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How to Choose Between Two Lovers That Both Love You the Same

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby beautiful day
but you can’t make up your mind
can you Ralph I don’t know I love both
of them both of them yes how to choose
between two people that both love you
the same let’s just whoa breathing in
that good ass piranha baby this is
sexology water fire hot cold yin-yang
daddy’s home we’re back now that was a
great question that came in to me
yesterday by a beautiful woman who’s
like Ralph I can’t choose between two
men I love one is my best friend who’s
been with me since I was like four years
old stealing cookies out of the jar as a
child you get away with stealing cookies
okay okay and my current boyfriend who’s
been with me through the really hard
times like both of these men love me so
much how can I choose right now I’m
stuck now we got a whole lot to talk
by the way shout out to everybody who’s
been going to the website
Ralph smart comb slash clothes getting
you good ass prada shirts yes there is a
model search on if you feel you’ve got
what it takes
add me on instagram at infinite waters
and say ralph i want to be an infinite
waters model okay already a lot of
models lining up to meet the cat down
the road deep divers have you ever woken
up one day and think gosh I’m in love
with two different people or two
different people are in love with me we
an even had breakfast yet
can I get a Hello it’s a love triangle
now I’m not here to give you any
answers you already have enough of them
slow motion inside beautiful lady I’m
here to give you perspectives okay now I
was in a similar situation so I can
relate and this is happening to so many
people we all have feelings for
different people in different ways and
sometimes like the intensity the
intensity is very similar
we like two people equally the same our
best friend our partner right
they love us the same okay now I’m here
to tell you ask yourself this one
question because we’re all about
perspective here for a second imagine
you lost everything like completely
everything you’re homeless got no money
nothing who do you think would be there
for you the first person that comes to
your mind who is it your best friend
your partner whoo both whoo oh your best
friend okay you see there’s always
somebody we know that’s why I always say
you already have the answers you know in
your heart who’s gonna be with you if
you lose everything forget about the
people who are with you right now but
who would be there use your intuition if
you had nothing like I know somebody who
would be with me right now if I had
nothing cuz they were with me before I
had everything slow motion this type
that’s a clue to choose between two
people that love you the same but once
again you don’t have to just choose
right now we’ll come to that later now
living with someone does wonders you see
what’s helped me along my journey is get
to know someone you heard the saying
know thyself you got to do that first
because the greatest relationship you
can have is with yourself first once you
know your needs
once you know your wants is gonna become
very clear on who to choose now I love
skateboarding been skateboarding since
their team I love skateboarding not love
no I love skateboarding but a new kind
of skates came along called freeline
skates and I’ve been free like skating
free line skating for a long time I
absolutely love free line skating right
now I don’t really skateboard that much
but skateboarding is my first love but
right now I love free line skating it
doesn’t mean I can’t love them both okay
so realize that it’s all about who is
serving you right now to help you become
your greatest version love permeates
everything in existence you can still
love both of them
both of them can still love you and
Marillion truly you start to discover
who people really are when the universe
throws these little challenges your way
and you got to say okay Who am I gonna
be with right now because if they truly
love you they will respect your decision
slow motion this side I talk of the
water relationship the water
relationship is built on the heart
connection the Coca Cola relationship is
built on the ego connection many times
we are in a relationship based on
convenience yes someone might be there
for you financially but are they there
for you emotionally spiritually are they
helping you evolve to the next level
because that’s how to really choose
between two people if you want to make
that choice that’s up to you who do I
have a greater heart connection with who
do I have a greater heart connection
with let me repeat that who do I have a
greater heart connection with author
self who can I be vulnerable with the
most like who can you tell anything – I
mean like anything – like you’re on the
toilet and you’re telling them
everything everything everything
everything everything you are not afraid
to be naked around them literally and
open your soul to them you want to show
them the raw you the organic you the you
without makeup as soon as you wake up
he’s like oh baby you look so beautiful
right that’s how you choose you listen
to your heart and go with your feelings
slow motion this side because the moment
you start analyzing okay who’s there for
me financially who’s there for me
there’s no go with your heart connection
with that person go with the feelings
the raw organic the raw the raw organic
feelings like what this person when
everyone around them whenever I’m around
them my heart just sinks because it’s so
in harmony with their own heart but
Ralph I’m stuck because like both of
them kind of do that to me don’t worry
we’re getting to that because sometimes
this is hard to choose right you don’t
have to choose let me repeat that you do
not have to choose between two people
between two people that both love you
the same way you don’t have to choose no
let the cat down the road do that for
you it’s okay not to choose right now
don’t feel pressured you have to choose
right now time is an illusion you don’t
have to choose and it’s okay to not know
which one to go with allow yourself to
really go through the emotions of being
uncertain and not knowing okay because
that releases resistance when you’re
like actually
I’m no longer than a force this
situation or even pressurize myself in
great things happen when we become
patient because it allows for people’s
true colors to eventually show slow
motion miss I’d seven day vegan
challenge be in harmony with that person
