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How to Stop Your Ego Ruling You and Pushing Other People Away

peas and Finnick waters diving deep once
again we are out here baby in nature
whoa breathing in that good ass prana
feels good feeling that Chi invade my
nostrils baby how to stop your ego
ruling you and pushing other people away
oh what a great question now I get over
a thousand questions every single day
ego ah I’ve connected with over 83
million people baby ego don’t you know
I’ve nearly got a million subscribers on
YouTube ego I’m the best ego I’ve been a
vegan for over 12 years eco I own my own
ego I mean even had breakfast champ can
I get a Hello now here we’re gonna dive
into what is the ego is that the ego is
it not how to stop the ego from ruling
you how can the ego help you how to stop
pushing people away how to bring people
closer to you now what people have to
understand understand and overstand
I’m gonna share with you what’s helped
me along my journey about the ego okay a
lot of people’s might say people like
Muhammad Ali the great one said I’m the
best right people might say oh that’s
ego but actually he was the greatest
right and he used the ego to help
himself become his greatest version so
therefore it worked in his favor slow
motion this side
I’m here to tell you there is nothing
wrong with your ego
what is the ego we got to go back to
ancient Greece right ancient Egypt
now in ancient Greece you had actors the
theater they had a mask on and they were
talking through their masks little hole
right and they were saying weird words
and that’s when acting really began
persona / meaning through Sona sound
through sound and Latin / Sona
/ Sona
right Greek persona so what helped me
along my journey is to realize this now
the ego is the artificial self it is not
who you really are but it will trick you
into believing that is who you really
and get you into a lot of trouble ego is
a three-letter word that can destroy a
12-letter word called a relationship
slow motion this side mmm
it was all good just a week ago uh-oh
so for me the ego I am not my ego I’m
going to share with you ten simple ways
to stop the ego ruling your life and
pushing people out of your life that
probably could have scratched you back
you could have done that for you baby
what’s the first secret the ego was
created for your survival that’s why the
ego is not negative right the ego is a
survival mechanism created during your
evolutionary process here on planet
if something is coming towards you as
super fast beats yet your your ego oh my
gosh it’s going to help you like dodge
and dive okay the ego is connected to
the subconscious mind it’s survival
there was a time on the planet where
human beings had to survive we didn’t
have the technology we didn’t know we
didn’t have to know how to build
building so we had to find whatever we
could set up campfires and stuff so the
ego came in very handy because the ego
did whatever it could to survive to help
you survive so you got to thank the ego
but now we don’t have to survive because
abundance is our natural state
abundance is our natural state so what
helped me along my journey to stop the
ego ruling me pushing people away is to
say ego I got this sit down sit back
down right I don’t need to survive
anymore I don’t have wild animals
chasing after me only the cattle in the
hood okay the ego will consume you if
you are not careful and turn you into
something you are not gotta watch out
what’s the second secret help me along
my journey the ego was designed to help
you learn more about contrast
you see oneness what I discovered is the
only truth on the planet that’s why
there are no races
no religions no politics
it’s all one no nationalities no
countries so when I started to realize
this I said I’ve been in ego my whole
life because I actually thought I
believed her I belong to a country I
thought I was this name this profession
this job my bank balance ego separates
always ego is created to separate
to separate you away from your authentic
self to take you away from the truth
which is oneness we are all made of the
same fabric as the universe so I started
to realize okay I saw how sometimes
growing up I would see other people as a
certain way I would judge them instantly
the ego loves to judge when you judge
you separate slow motion this side but
you are separate you are steered away
from your authentic self so what happens
is that in the ego many people lose who
they really are because you are separate
from the oneness of who you actually are
and the oneness who were your love so
what helped me along my journey was to
say I get it you see the ego is not
negative and it’s not positive it’s
something which is there to teach you
about what you should not become right
is showing you about the separation
you need that built into the matrix
design of planet Earth because without
contrast we would never know about
oneness slow motion this side without
contrast we would never know about
oneness seven day vegan challenge play
with the hamster play with some acai yes
do that as well but play with the hands
play play with the hamster I grew up
with hamsters okay I grew up with a
hamster I love hamsters and I used to
see it going round and round and I’m
like that’s a cool-ass hamster then I
started to get really attached to this
hamster then I realized oh my gosh it’s
actually a living being actually has
feelings animals have feelings so can
you imagine if I grew up if I grew up
with a cow oh my god
Shh you imagine if I grow up with a cow
or a pig like people who are who have
grown up with a dog or a cat know how
attached they can become to animals so
it’s no different from a farm animal
right so I started to go to farms and
realize that I’ve been in my ego for so
long just eating animals against their
so I said enough of that pass me those
blueberries and let me fill my body up
with health and they feel fantastic
right who would who who am I to say I am
better than this animal like that’s ego
once again so once again you got to ask
yourself how am i letting my ego rule me
from the foods I consume number four
layers ok along my journey I got the job
I graduated I was in the best
relationship and I said ok that’s great
but this isn’t really who I am I am NOT
my job I am NOT my bank balance and I’m
not this skin color I’m not this belief
