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How to Recognize You’re Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

did you just feel that like what was
that seriously
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby another
beautiful day in Jurassic Park deep
divers I’m sending you tons of wonderful
energy take that take that take that now
are you going through a spiritual
awakening right now is life moving so
it’s like I don’t know what I’m doing
right now Ralph I don’t know what is
going on right now all I know is that
I’m changing holy shift are strange
things starting to happen to you because
of your spiritual awakening ten signs
right 10 strangest signs of a spiritual
awakening shift deep divers less just
woof breathing in that good oz prana
baby are you having strange things
happen to you every single day
ever since you’ve been along your
spiritual awakening journey
tell me about it talk to me it happens
to me all the time right now on the
planet deep divers can you feel the
shift I certainly can there are so many
people all around the world waking up to
a greater truth they are going through a
massive spiritual awakening and because
of that strange things are happening so
we are gonna dive into them the 10
strangest signs of a spiritual awakening
I’m Wayne even had breakfast yet can I
get a hello they’re so wonderful deep
diamonds I remember I remember when I
had my first massive spiritual awakening
it was almost as if I was reborn it was
almost as if I had a new body it was
almost as if there was no looking back
and there definitely was not any looking
back because I haven’t looked back since
I love my life right now and that is
thanks to me going through that massive
spiritual awakening the first strange
sign of a spiritual awakening shift is
that you can see yourself in everything
everything everything that’s right you
recognize yourself in the cat down the
road in that tree over there in that
person happen to me along my journey
okay and I started to see why it was
happening because when you are
undergoing a massive spiritual
transformation you lose the illusion of
separation there is no longer any
separation because everything is
connected therefore there is no other
what slow motion this side is that
happening to you right now deep divers
you are seeing yourself and recognizing
yourself in all beings like seven day
vegan challenge been a vegan for over
thirteen years when I look into the eyes
of a cow I see a sentient being who
wants to live and that’s what happens
when you are going through a massive
spiritual awakening there is no
separation you start to recognize
yourself in all beings deep divers what
is the second strangest sign of a
spiritual awakening shift the right
people come in your life at the right
time many times this happens in the form
of guides many times this happens in the
form of messengers many times this
happens in the form of random strangers
giving you a message because the
universe sends you a message through
other people hmm
slow motion inside it’s like I remind
myself along my journey how certain
people have come into my life and I’m
like what are the chances of that
amazing synchronicity and synchronicity
is when your dominant thoughts align
with your life and become your dominant
experiences and it’s kind of strange
because sometimes you’re like thinking
of something and then a person comes
along and utters exactly what you’re
thinking about oh my gosh that’s so
strange right now right it’s because of
the spiritual awakening shift what is
the third strangest sign of a spiritual
awakening shift you are coming into
alignment everything around you is
coming into alignment all the pieces are
coming together of this massive jigsaw
everything is coming together including
the numbers that’s right if you are
seeing repeating numbers repeating
number sequences eleven eleven two two
two three three three it’s super strange
right because sometimes you just wake up
and like you just see 11:11 someone’s
wearing 11:11 then you see three three
on a number plate then four four then
five five everything is aligning and
it’s so strange because it’s not like
you’re asking for it it just comes it’s
so strange and beautiful isn’t it okay
we have eleven organ systems within our
body we have 22 bones in our skull skull
and bones that’s where that comes from
we have 33 vertebrae in our spinal
column 33 is a Masonic number because 33
is Christ consciousness
stop it Ralph slow motion this side mmm
I was born on March 3rd that’s three
three right there that’s why I always
say 33 Club baby 33 is all about
alignment so if you are seeing these
repeating numbers 11 11 means you are
being contacted by your guides 11 11
means you are coming into alignment with
your true self it’s strange but it’s so
beautiful what is the fourth strangest
sign of a spiritual awakening shift you
are starting to realize that everything
you know could be a lie you are starting
to realize that everything you were
taught in school could be a lie you are
starting to realize that all of those
textbooks and all of that revision
probably didn’t pay off because it could
be a lie and because of that you’re
learning how to realize that actually I
don’t know you know nothing right
you are you are opening your mind you’re
expanding your mind and it’s super
strange when your friends are so sure
about reality and you’re like this is
all just one giant simulation listen to
what quantum physicists have to say
about it
people like
professor James Gates and Elon Musk
right who talked about the world being a
holographic universe simulation that
this is one massive computer-generated
dream world it’s a game that’s why we
love playing games and what quantum
physicists have discovered is that when
they’re looking at the universe they’re
seeing that the universe works just like
a web browser built on zeros and ones so
now you’re actually truly in the matrix
of zeros and ones and that’s why you
keep seeing 11:11 because that’s linked
into the glitch in the matrix of zeros
and ones hmm stop it Ralph slow motion
this side you’re starting to realize
that history is actually his story it’s
not yours and history is written by the
winners you’re starting to realize that
everything you were taught was part of a
program and that’s why they even call it
a television program because you’re
being programmed we send our children to
these indoctrination centers and they
come out programmed so you’re starting
to realize and this is super strange
that everything you learn this is me in
university what’s probably a lie yes it
was and you’re starting to realize how
much more there is to know but you are
also okay with not knowing everything
because you know that what the universe
