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important message – The Best Way to Fail INSTANTLY!!!

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers shout
out to you we are out here in the heart
of nature baby chillaxing just wolf
shout out to you and yours but you
sometimes wake up and feel like a
failure are you always failing in life
I’ve got news for you I fail every
single day in fact it’s healthy to be a
failure but after a while it gets kind
of boring do you know the best way to
fail it is to please everyone wait a
you can’t please everyone so you’re
trying to please everyone your friend
your mum your dad your brother your
sister your auntie your uncle that
person over there what the hell is that
that person over there okay so many
demands on you you are trying to fulfill
everybody’s wishes but in the process
you are forgetting about your own needs
you’re forgetting about filling your own
cup you see what helped me along my
journey become successful and how
successful people think is that you have
to learn how to fill your own cup you
cannot pour from an empty cup yes you
might please other people but in the
process you disrespect yourself because
you’re not listening to your true hearts
so forget about pleasing people continue
if you want to fail cuz that’s the best
way to fail start listening to yourself
and start moving in the direction of
what makes you truly happy and once you
do that deep dive as well you just say
they also get to be a live baby can I
beautiful deep divers we are out here in
the heart of nature have an amazing day
we’re just whoa breathing in that good a
spur on a baby when even had breakfast
yet infinite waters diving deep once
again stay well stay healthy peace you
the best way to fail is to try and
please everybody please like me please
love me I don’t care if you do or not
the cat down the road does that’s the
only thing that matters and I love me that’s the only thing that matters

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