system I am so much more than that
I am indescribable ok so I was listening
to a lot of Krishnamurti had my mentor
Mikkel I’ve enough great master
my mum and the cat down the road I got
inspired I said you see we let the ego
rule us because we create filters and
censorship so I started to realize okay
why am I always trying to hide away like
I gotta be vulnerable okay and that’s
how to stop pushing people away stop
hiding yourself and also realize that
stop believing in this superficial self
you’ve created right you want to look
cool and this that’s amazing but is it
you is it authentic okay
so I started to take off the filters and
live an unedited life
that’s why ain’t no edits in this baby
what’s number five you see the ego can
never touch people only the heart can do
that right and once I realize that what
really helped me along my journey was to
say I get it
the reason why I connect with so many
millions of people is because I have a
massive heart and the reason why anybody
does a lot of singers people like Lauryn
Hill all of these great singers is
because they have a massive heart Bob
Marley right
their music is what we call heart based
music you see ego has a limitation okay
and that’s how to stop letting it rule
you know the egos limitations the ego
pushes people away because the ego is
all about closing itself in it’s based
on separation the ego does not know how
to get on with anybody but itself so I
started to realize okay I get it why
would I want to be in the ego 100% when
it can’t reach people they can’t touch
people so the more you live in your
heart space I’m gonna do more videos on
the ego more videos on the heart space
okay people say where can I send your
question around I get so many questions
over a thousand the only place to send
it just Instagram me at infinite waters
DME I’ll check it out so I started to
realize that only the heart can touch
people the ego
can’t do that so realize egos
limitations and then more people will
start coming all around you where you
come from
exactly number six ego competes okay
stop competing with somebody else you
see two flowers they’re not competing
they are in what we call a symbiotic
relationship everything in nature works
together so what helped me along my
journey will to say hey I’m happy for
and then I started to see that we can’t
even compete anyway
competing is an illusion you see the ego
is all about control power and
domination I’m better than you
I’m faster than you the heart knows the
secret that everything is unique and
everybody is here for a totally
different reason
okay so that’s what’s helped me to stop
letting the ego rule me and to stop
pushing people away right right now
people just come come all around me baby
right number seven the ego divides okay
stop dividing yourself up into little
pieces saying this is me and that is me
here’s where it gets really trippy
because that one way you can use the ego
for great good like think of all the
people who use ego to create Wars and a
lot of problems on the planet in this
matrix think if you use your ego to
create more love and positivity you can
do that because the ego can actually be
used as a catalyst for great change so I
started to realize okay I’m going to use
the ego to create unity seven day vegan
challenge right so I’m always promoting
it because ultimately it leads back to
the oneness which is our divine
birthright which is being in optimum
slow motion insight
stop feeding the ego okay love eight we
feed the ego through our lower desires
that’s why the ego is connected to our
lower chakras the root chakra right as
you go up from the solar plexus move to
the brow chakra the crown chakra in your
heart space already ego ain’t nobody got
time for that but you see the lower
realms is where the ego lives just like
bacteria in a swamp you find lots of it
so ask yourself check this out
where am i staying where my ego is
growing let me repeat that where am i
staying where my ego is growing right I
realize sometimes along my journey my
ego grows when I take myself too
seriously check this out
oh oh oh now we’re back in the hot space
we take ourselves too seriously because
you have accepted you have believed in
this identity Society has given you you
are not your identity you are infinite
number nine what’s helped me is to spot
the ego know the ego before it comes
right and messes everything up
three-letter word that destroys a
12-letter word or the relationship you
got to spot your ego always keep the ego
in the back seat as it wants to take
over the driver say get back get to the
back seat then it goes back you need the
ego you don’t want to get rid of the ego
because the ego was created for your
survival you just got to know how to use
the ego at the right time make it work
for you to help you become your greatest
version like a cheerleader come on you
can do this that’s the ego which
actually propels you to the next level
slow motion this side you’ve got to know
how to spot the ego okay and that will
help you to stop letting it rule you and
bring more wonderful amazing people into
your life
number ten what helped me along my
journey is to know thyself right you’re
gonna be tried and tested in this world
as you get a better job as you earn more
money as you become more successful in
the world your ego will be fed more okay
how do you stay in the hot space at that
level well how do I do it right once
again I’m here for the people we’re here
for the deep divers and that’s why it’s
the same message become your greatest
version got to know thyself which means
you’ve got to go into the wilderness
you’ve got to realize that everything
society has taught you about who you are
is a lie and then you cry oh my god then
you wipe your tears and say I’m so much
more than this right
and you stopped believing in that
superficial self then you come back into
the authentic self now you can have
humble confidence right when you can be
humble and confident at the same time
but you can be passive and active at the
same time where you know your true power
and say feel so good to be a live baby
can I get a Hello Ted and wham bam thank
you ma’am
you’re just having fun and nature baby
whoa breathing in that good ah Sprunt
have a beautiful day if anyone is dying
date once again stay well stay healthy
you [Music]

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