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How to End All Arguments And Trust The Universe

what is it with everyone wanting the
loss word deep divers especially when it
comes to arguments you’re like you did
it then they’re like no you did it then
you’re like no no you definitely did it
then they’re like it’s your fault
then finally the cat down the road comes
in with some sense and said both of you
did it you’re both as bad as each other
Pease Infinit waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers beautiful
day out here in the art gallery
I’m sending you tons sending you tons of
great energy take that take that take
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby how to end all arguments
and Trust the universe is that you
caught up in an argument and you don’t
know what to do about it are you always
finding yourself arguing with the same
person over and over and over again and
you’re like Ralph how can I resolve this
conflict well after this video you will
have all the tools to end all arguments
and trust the universe and we ain’t even
had breakfast yet can I get a hello
so wonderful deep divers let me share
with you what’s helped me along my
journey let’s dive straight into it it’s
good to argue for the first 10 seconds
this is what we call the 10-second argue
rule everyone is allowed to argue for 10
seconds ok it’s healthy so get it off
your chest
say everything you want to say for 10
seconds oh you did it you know that ok
you done that great now after those 10
seconds we’ve got to do something about
this ok and it starts with
instead of talking from your mind start
talking from your heart
in other words start speaking out your
feelings hmm
what slow motion this side mmm start
saying this made me feel like what you
just said made me feel like and now the
other person’s gonna say actually well
what you said made me feel like and
you’re gonna be like oh I didn’t know
that it made you feel like this and all
of a sudden you are now ending the
argument you can also say what you just
said really hurt my feelings because
many times in arguments and conflicts
it’s all about the ego everyone is
afraid to say how the other person is
making them feel well you have to learn
how to be vulnerable it is when we are
vulnerable we find our greatest strength
so actually surrender be naked and say
you hurt me with your words because
sticks and stones may break my bones and
also words do hurt me I’m still human
you can even say ouch that’s very
ouch that hurt what you just said now
they have no choice but to move into
their heart spaces and that’s how the
argument ends now what is even better
than out is ah okay that’s a lot more
visceral okay now you’re gonna get an
Oscar Award oh wow you giving birth or
something right all of a sudden now it’s
very clear how you are feeling about
everything and that’s how to end
arguments okay because now both of you
can actually move from your ego into
your heart space and actually say
actually we’re both human and we both
feel we both feel pain
we both are hurt by certain things we’ve
said to each other okay always ask
yourself if you are arguing with someone
the same person every single day they
like they like arguing with me Ralph
they love all Ewing with me Ralph no it
takes two to tango so we have to start
taking responsibility for our own input
and then realize this deep divers ask
yourself this question is this helpful
me engaging in this argument is this
helpful for my mental health is it
helpful for our mental health and if the
answer is no then we have to stop it
immediately if you can realize that many
times we are adding more fuel to the
fire and that’s why a lot of arguments
go on and on and on till the break of
dawn why because everyone feels like
they have to have the last word because
their balls are bigger than yours right
typical you don’t have to have the last
word in fact it’s better you don’t have
the last word and take away the food
meaning that you don’t always have to
keep going back and forth all you have
to do when someone is arguing with you
close your eyes and transport yourself
into a more harmonious place until now
that person is hearing what they are
saying hmm
slow motion this side if we can learn as
well when it comes to arguments that
it’s not about blaming someone else it’s
not about blaming people because
whenever you point one finger you have
three pointing back at you we have to
say I am also a part of this and for us
to find a peaceful solution we both have
to take responsibility for how we are
making each other feel that takes
maturity right that takes
you Chertsey now seven day vegan
challenge okay
vegans arguing with me eaters right
vegans arguing with meat-eaters okay
I’ve been a vegan over 14 years I’m a
Pisces I don’t argue but every now and
again someone wants to argue with me
right they want to argue with me they
want to test Ralph Smart out right and
they’re like veganism is so unhealthy
you lose hair and once again because I’m
so confident within myself I just let
them talk mm-hmm
slow motion this side mmm I just let
them talk okay there is a great Zen
story a master and a student the student
asked the master master what is the
secret to happiness and the master says
the Masters like never argue with idiots
and the student says I disagree with you
master that is not the secret and the
master said yes you are right
mmm slow motion this side right so I
know the plant-based diet has changed my
life chia seeds complete source of
protein I’m feeling fantastic so if
people say oh that’s not the way to go
that’s fine let people think what they
want to think I know what works for me
and my body right how to end all
arguments and trust the universe deep
divers it’s like this lose your foolish
pride don’t be too big for your boots
learn to surrender learn more
importantly to say I’m sorry
yeah we did it that’s all you got to say
like the first person to say that
is the more mature one cuz it takes a
lot to say that I’m sorry I apologize I
was wrong
someone’s gotta give and let that be you
that’s how to end all arguments and
Trust the universe whether you are
arguing at home in a relationship with
random strangers if you have
shortcomings admit it admit it to say
actually okay I I kind of put more fuel
into the fire with this argument and all
of a sudden you’re having a peaceful
solution deep divers never say something
you are gonna regret later and therefore
we have to learn how to instead of
reacting because we feel her that’s what
we do when we are hurt we react learn
how to respond the best way to respond
is to whoa breathing that good ass
piranha baby and then think about what
you want to say that’s not hurtful but
that’s actually helpful to the situation
and then if you can learn that you are
gonna resolve any argument okay
also silence once again if you can learn
the art of silence because silence is
also a response and how you respond to a
situation literally has the power to
change the entire situation itself so
Deep Diver someone is arguing with you
oh you don’t hear a word of it and
you’re like and now they hear all the
jibberish they’re saying right silence
is a powerful tool it’s also a method of
communication to end all arguments and
Trust the universe and once that happens
learn to find common ground by once
again expressing how both of you feel
Express how you feel to that person how
they make you feel Express that you are
hurt you are in pain and you don’t want
this to go on which takes a lot of
surrendering and once you do that you
and that argument and trust the universe
and then deep divers well you just say
feel so good to be a live baby can I get
a hello beautiful deep divers we are
here just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
less arguing more hugs deep divers shout
out to everybody who’s been getting the
amazing good oz Prada shirts Ralph
smart dog calm slash clothes check out
the amazing new book the information
like this on Amazon feel alive by Ralph
smart get more daily inspiration like
this on instagram at infinite waters
deep divers have a peace a peaceful day
a really peaceful day to be you are
appreciative infinite waters diving deep
once again stay well stay healthy peace
you the next time so long wants to argue
with you let the cat down the road deal
[Applause] you

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