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How to Trust the Universe and Embrace the Unknown

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
gorgeous day but are you scared right
are you looking a bit shaky because you
don’t know what the future holds like
massive life changes all of a sudden and
you’re losing trust how to trust the
universe and embrace the unknown let’s
just whoa breathing in that good ass
piranha baby that’s the question that
came in so someone else Ralph I’m very
scared of what the future holds for me
like I see life being so unpredictable
Ralph is unbelievable like nothing is
guaranteed how can I trust the universe
and embrace the unknown deep divers do
you sometimes wake up and feel a little
bit shaky baby and we and even have
so shout out to everybody first and
foremost who’s been getting the much at
Ralph smart dog home slash clothes the
good oz prana shucks and that’s how I
trust the universe
I’m embraced the unknown I stopped by
whoa breathing in that good a spur on a
baby connecting reconnecting back to my
breath a calm inside influences our
outer world right so start by breathing
whoa that good ass prana baby Eco
therapy head back to nature right now
you see I’ve realized this along my
journey because I love my early journey
I was scared I was working in a job I
wasn’t really happy I wanted just to be
free and I’m like how can I trust the
universe and really embrace the unknown
because right now it looks frightening
you see what’s helped me along my
journey is to realize we control nothing
nothing nothing nothing nothing we don’t
control anything that happens to us out
there what we do control is our response
what we do control is our internal
condition but we are governed by
everything around us we can become
alchemists but we have to remember we
have to remember that we are not in
control either the reason why oh you’re
looking a bit shaky baby is because
you’ve tried to control everything your
entire life and now you’re like actually
I don’t control anything you know in
your subconscious mind you can’t control
the future you cannot control the future
because it hasn’t even happened here but
what you can control is your internal
condition right now
the future is nothing more than a
continuation of present moments slow
motion this side
beautiful deep divers what’s helped me
along my journey trust the universe and
embrace the unknown plain and simple is
to realize relax Rex
nothing is under control when I left
University I went to Brazil and I was
like scared at first but then I was
traveling from state to state Salvador
Bahia right here Janeiro all of the
states what the lands are all of the
states in Brazil I was just hopping
around hopping on planes and I’m like it
was I was scared at first but after
afterwards I’m like this is actually
kind of fun because I’m like sometimes
when you really change your attitude
towards the unknown it becomes less
frightening and then it becomes the most
exhilarating feeling ever you’re like oh
my gosh I love the unknown because I
love surprises
Forrest Gump life is like a box of dark
chocolate you never know what you’re
gonna get right so realize you are not
in control of out there
in here though it’s a different story
you can be in control of how you respond
to the universe life is not something
happening to you
it is responding to you that is always
your power you see I’ve learned this to
trust the universe and embrace the
unknown many of us get caught in
overthinking analyzing analysis is
what’s slow motion this side if you are
always caught up in the analytical mind
you won’t trust anything and you will
fear the unknown so I had to learn that
I’m a Pisces I’m a dreamer but I love my
early journey I’m like okay why am i
overthinking I’m ruminating right now
you see overthinking never changes the
however radical action can stop
overthinking if you’re thinking and
thinking and thinking and thinking and
thinking and thinking and thinking and
thinking and thinking mysticism
I’m thinking about doing something it’s
time to do it I was thinking for a long
time to travel around the whole world
and I’m like I keep thinking about this
and now now it’s getting really scary
the moment I started to do it I met
amazing people okay I even traveled solo
to Brazil and I met amazing people had a
girlfriend from Brazil amazing woman
right we’re still friends look it was
just so fantastic because you meet
people along the way
so take the leap of faith
the universe reveals a secrets to those
who dare to follow their hearts life is
not perfect life is real it’s soft it’s
hard it’s sharp okay it’s hot it’s cold
it’s everything okay that could be your
perfect it may not be my perfect but
life is incredibly real and the moment
you start stepping into radical action
you free yourself from the analytical
mind because assumptions make bad
yikes I Caramba slow motion this side
and we’ve been looking at a person deep
divers and you’re like oh I’m not sure
if I can trust this person I’m afraid of
what’s gonna happen next and you’re just
staring at them and now this fear this
false evidence appearing real is
