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How to Overcome Millennial Anxiety Burnout And Get Your Life Back

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
here in the wonderful art gallery how’s
your day going oh you’re lying on your
bedroom floor right now
totally exasperated exhausted
Ralph I feel drained is that you Deep
Diver burnout has it come to your
bedroom and now it’s got you oh my gosh
let’s just whoa breathing in that good
ass piranha baby
I’m sending you tons of good energy
today deep divers take that take that
take that
now this video is all about burnout it’s
all about how to overcome burnout and
get your life back
especially millennial bernal I’ve got a
great question that came in deep divers
if you’ve got a question follow me on
instagram at infinite waters so let me
read it
hi Ralph often this summer which was
great I burned out completely I was
wondering if you could do a video on
and the dangers of Bernal this burnout
struck me at the peak of my life and I
never saw it coming maybe it would be
good to warn people about this
millennial disease and maybe help people
with the same experience to get through
this experience
blessings to you Ralph have a great day
powerful question deep divers we got a
whole lot to talk about how to overcome
millennial burnout and get your life
and we Nev enhanced yeah can I get a
Hello so wonderful deep divers let me
share with you what’s helped me along my
journey once upon a time I was a student
with lots of exams oh and lots of stress
right burning myself out once upon a
time I was working 12 hours a day with
lots of burnout and stressing myself out
you see it so easy for all of us to burn
ourselves out many of us we forget to
take care of ourselves in the pursuit of
happiness in the pursuit of making it in
the pursuit of being successful a lot of
us we are living by society’s
expectations and by society standards
that’s why we are burning out it’s time
to live life according to your standards
mmm slow motion this side I know what
it’s like right now there is so much
pressure on all of us to achieve more
you can do it become your greatest
version like who says that deep divers
to overcome millennial burnout and get
your life back
always ask yourself this question Who am
I doing this for we have to stop living
up to society’s expectations and start
living in a very natural way that is
true to ourselves Who am I doing this
Who am I studying for Who am I getting
this degree for who am i working for are
you trying to be someone famous right
now are you trying to make a lot of
money right now well who are you doing
it for you see deep divers many of our
actions many of our actions we aren’t
actually doing it for us we’re doing it
for them we’re doing it for the icing of
men we are living to impress people we
don’t even know and it’s time we start
impressing ourselves deep divers to
overcome millennial burnout and get your
life back live to impress yourself you
see what’s really helped me along my
journey deep divers is to only do it if
my heart is in it is to only do it if I
can stay true to me do everything with
integrity you see the reason why a lot
of people are burning out right now in
this new world in this new age is
because they aren’t staying true to
themselves it’s all about going viral
apparently I want people to know to know
what to know who I am they saw you they
saw you already they’ve seen you know
Ralph I want millions and millions of
people to see me doing what I don’t know
I just want people to see me right burn
out right there depression right there
if you are
hungry for everybody to pay attention to
you you will burn out if you are
spending all of your lifeforce energy to
say hey look at me I’m doing well in
life look at the car I Drive I make lots
of money
I’m really important look at me that’s
burnout you are spending so much energy
when energy could be used in a better
way you see how to overcome millennial
burnout and get your life back stop
caring about what other people think of
you only be concerned with how you feel
about you that really helped me along my
journey but Ralph time is ticking tell
me about it I’ve gotta take all of these
exams and stuff and get another masters
and a PhD in time is ticking Ralph and
what else I’m burning myself out because
I have to make a million dollars before
I reach 23 years old I’ll help oh okay
chill chill right that stop right there
you see deep divers the reason why a lot
of people burn out it’s because they
don’t make time for self-care they don’t
make time for meditation
they don’t make time for relaxation you
for meditation to take care of yourself
you are gonna have a lot of time to be
stressed out if you don’t take time to
go into nature come to a beautiful
environment you are gonna have a lot of
time spent in a shoddy environment not
serving you draining your lifeforce
energy and that’s what’s burning you out
if you don’t make time to say actually
today is just for me if you don’t make
time for that you are gonna have time to
be caught up in traffic so it’s a matter
of priorities you see to avoid and
overcome millennial burnout and get your
life back start focusing on what is most
important a lot of us we are burning
ourselves out because we have too many
priorities but I have to do it right now
Ralph you’re still young I didn’t think
so though so I know exactly how you feel
because apparently all of you are the
friends they’re going places I don’t
want to be left behind Ralph I hear you
FOMO fear of missing out it affects
everyone nobody wants to be the old one
Elm except the cat down the road I’ve
got news for you deep divers you are
totally not missing out in fact you are
doing yourself a huge favor when you
give yourself time to come into your
true being you see a lot of us we burn
out because we don’t give ourselves
enough time to come into fruition
as a whole human being so we have to
start prioritizing our mental health to
avoid and overcome burnout what good is
it if you have all the gold but you
listen to this deep divers what good is
it if you have all the gold but you lose
your soul in the process mmm
what slow motion this side
say it again Ralph what good’s it what
good is it what good is it if you have
all the gold but you lose your soul in
the process so I had to say to myself
okay making money is great but I have to
be happy
first and foremost put your happiness at
the forefront and that’s how to overcome
millennial burnout and get your life
back deep divers realize this not all
that glitters is gold many times you see
people on the ground taking selfies like
hey look at me I’m so cool where’s my
phone let me do it I’m so cool right now
right there with their girlfriends or
with their boyfriends or with their cats
or their dogs who knows right but they
look really cool just doing this and
you’re like what about me Ralph
apparently everyone’s having fun without
you and that sucks right so you get