wants you to know you will know when the
time is right
but you realize how much there is to
know because we have been we have been
deceived in this matrix for so long that
it’s all about being free it’s all about
being liberated in our minds what is the
fifth strangest sign deep divers of a
spiritual awakening shift seven day
vegan challenge is all about nature’s
prescription okay forget about
you are all about eating from nature
nature is so smart it put the medicine
inside of the foods you’re like pass me
those blueberries I can heal myself from
a cold because blueberries are high in
vitamin C pass me those strawberries
strawberries are high in vitamin C pass
me that Moringa powder okay full of
I don’t need pharmaceutical drugs to
heal myself because all the medicine is
in the herbs Nature has provided and
that’s super strange to a lot of people
because they’re like I’ve been taught
that going to the doctor for everything
was the right thing to do not realizing
that a lot of the doctors are giving
people pharmaceuticals which is just
money-making business so you’re all
about realizing right now that it’s
about getting nature’s prescription so
you’re like going to the doctor and the
doctor is Mother Nature that’s why she’s
a mother because it’s mother nature
catch my drift exactly what is this sick
strangest sign of a spiritual awakening
shift now deep divers this happened to
me along my journey Christmas after
Christmas I just wasn’t getting that
enthralled in it I wasn’t getting I
wasn’t getting that excited about it
like for me every day is Christmas every
day is Easter every day is a holiday
every day can be Thanksgiving right
jay-z said Thanksgiving seems like a
murder to be right Thanksgiving seems
every day for me is a holiday okay so
it’s super strange when you are having
that massive awakening like oh I get it
you see how the matrix keeps you trapped
into this 3d reality is by making you
practice these holidays which keeps you
in a perpetual cycle in other words it
keeps you in the convey about lifestyle
on the calendar time is a man-made
illusion so long as you are kept in time
you will always live in bondage once you
live out of time and realize you are
limitless infinite being
now you free yourself can I get a Hello
so for me there is no like big thing
about Christmas or any holiday for me
every single day is a holiday I’m out of
time I’m not in time I am infinite okay
and sometimes at first that’s kind of
strange because when everyone’s getting
excited for holidays you’re like for me
every single day is a holiday anyway
what is the seventh strangest sign of a
spiritual awakening shift deep divers
you give love without expecting it back
because you truly give from your heart
you truly give from an authentic place
and for me it was something that just
happened naturally I had so much love in
my heart I just wanted to give it I just
wanted to give it all to the cat down
the road and the cat down the road was
like Ralph why do you give me so much
love I’m just like it’s strange I know
I’m just the universe has blessed me
basically cat down the road and it’s
like thanks Ralph and I’m like don’t
worry about it cat down the road you
don’t have to give me anything back
right that’s what happens and it’s super
strange many people going through this
spiritual awakening shift have so much
to give whether it’s compassion whether
it’s their time whether it’s their
energy to other beings right without
actually expecting anything back in
and they’re not Saints either right what
is the eighth strangest sign of a
spiritual awakening shift holy shift you
have no desire to be who people want you
to be in this society and it happened to
me along my journey one day I had a
strange little feeling like actually I
have no desire I do not have a natural
proclivity to be what you want me to be
I’m just gonna be free and it’s so
strained when that desire comes about
because for so long we’ve been
programmed to just fit in we’ve been
programmed just to be popular we’ve been
programmed to do what everyone else is
doing and then you get a strange feeling
one day yeah now I don’t want to do that
I’d rather just be myself and be happy
can I get a Hello pair and it’s so much
better right
what is the 9th strangest sign of a
spiritual awakening shift you are no
longer looking outside of yourself for
fulfillment you realize and it’s this is
like where it gets really strange that
you are the Guru and everyone else
including myself is just a guide to help
you realize that to help you realize
that you are no luck you are no longer
looking outside for fulfillment you’re
like it doesn’t matter if I’ve got a
nice car
a big house all of that is transient the
only thing that will remain is the love
in my heart
money cannot buy I’m talking about
myself right now Ralph smart is talking
about himself money cannot buy the peace
of mind I have right now money cannot
buy the happiness I have right now money
didn’t create it
nothing out there can bring me
fulfillment without me being fulfilled
inside here first hmm what slow motion
this side so that’s what happens when
people are really having this massive
spiritual awakening shift they are no
longer looking outside of themselves for
fulfillment they realize happiness is an
inside job what is the tenth strangest
sign of a spiritual awakening shift you
realize that you are spiritual being
having a human experience you realize
that we are all Stardust so when you see
your friends like taking life so
seriously you’re just like hey just
we’re just Stardust swirling around the
universe and stuff it’s not that serious
right but you actually realize that you
aren’t just this physical body you are
spiritual being a multi-dimensional
being having a human experience and
that’s really strained when you think
about it because we actually live in
parallel universes and all of that stuff
like we are so multi-dimensional it’s
unbelievable in another universe right
now another Ralph smart is saying oh so
good to be a live baby can I get a hello
beautiful deep divers were having fun
today I hope you day is going good
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
oz prana baby I won one Ralph shout out
to everybody who’s been getting the
amazing good oz prana shots at Ralph’s
Montcalm slash clothes giving a few away
deep diamonds only on instagram at
infinite waters add me there check out
the amazing new book on Amazon feel
alive by Ralph smart deep divers
you are amazing deep divers the cat down
the road loves you deep divers can I get
a hug right now
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy
peace you holy shift a global awakening
is taking place right before my eyes and it’s unbelievable

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