building up you now you now actually go
and talk to them and they are like the
most friendly person they’re the
friendliest person in the world you’re
like oh my gosh I should have just spoke
to them like five hours ago instead of
just judging them and analyzing them
okay so overthinking does not change
action it does not change your situation
it does not change your circumstances
but radical action will stop your
overthinking and it will actually move
you forward how to trust the universe
and embrace the unknown
you see I’m always
whoa breathing in that good ass piranha
baby and in nature I feel incredibly
calm full of serenity but it wasn’t
always like this because I was out of
tune with myself I always say we are
like instruments I’ve been playing the
classical guitar for many years and you
gotta tune it if you want a good sound
out of it and it’s the same thing for
human beings
if we don’t tune ourselves come into
balance we’re not gonna produce a good
sound it’s that simple
we’re gonna be out of tune baby and the
cat down the road is gonna walk away
because it’s not like it doesn’t want to
listen to that today it’s like ain’t
nobody got time for that today
right so I’m like an instrument I’m like
I’m like an instrument right now I’m
shooting myself the breath to breathe in
that good ass piranha baby is the
conductor of this beautiful symphony
right so find your Center right now find
your Center right now to trust the
universe and embrace the unknown because
the calmer you become inside the calmer
the world on the outside appears mmm
slow motion this type
deep divers ever ever been so full of
anxiety panic and now the whole world
looks like so scary monsters everywhere
and now the unknown is also like a
gremlin really scary so that was how it
was for me until I started to meditate
in meditation in its essence is
absorbing yourself in the present moment
and that’s how to trust the universe
okay and embrace the unknown but we have
to realize our body is the universe it’s
made from the same fabric as the
universe so you have to reconnect with
yourself to be in alignment with
yourself and that’s how you learn how to
trust the universe trust the process
trust yourself because you are the
universe and embrace the unknown find
your Center I do this in a very
practical way through skating walking
massaging the cat down the road and
saying can I get a Hello that really
keeps me in my Center okay
so learn how to connect reconnect with
your body whether it’s yoga going to the
gym swimming walking running whatever it
is for you but the body is the
subconscious mind the more we reconnect
back to our body
okay our ancestors used to walk ours
every single day and that’s why they
were so strong okay so that’s what I’m
always doing
total body awareness which is the
ultimate form of meditation that’s how
you trust the universe and embrace the
alignment let’s talk about alignment
okay so I’m born on March 2 that’s 3 3
so whenever you see me saying 33 Club on
Instagram what am I talking about 33 is
the number of illumination ascended
masters we have 33 vertebrae in our
spinal column right so 33 is the master
teacher 33 is the master teacher so
alignment is key if you want to learn
how to trust the universe and embrace
the unknown you have to be in alignment
because once you are in alignment to the
truth of who you are everything else
will fall into place once you change one
area of your life all other areas will
change slow motion this side have you
ever noticed that Deep Diver sometimes
in a really heated argument and then you
go home you don’t even eat and then you
shout at someone else it’s called kick
the cat syndrome and this abdominal
effect of negative energy however if
you’re smiling at someone or you just
made love to a beautiful woman or man or
you just kiss the cat down the road or
you just feel good to be alive or you’re
smiling you’re in good health you just
went for a run
maybe escape now that creates a domino
effect of positive events and
circumstances in your life once you
change one area of your life all other
areas will change simultaneously based
on that vibrational frequency what
slow motion this side
so that’s how I trust the universe and
embrace the unknown it all starts with
you it all starts with moving in
alignment to your highest nature and
then when worried about nothing you
don’t have to worry about anything cuz
everything will take care of itself the
reason why you are scared of your future
is because you are not planting seeds
right now no slow motion but it deserves
one how to trust the universe and
embrace the unknown many times deep
divers have you ever noticed if you’re
in a really bad mood upset depressed
anxious panicky what happens you don’t
really eat well a lot of people say
Ralph I’ve lost my appetite
maybe it’s work stress at work maybe
it’s a relationship problem you stopped
eating and now you’re so scared cuz
you’re just like I just need to think
about this situation
but once again overthinking never
changes the situation only action does
so I always say this eat the same and
I’ve tried this ok always eat the same
beautiful plant-based food 7 day vegan
