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How to Be a Hipster

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again you hipster that is what society
will call you if you are breaking out of
the mainstream you’re thinking for
yourself you’re wearing whatever clothes
you want and you don’t care what anybody
thinks how many of us are there I see
that it is beautiful when people accept
themselves a hundred percent they
embrace their uniqueness it’s the
hardest thing to do but at the same time
the most rewarding I was in Venice and
you meet the most inspiring people there
in California who just are in their own
element and I see that the more you can
think for yourself
the more you can start to question
reality you free yourself from its
I received two questions the first one
from Lauren in Australia shout out to
Australia I’ll be there soon she said
that her dad has been a Christian for
over 20 years and she came across my
videos and spirit science their videos
and she got a whole new insight about
the human race and our true purpose and
she shared her insights with her dad and
then she realized that they have two
totally different worldviews but at the
same time she was asking how she could
get him to believe the truth
what I will tell you is that what’s
helped me along my journey is to realize
that the truth can’t be told it has to
be realized and that’s where we talked
about being a hipster because once you
are comfortable within your own truth
you allow other people the freedom to
experience their own reality
everybody is waking up at different
times therefore we have to connect with
those who remind us who we are
because there is so much deception
around we have to be grateful that we’ve
had that glimmer of life showing us the
way out I received another question from
Rasmus from Denmark who is a music
student and I can relate to this because
I was a producer I’ve got to start
singing again for you and he is so hard
on himself he says that how can he let
go of this pressure he finds when he’s
playing he’s practicing how can he avoid
what his friends and parents think how
can he release this huge resistance and
let go of his own expectations the
secret I have found along my journey is
that whatever you do people are going to
have an opinion the only thing that
matters is what you think and a lot of
the times we are holding back our
talents that’s why in being a hipster a
so-called hipster breaking away letting
go of society’s expectations we have to
feel comfortable within ourselves but
first we have to get mad
so many of us we are in awe of people
who let go a hundred percent and the
only way to let go is when you have
nothing left to lose
I’m finding it along my journey to enjoy
the process don’t have a favor because
when you are playing the music the
reason why there’s pressure is because
we are still attempting to conform to
the crowd we have to see that the crowd
is an illusion is in your mind you are
your hardest critic and once you can
ignore everyone including your own self
now you step into the flow that’s the
secret of creativity is just once you
can accept yourself a hundred percent
because that’s the secret right there
being free on the planet have has never
tasted sweeter because with this whole
awakening which is happening the
greatest insights are coming from our
own journey what we are seeing and that
just shows us that it’s not about just
living for the outside world do it for
you there you have it we’re here in
nature infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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