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Children of The Sun Need Sun Food – Honey We’re Killing The Kids!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again children of the Sun need some food
the episode continues honey I’m killing
the kids I remember
chocolate is something which I used to
enjoy not anymore and it’s amazing
because I feel that a lot of us I think
our parents generally they give us
things that they want to make us happy
and food is linked into emotion a
chocolate makes us feel happy it’s the
love energy and all of these things and
all of these things go on and on and on
and I’m just realizing that we have to
really look at what especially parents
have to look at what they’re giving
their children to eat because this is
2012 right now and if parents aren’t
actually studying the science of food to
realize that okay you can’t give your
children ice cream all the time you
can’t give them McDonald’s you can’t
give them all of this meat and all of
this dairy all of this garbage because
essentially that’s what they’re going to
become a lot of the food isn’t organic
because it’s been genetically altered so
honey are we killing the kids but then
again I feel parents aren’t killing the
kids on intent they’re just doing it
because that’s all they know but
essentially people have to wake up
because food is information and for me
that’s my whole relationship food has
changed and I’m just realizing that
it’s amazing because I feel that when we
talk of a lot of the food that nature
makes for us is not addictive and I feel
that’s the whole thing because children
they’ve become addicted to certain foods
foods like cookies and all of these
things they’re very addictive they have
to be because it’s based on profit so
when you give a child something which is
an appetite for it a psychosomatic
appetite for it and that’s the whole
thing that’s what the problem has become
because a lot of us we’re not actually
eating like we’re eating death we’re
killing other animals for our own
consumption at the same time we wonder
why we’re living in misery because what
goes around comes around we’re eating
foods which have been processed so and
refined so therefore the way that we
think is also refined and processed it’s
not raw it’s not organic anymore and for
me I just realized that a lot of the
children who are incarnated right now
they have some serious work to do they
know why they’re here on this planet
they happen to come here to raise the
vibration so therefore they need the
best food they need the most premium
food they need the food which is really
gonna help them fulfill their mission
and organic food in essence is pure
sunlight that’s all food is and that’s
why in ancient times some people they
never had to eat because they just had
to sit in the Sun and absorb all that
energy but we have to ask ourselves are
we eating life what are we eating death
infinite waters eating that Sun food
right on my face right now diving deep peace

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