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cultural lenses

hello this is chemic prince one here I
just want to talk to you black people
and everyone that wants to listen about
why your schools have failed you why
your science has failed you why your
beliefs have failed you and why you
failed yourself let me start by saying
that science medicine mathematics they
are all cultural languages therefore you
cannot have culture without science you
cannot have culture without a medicine
medicine is a way of culture just like
there is not one type of food there is
not one type of music and there
certainly isn’t one type of medicine or
one type of science for that matter
Chinese medicine is totally different
from Western medicine fact you can look
it up the Chinese deal with meridians
and specific points the Asians deal with
what do Africans deal with tell me what
I’m trying to say is that black people
in the Diaspora I live in London and on
the continent have to start to
understand which cultural lenses they’re
looking through let me give you an
example if you go to the doctor and you
say something is wrong with you if
you’re a black person in London or in
the United States they would measure you
under a european standard which is
physiologically different from yourself
therefore you would not receive an
simply I’m saying to people everyone
that’s listening now know thyself and
know whose culture you are living
through now a lot of people will say
okay you know blacks who have lost a lot
of our culture anyway through the slave
trade through invasions yep you can say
that yes you can say that but at the
same time so much of our culture has
been preserved through the museum’s true
if you go back to Egypt now which was
called Kemet you can see everything
they’ve even will tell you that him otep
who was really the father of medicine
Prosser performed the first brain
surgery way before he properties what
I’m trying to say is that the African
culture was always different and that’s
why we’re suffering here in the West
simply because we’ve adopted someone
else’s culture you see once people can
find their niche and find their culture
then they will be in balance but you see
many African people don’t even realize
that the food that they’re putting in
their mouth is not even or does not even
have an affinity with the cells in their
body you see back in ancient Africa if
they were to tell you that you didn’t
drink milk you never ate pork or beef
you would think he’s lying
but the truth is we didn’t our bodies
were alkali and therefore we had a high
intake of green vegetables if you look
at the mummies in the tombs that they
found in Egypt none of them had cavities
or fillings you see what I’m trying to
say is that when you live in your
original culture it benefits you in such
a substantial way that your whole body
metamorphosize so ask yourself today
whose cultural lenses are you looking
through that’s a question I’m gonna post
everyone on the YouTube whose cultural
lens are you looking through because if
I’m a black man who’s looking through a
Chinese person’s cultural lens I’m gonna
be living like a Chinese person and I’m
not Chinese you see what I’m trying to say so

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