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How to Stop People Pleasing || REVEALS PSYCHOLOGIST

please some thinner waters diving deep
once again we are out here in nature in
Jurassic Park baby love the birds
everywhere we just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby
how to stop people-pleasing I got a
question that came in from Sean who
asked Ralph how can I stop
it’s getting to the point now where I
just can’t stop it please help me and
they put please
we even had breakfast yet can I get a
Hello I’m gonna share with you what’s
helped me along my journey everything
about people pleasing Avalon I’m gonna
show you why people pleasing can be
amazing how he can help your life in
incredible ways and also how it might
cause you a lot of problems
okay growing up I always wanted to make
everybody happy and then I realize that
was impossible come to that later come
to that later so what’s the first secret
I learned is that it’s okay to people
please it is in fact natural for human
because we all connected and in ancient
times if you didn’t make other people
happy if you didn’t know the secrets of
people pleasing to get along with your
community and you would go hungry ah
yeah that’s right
you would be an outcast cast off into
the desert or the forests and never be
seen again
that is why till this day human beings
do everything they can to get liked
please like me cuz it’s survival
mechanism and all subconscious mind
we’re like if nobody likes me then
potentially I might be an outcast
inge dweller and then I may not be able
to eat today
goodness gracious I learn that I embrace
people pleasing
I love seeing other people happy I love
to see smiles on their face right be
somebody who makes everybody feel like
somebody now that sounds great but this
is where it gets to be a little bit
shaky baby you see if your desire to get
light if your effort to get light is
greater and the enjoyment of what you
slow motion aside let me repeat that if
your effort to get liked is greater than
your enjoyment in actually doing
whatever you’re doing and you got to be
problem and that is how so many of us
live our lives in modern society we want
to be liked to the point where we don’t
even like what we’re doing do you like
what you’re wearing no Ralph
why are you wearing it because I thought
you would like it I’m not gonna just you
but you will judge yourself and that’s
the only thing that matters your
perception of yourself is the only thing
that matters I started to realize that
is it really worth it when I first
started infinite waters I had a choice
to make I said I’m gonna really dive
deep I’m gonna talk about subjects most
people wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot
pole with a ten-foot pole baby we’re
gonna talk about the third eye
DMT marijuana how to love yourself
these were topics back in the day nobody
was talking about right that’s why this
channel has grown so much
because we were the first ones doing it
so what I started to discover was at
first it wasn’t popular it didn’t need
to be because it felt good which made me
continue to do it you see if you learn
how to please yourself first in the long
run you will have the last love slow
motion this side what’s the second
simple way to stop people pleasing so
we’ve said it is natural to people
please but a problem about people
pleasing if it’s done excessively is to
realize this most people wait for it
don’t wait for it no wait for it what
wait for it they want say that again or
else most people don’t know what they
want slow motion this side if you just
understand that you will never have a
problem with people pleasing ever again
I was doing the intro years ago P some
people were like Ralph I don’t like it
then the next day they were like Ralph I
really love you intro ain’t got nothing
to do with me I’m out of this one baby
that’s between you and you okay I
started to realise this you’ve got to
fill your own cup people always say
Ralph how can I love myself I say loving
yourself 100% is the secret to becoming
your greatest version why so because if
you don’t fill your own cup you are
going to walk around
with a low self-esteem a low confidence
level you’re going to go through life
very miserable trying to fill
everybody’s demands when they don’t even
know what they want most people aren’t
living their life purpose on the planet
okay some people are but it’s a small
minority if you are having an issue with
people pleasing what you’ve got to
recognize is that because most people
don’t know what they want it doesn’t
even make sense for me to drop for me to
try and give them what they want I got a
trip try don’t try don’t try I got to
give myself what I want 100% and that’s
what freed me along my journey every
single day as you can see I just do
whatever I want and create infinite
abundance and it works and it’s only
gonna keep growing right fill your own
cup first make sure you’re doing what
makes you happy every single day forget
