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peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again we are out here in the heart
of nature baby beautiful day with just
whoa breathing in that good ass prana
baby and we ain’t even had breakfast yet
oh you have your eyes set on the prize I
see yes that’s how a lot of us live our
lives on the planet we are so focused on
the prize is that you do you want that
what trophy that one oh yes you know the
one you see so many people are so
focused on the trophy but they don’t
want to do the training they’re so
focused on getting themselves to the
finish line but they don’t want to run
the race they’re so focused about the
destination they forget about the
process and what’s helped me along my
journey beautiful deep divers is to love
the training not just the prize love the
destination but more so love the process
even more don’t just focus on the prize
train for it I made a lot of people who
have this entitlement they think the
world owes them something I’ve got news
for you the world doesn’t owe you
anything at all so don’t just say oh I
just want to hang out at the finish line
run the race love what you do every
single day and then you’ll be chillin at
the finish line with me and the cat down
the road and the dolphin
and then you’ll just say oh so get to be
a live baby can I get a hello I’m
waiting even had breakfast yet you got
to do the work you got to love what you
do and then the trophies the trophies
will come no come don’t worry about it
well breathing in that good Asrani baby
have a beautiful day deep divers
infinite waters diving deep once again
we are out here in the hardened nature
baby stay well stay healthy peace
you oh you’re still focusing on the
price you better do the training for
[Music] you

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