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Stop Overthinking. Start Overdoing

you know can you think about anybody
that’s not a bigger fall than Tiger
Woods I’m talking about just a few years
ago Tiger went from being the guy that’s
about to chase Jack Nicholas and become
the greatest goat of all time maybe even
bigger than a Michael Jordan type of a
name everybody wanted to be in golf
everybody minorities Caucasians
african-americans those who never golf
became golfers what happened because of
one guy and then suddenly there’s that
story about his Cadillac and his wife
and he’s 16 women these names that come
out and he goes on his fall and in the
back injuries after back injuries after
surgeries and then everybody said it’s
over with what does this guy do comes in
Wednesday tournament his a DA took him
what is it 1832 days I don’t know the
exact timeline but it was almost five
years – six years on what he did what’s
the moral the story the moral the story
is this to think one man we love to see
people go to the top and fall but we
even love it more when they make a
comeback second part of the story is
this as embarrassing and humiliating
anything can be that happened to you in
your life if Tiger can come back from
that with billions of people watching
him on the news every day about what he
did and everyone knowing the mistake he
made I think you can too as well
because odds are whatever you did wrong
whatever embarrassing it was it’s
probably not billions of people maybe
it’s a hundred two hundred maybe even
five thousand people so don’t feel too
bad about it’s not the end of the world
good news about the world it’s forgiving
it allows you to come back and share
your story where you become a testimony
for somebody else to realize that after
a big fall after a big mishap you can
make a comeback stop a killer week this
week take everybody bye-bye you
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