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If You’re Losing Friends, WATCH THIS! “It’s Actually Great”

peace and finit waters diving deep once
again deep divers we are out here take
that take that take that and take that
beautiful energy scent from me to you
we just whoa breathing in that good oz
prana baby such a beautiful day now
first and foremost let’s get one thing
straight deep divers you want a
subscriber of Ralph smart you want a fan
of Ralph smart you our friend anybody
who has ever watched my videos who vibes
with me I don’t see you as subscribers I
don’t see you as fans kind of fan no no
I see you as friends I see you as family
I’m talking about the deep divers who
have been with me from the start
you are truly appreciated you are family
I’m sending you a huge hug from the cat
down the road night you see I know what
it’s like
many times people write to me and
they’re like Ralph I thought she was my
friend I thought he was my friend
why did they talk behind my back why did
they betray me you see what I’ve
realized is that we never lose friends
we only find out who the true ones are
slow motion this side and what’s
empowered me deep divers is to connect
with people who remind me who I am
is to surround myself with inspiring
beings who lift me higher is to surround
myself with people who have my best
interest at hand is to surround myself
with people who aren’t only there when
I’m in Hawaii
chillin on the beach sipping a mango
juice no but are also there when I fall
on my ass and once that happens deep
divers then you know well they’re a real
friend and then well you just say they
also get to be a live baby can I get a
hello hey wonderful deep divers you are
truly amazing and truly appreciate it
let’s just whoa breathing in that good a
spur on the baby and shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the good
ass prana shirts Ralph’s Montcalm slash
clothes you look so fabulous if you’ve
got a question add me on instagram at
infinite waters deep divers have a
beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you right
now is time to get with your reflections
[Music] you

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