about what they say okay
and then this happiness that exudes from
you right the happiness that exudes from
you everybody will get a piece of it and
that’s how you can please them by
pleasing yourself first 7 day vegan
challenge blowing got real crazy right
now and what I’ve learned in
people-pleasing about people-pleasing is
that you got to be proud of what you’re
eating what you’re putting into your
mouth when I say I’m a hundred percent
proper vegan why do I say this
because I know that we’ve got a lot of
people diving deep on this channel and
not all of them are vegan but because
I’m proud to say it
this creates authenticity
it creates appreciation
self-appreciation that’s how to stop
be proud of what you’re eating so 7 day
vegan challenge I’m seeing lots of
people keep sharing whatever you’re
doing I have no problem with saying that
but a lot of people do they’re like I
don’t want to seem snobbish Ralph by
saying I’m a vegan do you know how many
animals you’re saving you better be
proud of that is what I call humble
confidence right that’s how to stop
people-pleasing you got to develop
humble confidence and when this applies
to food be proud you’ve embraced the
plant-based diet you’re eating foods
high in antioxidants
you got the cacao going the tryptophan
you’re feeling better about yourself
that’s something to be a something to be
proud of not something to hide ok and
then you will find that people will have
no choice but to accept you or to walk
away and really we don’t mind if people
walk away because abundance flows ok
what’s the fourth simple way to stop
people pleasing now what’s really helped
me along my journey is to realize this
you see we go through life in a hurry we
go through life in a rush and a lot of
people don’t really realize that you got
to really ask yourself who am i living
for am i living for those people or am i
living for myself right to stop
people-pleasing just ask yourself that
am i living for those people or am i
living for myself the more you live for
others and neglect yourself you’re going
to be in big trouble so I said to myself
I can’t keep living for other people
we got demands of people saying do this
do that
forget what they say and start listening
slow motion inside forget what they say
and start listening to yourself that’s
how to stop people-pleasing because if I
had listened to everybody chances are
there would be no infinite waters
because most people were saying oh don’t
do it don’t do it
but I listened to that small voice and
that’s how you start to enjoy the fruits
of your labor ok most people who are who
create a lot of abundance have weird
ideas but they go on to be extremely
successful because they listen to
themselves and they forgot what
everybody was telling them to do
okay so just lose your memory right now
and go for it what’s the fifth simple
way to stop people pleasing now what’s
helped me along my journey is to realize
this that you got to almost lose the
filters you got to lose filters from
your life and how I did this was to say
okay this is me right now no makeup just
me and you find a tremendous amount of
confidence right when you say okay I had
my hair all over the place when I was
making early videos it’s just the
appearance what matters is what I’m
saying I didn’t build this channel of
how on how I looked I built this channel
on the content the wisdom and that’s why
that’s how it works filters we filter
our life every single day a lot of
people say I don’t look good I don’t
look good you know that does your
subconscious mind it means every time
you’re gonna get dressed you are like I
can’t wear that because they won’t like
it but what do you want to wear today
how do you want to feel today
okay so what really helped me in the
long run was to say no filters if
somebody doesn’t appreciate you for who
you are what makes you think they’re
slow motion this side right number six
the right people will love you for who
you are the right people will love you
for who you are you don’t have to change
but people that truly love you what let
me repeat that you don’t have to change
for people who truly love you
I didn’t what you see is what you get
and that’s the secret
most people oh they don’t like me so you
change they don’t like me so you change
but while while you’re changing yourself
you’re actually losing a part of
yourself if you remain you keep
everything intact okay so I started to
realize that people who truly love you
will love you for who you are you don’t
have to start hiding everything about
yourself and that’s how to stop
people-pleasing once again it is natural
to people please nothing wrong with it
but don’t go to the extent where you’re
putting so much pressure on yourself but
you’re constantly trying to change who
you are just to make other people feel
we don’t do that here what’s number
seven what helped me along my journey
was this you don’t have to do everything
alikes a lot of people say Ralph how did
