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Motivation Monday- “We All Have Barriers”

many times it’s not about roger
bannister breaking a four-minute mile
right a lot of people said this will
never happen the human body can never do
it this was just now going to take place
and he said I can pull this off the
moment one person broke the four-minute
hundreds did it right afterwards why is
that well I think in life you may not be
chasing to break a four-minute mile
right you may not be chasing to be a
all-around competition winner in
gymnastics for Olympics outside of
Eastern Europe but we all have our own
little carriers
maybe your barrier may be making 10,000
in a month maybe it’s a hundred thousand
in a month maybe two million in a month
maybe it’s education health whatever it
is anything it is the moment you break a
barrier one time the second third fourth
fifth time other barriers you want to
break becomes so much easier so my
challenge to you this week is write down
your own barriers that you want to break
and do whatever you can to end up
breaking that and from there the rest will be easy for you
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