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‘Friends Reunited’ (How to Let Go of A Grudge)

peace and finna waters diving deep once
again friends reunited how to let go of
a grudge put your hand up if you’ve been
best friends with someone then they
turned into a stranger then they turned
into who the hell are you one two three
what happens when you get a phone call
out of the blue from an old friend old
friend because you’re not cool anymore
ring ring hello who’s this whoo-hoo
memory blank who lots of whose now you
could put down the phone because you
know exactly who it is and if you put
down the phone it’s going to save you a
lot of money on your phone bill because
they’ve got lots of explaining to do or
you could hear them out and then forget
about the phone bill or worry about it
later now this is the predicament
someone finds themselves in that road in
telling me that they were really great
friends with someone and they fell out
they had a massive argument and six
years down the line they get this phone
call they’re contacted by this person
who now wants to create a relationship
again create a friendship began but in
their ego mind they’re saying no why
should I hear this personnel in their
heart they’re saying actually maybe I
should hear this personnel now i’m going
to share with you what helped me along
my journey it’s inevitable that we are
all gonna have a matter of difference
we’re all going to have arguments this
is just part of life this isn’t paradise
here well in some places it is but
generally speaking a lot of us we go
through a lot emotions mood swings you
know what it’s like i always tell people
that you set up an energetic boundary to
begin with for a reason so honor that
whenever you want to separate yourself
from someone that is wonderful but you
see you have to ask yourself how is this
serving me right now can I let go in my
heart that’s a secret because a lot of
us were holding on to so much heavy
energy this is what is blocking up all
of the energy within our bodies the
heart chakra I say letting go is the
opiate for the heart holding on is the
nightmare so for me it’s not about
forgetting what someone did what they
said but it’s about forgiving to release
the tension the stress within your heart
space many times we hold onto a grudge
because of what I call foolish pride
have you ever had the feeling of being
too proud happened to me along my
journey once where sometimes you don’t
want to say one word sorry I messed up
or you messed up let’s put it behind us
and move forward because foolish pride
is what makes us hold on to grudges
foolish pride makes us feel we don’t
need anybody once again take
responsibility for what happened you
don’t have to blame anybody but as well
you have to show compassion to that
situation that neither if you are the
same person now there’s a reason why
you’re going back and forth from the
mine to the heart let me explain
the mind loves to control the mind love
security the heart isn’t bothered
because the heart is the most the heart
is the most vulnerable part of yourself
which in essence is the most powerful
pot so in dealing with a grudge an old
friend knowing what should i do be
vulnerable talk to them if you feel
compelled to listen to what they have to
say it doesn’t mean you’re going to be
best friends but whenever you are
vulnerable you free yourself a lot of
fuss we don’t want to be hurt again
because the mind creates the barriers
the borders the mind fears everything
the heart has no fear that is where our
greatest strength lies many times when
you’re listening to them explain
themselves yeah your ears are starting
to hurt now I always say be careful how
you treat people on the way up because
you might see them on the way down
realize that whatever happens to you
there and then you can learn so much
from creative visualization I have no
enemies right now in my life I’m holding
no grudges once again if you are holding
a grudge with someone a friend someone
are the post office so on that stepped
over your shoe the cat down the road you
are now externalizing your power so ask
yourself where is my power when you ask
that question
you’ll begin to see that maybe your
power has been externalized to the other
person our greatest enemy and our
greatest friend lies within ourselves so
once you recognize that you realize that
this person can’t harm you greater then
you can harm yourself when you realize a
very interesting lesson I learned along
my journey life is sure that’s what
people say right come on make up guys
life is short but really life is long so
it doesn’t matter if life is short or
life is long it’s not going to make any
difference but imagine if you had the
mindset life is long do you want to go
around carrying this burden of tension
within yourself or you want to move
forward creative visualization is where
you imagine an old friend a so-called fo
a difficult person and then you become
very aware in your body of how you’re
feeling in that precise moment in time
are they making you feel angry then
thank them because they are a messenger
serving as a catalyst to help you become
your greatest version there are still
lessons that need to be learned and then
if you’ve really angry or you’re calm
down you can start seeing okay why is
this person bringing all of these
emotions out of me because once again
people are holding up mirrors yes what
people have done to us sometimes is very
hard to swallow is hard to take
but once again are you gonna rise higher
because two frequencies can only share
the same space when they are vibrating
at the same frequency more so can you
see the bigger picture can you put
things in perspective because when you
put things in perspective what you think
is terrible may just really be nothing
at all feel does this friendship seemed
organic does it seem authentic or do we
just need to talk and say okay I hear
you out I wish you well along your
journey they wish you well along your
journey and then you go your separate
ways many times we forget one very
simple truth and that is unity is the
truth the reason why grudges feel so
uncomfortable and they’re caused by
foolish pride is because deep down on a
subconscious level we all know that we
are all connected so find the connection
within yourself the more you find the
when you talk to this person you will be
in so much peace you just let it go you
just chilled out and also you can now if
it’s needed if there’s still some hope
be friends again wouldn’t that be great
no you’re not here to be everyone’s
friend certain times people come into
our life just to teach us a lesson and
then we keep on moving but you don’t
want to be stuck we become stuck when we
have a heavy heart so remind yourself
that is it worth it is it worth it
waking up at 3am in the morning because
you’re thinking about someone who is no
longer serving you all of that can
disappear when you take responsibility
for how you feel when you realize nobody
has power outside of yourself to make
you feel any way face your greatest fear
until it no longer becomes fearful we
are here have a wonderful day infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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