you get nearly a million subscribers
over 88 million you inspire millions of
people how is it that you wake up and
get paid a fortune I say don’t do it for
the likes I don’t even look at likes I
just know I’m creating abundance every
day that’s all that matters to me okay
so don’t do it for the likes you don’t
have to do it for virality once again
you want to do it because it resonates
with you you want to do it you want to
talk truth and if people don’t want to
listen at least you’ve said it you want
to get it off your chest
right that’s how to stop people pleasing
most people go through life because they
are constantly trying to be validated by
someone else that validation in essence
that validation even the bird is saying
it with me what is it saying but yes
that validation is even an illusion why
is it an illusion because you see people
change just like the weather one minute
they love you next minute they don’t
even love themselves so how can they
love you so I started to realize that
when I’m sharing I’m not going for the
likes I’m going for the message and the
message is being shared to the entire
world that’s what happens when you just
do it put it out there let it float away
what’s the eight simple way to stop
people pleasing now find a balance this
is what’s helped me along my journey
there’s a reason why we wanna people
please and you’ve got to honor that
right honor the beauty of
people-pleasing making people smile
entertaining people
but also find that balance where you’re
pleasing yourself just as much once you
find the balance I feel that’s the
that’s really where it’s at the perfect
balance of pleasing yourself and then
doing a little bit for someone else that
you know they might like okay but you
see a lot of us we overdo it we don’t
honor pleasing ourselves first because
we know a lot of us is monkey-see
monkey-do if a whole lot of people are
running this way most people are going
to go that way I go that way though all
right and you do too so does the cat
down the road most people are gonna go
that way
so I started to realize this that you
got honor your own style first and then
you’re feeling generous give a little
bit to the crowd but don’t kill yourself
over it okay
what’s the night simple way to stop
people pleasing ask yourself this
in a hundred years with this even matter
right what would really matter would it
really matter that you please this
person that person than that person and
you were unhappy doing it or would it
matter that you were happy and nobody
cared about it or one would you want
that everybody loved it and you didn’t
or you loved it and nobody got it I
would love the latter why because the
thing is you would who you would be
creating a more positive environment
than yourself you would be creating more
health within yourself right when you do
it for yourself a lot of people I talk
to people every single day depressed
anxious stressed out trying to do things
for other people all the time and it
takes away their happiness right so you
got to ask yourself in a hundred years
would I be more proud saying I did it
for me
or I did it for them right or I did it
for both ah I did it for both what’s the
ninth simple way to stop people pleasing
is to realize this step if you can see
how what you are doing is working you
don’t need to please anybody so you need
to find proof of your weirdness that it
works for you that is bringing in the
goods so when I see certain people on
YouTube okay I think there’s these
people who open up toys and they make
about mmm 1 million dollars every month
oh my gosh yeah they don’t have to
so motion this side you might think
they’re crazy they’re laughing at you
okay you never want to judge anybody
that’s opening toys on YouTube okay
because they are creating abundance
they’re smart they found a hack it works
so they don’t need to please you okay
because that’s it at the end of the day
they never have to work a day in their
life right so you need to get smart and
realize that need to find how your
weirdness works for you my weirdness
works for me never have to work a day in
my life again jackpot right and that’s
how you stop people-pleasing when you
see the results what’s the last way
– stop people-pleasing hang around with
friends who you don’t need to impress
every single three seconds right friends
who enjoy your silence just as much as
they enjoy your words slow motion this
side friends who enjoy your silence just
as much as they enjoy your words and
that’s really what’s helped me along my
journey once again the hope message of
this video is to realize people-pleasing
is natural embrace it at the same time
don’t neglect yourself fill your own cup
first and then it’s a win-win for
everybody and then you just say feel so
we are out here in the heart of nature
whoa creating infinite abundance baby
have a beautiful day infinite diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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