I’m a Pisces born on March 3rd right now
right now I’m meeting a lot of other
Pisceans March 2nd March 1st March 5th
who are also vegan they share a very
similar diet to me I’ve been in a
situation I love my early journey where
I love to people the same way and they
love me the same way and I’m like ok Who
am I gonna choose right now but I was
transitioning to a plant-based diet and
I love them equally the same but I
realized I had to go with somebody who
was gonna be on the table with me like
eyeing up that chia seed porridge like
oh oh oh you so fine you blow my mind
because you are a complete source of
protein baby so I went with that because
I realized we had what I call food
harmony food is everything for me and
the cat down the road so you choose
based on somebody who is in more
alignment based on somebody who is in
more alignment with what you are eating
right now is called food harmony now
time reveals everything to choose
between two people that both love you
the same austere self this
have I started have I started to see
cracks have I started to see people show
me their true colors because once again
people can pretend even if you’ve known
someone for a long time but give it time
give it a few months give it a few years
to really see okay who do I have a great
a hot connection with Who am I a better
vibrational match with time reveals
everything because time you will go
through situations with each one of them
and then you will start to learn more
about them as you learn more about
yourself and ask yourself actually which
one would I be most happy with in the
long run okay and once again you have to
be really happy you even have a choice
that two men are falling over you head
over heels for you
what’s helped me along my journey is to
never allow fear to make that decision
for you don’t allow fear to make that
decision for you because fear is false
evidence false evidence appearing real
but I feel so pressured right now Ralph
if you are making a choice based on fear
you will make a mistake and it’s okay to
make a mistake because once again you
can always change your mind again just
realize every single day you don’t want
to make fear choose for you and a lot of
the times this a lot of the times we
allow fear to choose for us if it’s a
choice based on convenience well he’s
always been there for me financially
but has he been there for you
emotionally have you been able to pour
out your heart to him okay and we always
have to realize that the person we can
do that with the most that is something
to be admired and treasured and
treasured because that’s truly rare you
see many times we are impatient when we
are impatient we take and choose the
most convenient relationship well we got
kids together
he’s paying I’m paying it’s just
convenient right now Ralph I get it I
don’t judge you neither does a cat down
the road it’s your life and I have no
answers for you you already have enough
of them I have perspectives for you you
see what’s helped me along my journey
choose between two people that both love
me the same is to ask myself this who do
I love and who do I lust for lust is
transient love is everlasting so never
allow lust to choose for you Oh Ralphy
is so sexy his shoulders like just make
me like though oh I know I know they do
right but never allow lust to be your
guide always ask yourself if I couldn’t
see them who would I feel the most what
slow motion this side
can you imagine a world well we never
saw bodies and we only saw energy well I
want you to imagine a world in which you
lived with each one of them and you
never got to see you never got to see
their bodies you only got to see their
energy forms okay and that will give you
a clearer idea of who to choose right
you see what’s helped me along my
journey is to never ever never ever feel
that hey I have to settle because of
what they’ve done to me you see many
times we feel guilty and guilt is not
the right way to choose between two
people you love just because they might
have pampered you giving you lots of
gifts giving you lots of gifts you’re
like oh my gosh I can’t do this to them
or else I’m gonna be like a bad person
I’m here to tell you you can never be a
bad person if you are staying true to
your authentic state what’s slow-motion
this side you always got to ask yourself
this to choose between two people that
both love you the same is there force or
flow which one do you have the greater
flow with that’s how to know and the
greater flow emerges when you can be
yourself 100% with that person like I
said the example of sitting on the
toilet seat and pouring out your heart
and soul to them from from there I love
you so much in there looking at you like
I love you too they don’t judge you okay
you can literally wear a bin bag and
they will still love you the same way
this is somebody who asks you how was
your day this is somebody who is proud
to have you
this is somebody who’s been with you
through thick and thin but always has
kept the same commitment the same effort
the same appreciation towards you you
see we have to really learn to trust
ourselves that any time somebody can
touch us without touching us that’s how
to know okay we have to invest in this
connection in this relationship you see
what’s helped me along my journey when I
was in that same predicament when I was
like 18 19 I learned a powerful lesson
never confuse an emotional roller
coaster ride for love who I’m so in my
emotions that’s beautiful so am I am a
Pisces right it’s healthy to be
expressive but don’t confuse that for
loving someone because once again it
ties back into Gil Ralph I feel so
guilty he’s like been so good to me he’s
bought me everything but is it love
sometimes you might meet a person they
don’t shower you with gifts but you feel
a more authentic connection with them so
you have to invest in that and just
realize this no matter how far you
wonder to people who are meant to be
will always gravitate back together so
relax it will come and once you realize
that deep divers once you realize that
that hey he’ll be around you’ll know the
one to choose when you just relax and
then you’ll just say feel so get to be a
beautiful deep divers we are out here in
the heart of nature just whoa breathing
in that good ass prana baby have an
amazing day deep divers infinite waters
diving deep once again stay well stay
healthy peace you roses are red violets
are blue
I’m stuck between choosing between two
people and I don’t know what to do [Laughter]

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