really anxious full of anxiety and
that’s what’s burning you out you fell
into the booby trap so sorry about that
you see not everything that glitters is
gold and not everybody glittering is
actually golden you see there are things
going on behind the scenes and behind
closed doors oh if you could only see
many times people who often show how
wonderful their life is on social media
they also have problems spoiler alert
and they often come to me about their
problems in consultations right so
realize that not everyone you see who
looks so happy on the Instagram pictures
right no they also go through hard times
so to overcome millennial burnout and
get your life back things aren’t always
what they seem even those people who who
you’re like oh my gosh they seem so
successful like Ralph smart yeah my life
isn’t perfect deep dive is sometimes I
wake up with a cat down the road right
on me I’m like what are you doing there
get off me right now right I got
problems too but I got a good attitude
but if you are dealing with burnout
realize that it’s time to take a
technology Faust’s put your phone down
right now all the research from Harvard
Stanford is showing how people are
literally addicted to their smartphones
people are literally addicted to their
smartphones and we have to do something
about this the average person spends
over 20% of their time on their mobile
phone that’s right you even sleep with
it it’s my baby Ralph my heart space
connection right well deep divers what’s
helped me along my journey is to
actually have a day where I have a
mobile phone fast no smartphones around
and it’s really helped me to overcome
burnout and get my life back you see
many times when you’re always on your
phone you kind of feel like you’re
missing out and you’re always checking
these notifications and sometimes it
gets overwhelming and to really overcome
burnout stop making your life more
complicated than it has to be
life isn’t going anywhere so don’t feel
that it is and just take time to heal
yourself seven day vegan challenge how
to overcome millennial burnout and get
your life back
refuel the tank a lot of people are
eating plant-based diets everywhere on
planet earth right now and that is
fantastic to overcome burnout but also a
lot of people are neglecting the health
side of their life in the pursuit of
making it big one day right you’re like
I can eat when I’m dead no you can’t I’m
if you don’t stop taking your health
seriously if you don’t make time to eat
delicious plant-based meals cucumbers
dates lettuce asparagus peaches and
pears if you don’t take time to do that
you are gonna have time to be
constipated you are gonna have time to
go to the hospital so what help me along
my journey was to realize a lot of my
early burnout was coming from a lack of
attention to a plant-based diet now I’m
giving myself enough time to sit down
and actually eat my food without doing a
million and one things at the same time
stop multitasking deep divers what I
love to say is this when eating eat when
drinking drink and that is meditation
right but that also helps us to move
into the present moment to avoid burnout
a lot of our burnout is coming from
overthinking ruminating thinking of
what’s gonna happen in the next
five minutes what’s already happened and
we get caught up in the past or the
there is no burnout in the present so
learn how to be present with every
single step deep divers how to overcome
millennial burnout and get your life
back now the burnout there was actually
a program I was watching and it was like
how a lot of the suicide rates are up a
lot of people are also becoming more
depressed more anxious because of apps
like Instagram and all of these other
apps where it’s all about okay how many
followers do you have how many
subscribers do you have what is your
body look like and realize this deep
divers we are so much more than
subscribers just because I have a
million subscribers that’s not who Ralph
Smart is mmm slow motion this side the
essence is still the same from when I
had five subscribers from when I had
five subscribers to when I had over a
million is still me
yes nothing has changed right so don’t
allow yourself to feel bad because you
don’t have a hundred million followers
on Instagram right also realize you
don’t do yourself any justice when you
compare your life to someone else’s
first and foremost they on you and you
want them secondly both of you have
different experiences and if you can
learn how to not compare your body to
her body or his body now you’re gonna
find yourself living in your own league
running your own race swimming in your
own lane now all of that pressure
has been taken off and now you can
overcome millennial problems right
millennial burnout and get your life
back deep divers realize this today we
often we often think that if we don’t do
it right now it’s a matter of life or
death but what good is it if you do it
and you don’t even get to enjoy it you
see it’s not how fast you travel it’s
how you feel when you are traveling hmm
slow motion inside to overcome burnout
and get your life back get some fresh
air clear your mind
break your routine realize life is not a
race even though they call it the human
race oh oh I see that’s why you’re
burning out right now because you
actually thought it was the human race
no no it’s not a race this is your life
you came into this planet with a unique
set of experiences you have a totally
different purpose than anyone else and
when I realize that it helped me not to
burn out because I realized I am
irreplaceable nobody can replace Ralph
smart not even to cut down the road
there’s only one of me like there’s only
one of you and once you realize that you
will never ever have to compete with
anybody again for your spot because you
are already there
what slow motion this side hmm you will
never ever have to compete with anyone
else for that spot because you are
already there and that’s how to overcome
millennial burnout and trust the
universe and get your life back beat
divers more self-love more self-care the
world isn’t going anywhere
even though the internet gives us the
illusion actually is no it is what it is
everything like Lauren Hill said
everything is everything and once you
realize that deep dive as well you’ll
just say feel so good to be a live baby
can I get a hello beautiful deep divers
were just whoa breathing in that good oz
prana baby deep divers take care of
yourself today trust me even though I’m
kind of a little bit famous I don’t care
about Fame what matters to me the most
is helping people and making sure I’m in
a good frame of mind the greatest form
of wealth you have is your peace of mind
deep divers take care of it today have a
beautiful day infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy
peace you
take time to relax take time to unwind
take time to let go and that’s how to
[Applause] [Music]

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