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when you’re an empath nobody understands
what you’re quite going through except I
Ralph’s ma because deep divers
I’m also an intuitive empath I know
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in the heart of nature baby
beautiful day
now empaths are you an empath are you an
intuitive empath
can you feel other people’s energy as
soon as you walk into the room
can you feel other people’s emotional
states and sometimes does it become does
it become really overwhelming deep
divers like ralph i can’t handle this
well alas how to protect your vibe and
Pat’s let’s just whoa breathing in that
good oz prana baby sending you tons of
good energy take that take that take
that that’s the question that came in
someone asked me Ralph please make a
video on how to protect your vibe as an
empath so alas deep divers out of this
video if you are an empath other
people’s energy will no longer affect
you and when even had breakfast yet can
I get a Hello so wonderful deep divers
let me share with you what’s helped me
along my journey how I protect my vibe
because I’m also an intuitive empath
born on March 3rd that’s 33 deep divers
I made a viral video how to stop
absorbing other people’s energy over a
million views it helped out a lot of
people well a lot of people struggle
with dealing with other people’s
energies and paths the people who can
pick up other people’s energies and that
sounds great until you in a crowd of
thousands of people and now you are
picking up their emotional states this
can be pretty exhausting
exhausting and mentally draining so it’s
all about learning right now to protect
your vibe and hats now how I do this is
to realize this there’s no point in
saying yes to someone when it’s a note
to yourself there’s no point in keeping
it real with the cat down the road if
you are being fake with yourself there’s
no point in trying to be genuine with
someone else if you are being
disingenuous to yourself mmm
slow motion this side mmm you have to
realize this and this is what I had to
realize because as a Pisces I’m like a
triple empath I love to help everybody
even animals like everybody even the cat
down the road right I always massage the
cat down the road and stuff I had to
realize that you can’t put a smile on
everybody’s face as delicious as mangoes
are seven day vegan challenge
vitamin-a somebody in the world does not
like mangoes and there’s nothing you can
do about it
you can’t put a smile on everybody’s
face empaths we know that we’re always
wanting to make everybody happy and
comfortable but that’s not the expense
of your own happiness it’s time to learn
how to fill your own cup first put a
smile on your face first and that’s
what’s helped me along my journey how to
protect your vibe empaths what’s helped
me along my journey is to realize this
me time every single day I take one hour
of me time as a psychologist as a
counselor as a criminologist I get
thousands of messages every single day
over 1.5 million subscribers on this
YouTube channel just imagine how many
emails I get every single day and I’m an
empath I’m reading all of these essays
that’s right people write to me essays
they tell me about their life problem
their relationships Ralph my
boyfriend Ralph my girlfriend Ralph my
wife my husband oh my gosh I can’t deal
with this I’m a damn fact stop right
that would have been me a long time ago
I’m an alchemist
so as an empath I’ve learned how to
protect my energy how to transform the
energy other people’s energy no longer
overwhelms me why because deep divers
every single day I’m taking me time
that’s right you got to take me time and
that means you got to be full of
yourself I was in Whole Foods talking to
a good friend he’s like if you can’t be
full of yourself who else you gonna be
full of mmm what slow motion this side
take me time one hour every single day
I’m on the beach or I’m in nature I’m
meditating I’m just having one hour to
myself learn how to be alone and pets
learn how to recharge your energy you’re
always giving other people your energy
and it’s time to preserve your energy
and that’s how to protect your vibe and
Pat’s because your energy is precious
and therefore everybody wants it like em
Pat’s ever wondered why like and how
people just know you’re an empath
because you’ve got like empath tattooed
on your forehead no because you are so
kind you are so helpful and people know
this but it’s time to put yourself first
for goodness sakes empaths do yourself a
favor today how to protect your vibe
and Pat’s you see what’s helped me along
my journey every single day is to choose
the right environment our environment
literally shapes who we become and a lot
of us we are wrong we are around we are
around people who drain us dry they suck
the life force out of us and therefore
you have to choose your environment
wisely impacts if you are in an
environment where people are always it
seems like they’re taking from you
they’re taking your energy learn how to
say stop right there learn how to be
firm learn how to speak your heart and
mind don’t suppress your emotions
realize you cannot help everyone you can
only do the best you can but surround
yourself with people who are just like
you empaths
we get each other like I know you and
you know me and you’re just like me and
I’m just like you that’s right impacts
you need other friends who are impacts
let me repeat that
impacts you need other friends who are
impacts who understand in a stand and
over stand what you are going through
because time and time again impacts
myself included we surround ourselves
with people who are just takers impacts
we are givers so if you surround
yourself with an other empath now its
give give right and that’s amazing
always say to yourself em hats what is
the energy exchange rate okay are you
getting a good deal or not when you are
around someone whoa are you getting a
good deal because it’s all energy and
make sure that every interaction you
have em hats is reciprocal meaning is
50/50 not one person just telling you
about all of their problems what I call
the emotional drive-by
slow motion this side they pull up on
emotional dump on you and then drive off
that’s not fun
say no to the emotional drive-by learn
how to honor your feelings learn how to
respect your feelings impacts how to
protect your vibe a lot of the times we
go on the internet and we see other
people oh my gosh Ralph I can’t believe
I’m watching this video then why are you
watching it impacts you know that you
get affected easily by imagery right
seeing animals being slaughtered that’s
not fun so be mindful of what kind of
content you are watching if you know you
are sensitive to it if there are horror
movies and that really gets on your
nerves or violence right learn how to be
selective with what you are seeing also
to protect your vibe impacts be
selective with the people you surround
yourself with what I love to do is to
edit people out of my life who don’t
need to be there hmm
slow motion this side and it works great
because a lot of us we have way too many
energies around us which aren’t doing us
any favors empaths is time to clean out
the closet it’s time to clean out the
closet it’s time to clean out the closet
that’s right how to protect your vibe
and Pat’s sensitivity a lot of em Pat’s
right to me Ralph I’m so sensitive I’m
sensitive but I’m super strong I’m a
Pisces baby look if you are sensitive AM
Pat’s realize that sensitivity is
actually a superpower make it work in
your favor
in other words realize that actually
this gift of feeling of really feeling
the pain of other animals who are being
slaughtered 7 day vegan challenge is a
gift feeling into other people’s
emotional states is a gift impacts you
are the healers you are the
you are the people that can heal planet
Earth it’s a gift is just that you have
to protect the gift right sensitivity is
a super power so don’t feel that it’s a
curse being an empath because you can
feel other people’s emotions and energy
ask yourself why have it why why have I
been bestowed why have I been bestowed
with this gift learn to use the gift of
empathy to be more compassionate to
realize actually I’m so thankful I can
help other people but help them from far
okay impacts you don’t need to help
everyone do the best you can right now
and then you’ll just say feel so get to
be a live baby can I get a Hello M Pat’s
you are amazing
I love you we’re just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby get the good
ass prana shuts deep divers Ralph smart
come slash clothes check out the new
book empaths
feel alive by Ralph smart on Amazon
follow me on instagram at infinite
water’s infinite waters deep divers and
paths have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you be
gentle empaths you’re doing the best you
[Applause] [Music]

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