to be felt find out for yourself
what the real is then you’ll know what
the deal is I go all around aglow with
ankle my neck not a cross so don’t get
cross this is a truth cam it prints a
cappella yes yes

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