challenge so if I’m having a really bad
day or if I’m afraid if I’m afraid of
what the future holds and I’m thinking
about it I’m like hey past me that
papaya juice
pass me that watermelon those grapes
that avocado okay it’s time to juice up
pass me those superfoods the Moringa
shout out to the Moringa people in the
house who loved Moringa powder super
powerful food shout out to the ìiî live
the blue-green algae people in the house
shout out to the nuts people and what
not what’s your favorite nuts Ralph I
like Brazil nuts pistachios okay Brazil
nuts high in selenium vitamin E keep
your skin soft good eat those kinds of
foods when you are afraid what the
future holds eat those kinds of foods
when you are afraid of what the future
holds because once again when you are
eating beautiful organic plant-based
foods you’re in balance you’re in
alignment and once again whenever you
are in alignment everything will take
care of itself get your mind right get
your body right get your diet right eat
better live better feel better how to
trust the universe and embrace the
unknown you see deep divers was helped
me along my journey is what I call the
beauty in one step
ego says when everything falls into
place I will be at peace spirit says be
at peace right now and then everything
will fall into place mm-hmm what’s
slow-motion inside let me repeat that
ego says once everything in my life
falls into place I will be at peace
spirit says be at peace right now and
then everything will fall into place
that’s how to trust the universe and
embrace the unknown you can’t do a
million things at once where your
subconscious mind can that’s another
right can do a trillion things at once
look it’s the beauty of one step I’m
always taking one step at a time
I’m never overwhelming myself and this
really helps me to trust the universe
trust the process trust everything in my
life myself my friends the cat down the
road because once again I’m taking one
step at a time
many of us we don’t trust the universe
we don’t trust ourselves we are the
universe we don’t trust the unknown
because once again we are multitasking
we know we’re doing this we’re not
giving it 100% effort or that or that or
that or that or that therefore of course
the future is gonna look very scary so
what I always love to do is find the
beauty in one step it’s one step at a
time that will get you there it’s one
block of stone at a time that will help
you build a pyramid exactly right so one
step at a time the turtle always wins
the race go just go it doesn’t matter
how long it takes you just move right
you’ll get there I’ll see you when you
get there how to trust the universe and
embrace the unknown you see what’s
helped me is to find the beauty in the
present moment okay
many sages have talked about how
all we have is right now in university I
was inspired by a great psychologist by
the name of Fritz Perls the founder of
guessed out counseling and therapy okay
and that’s what actually made me become
a psychologist he talked about how you
have to lose your mind and come to your
senses that’s how to trust the universe
and embrace the unknown why is actually
talking about goes back to ancient Egypt
Sumeria mindfulness meditation ancient
China okay
the art of Zen this art of mindfulness
where you lose your mind which is the
ego and now you come into your senses
what am I wait a minute good oz prana
smells so good baby okay that’s how to
trust the universe and embrace the
unknown you see what’s helped me every
single day is to surrender you have to
learn how to surrender okay
surrender to everything and once you are
surrendering you are releasing
resistance that’s how to trust the
universe and embrace the unknown
surrender say actually I surrender the
universe do whatever you want to do
because once again you’re not in control
it’s time for you to come back into
balance and then you smile in the
silence that’s how to embrace the
unknown and trust the universe realize
it’s okay to be fearful up until a
slip-up until a certain point but then
you have to say actually what is better
for my health to be worrying all the
time worrying is a misuse of imagination
worrying is a misuse of imagination it’s
time to start trusting again because
it’s better for our health so just
realize that hey none of us know what
the future holds but how I trust the
universe is just the focus on what I’m
doing right now all there is is right
now you don’t have to worry about the
future because it doesn’t actually exist
neither does the past the only thing
that exists is right now in this moment
start planting the seeds right now so
you can enjoy the fruits of tomorrow and
then well you just say feel so good to
be alive baby can I get a hello
beautiful deep divers we’re out here in
the heart of nature have no fear Ralph
is here we’re just whoa breathing in
that good ass Prada baby infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy peace you ice around the
universe that’s what you got to say I
surrender put your hands up I surrender
that’s how you trust the universe let it do its thing it’s got you

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