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Can You Be You? Express Yourself 100%

please infinite waters diving deep once
again here we are out in nature is
beautiful can you be you express
yourself a hundred percent how to
express yourself a hundred percent along
my journey I found that expressing
yourself is the easiest way to feel
alive so many of us around the globe
walking around the planet are stuck we
are holding in so much baggage so many
emotions stored in our bodies which are
draining our energies express yourself
be you I wrote in a song a long time ago
ask yourself do you love yourself
because many people they hate themselves
that’s why they make themselves someone
else they’re never satisfied and that’s
how it is the hardest thing is to be
yourself in a while that is constantly
trying to change you at every given
moment and a lot of the times we feel we
are what society defines us as what’s
your name my name is Ralph but that’s
not who I am who are you because your
name is just a description it does not
define your essence but I work in a bank
that’s your function but it doesn’t tell
me anything about you so Who am I when I
ask myself this question this marvelous
question on my journey I said I am
I am breath I am free yes I am
stretching turning twisting I am all of
these things that my body is going
through when we talk of expressing
yourself the old paradigm has been about
the mind and body separation the new
paradigm is seeing that the body is the
unconscious mind therefore we have to
realize that the reason why many of us
can’t express ourselves is because our
bodies are suppressed many people
walking around with their heads down can
you be you because from childhood we
have been told to be someone else from
childhood we’ve been told to be someone
in fact the root word of Education
coming from the Latin Educare e means to
bring out can you be you because to be
yourself you have to bring out of
yourself your authenticity a hundred
percent you have to begin to love
yourself I found on my journey it helps
to express yourself just by going into
nature nature allows you to be yourself
society doesn’t do that because now once
you’re in society you have to say I
belong to a race I belong to a religion
I belong to this job I am NOT any of
these things I am NOT my job my
nationality because the more you let go
of society’s expectations and the label
society throws on you the more you can
be yourself who are you you are what you
say you are not what someone else tells
you many of us when we meet someone what
do we say
why you and they say I’m fine I’m great
are you sure the reason why we asked how
are you is to avoid intimate
conversations with other people that’s
why nowadays on my journey I say how do
you feel when you are someone how do you
feel it allows them to tap into the
present because now they have to
consciously discover their body
sensations when you are someone how are
you I’m fine the quickest thing in the
world but it’s the farthest thing from
the truth just look at their face when
they tell you it we want to act like
everything is perfect when clearly it’s
not so tapping into our bodies and that
is total body awareness allows us to
express ourselves because we become
honest with ourselves many people are
desensitized on the planet we are not
living in our bodies we are living in
our minds however when we go back to our
childhood as children we are in our
bodies 100% that is why we are so free
because once you are in the present you
can feel your breath you’re breathing in
you can feel your heartbeat as we become
we’re down by this system we live in our
minds because we’re projecting into the
future therefore we’re living in fear
which is false evidence appearing real
so we don’t even feel what our body is
attempting to communicate to us your
body is your loyal servant it is always
working for your best interests
can you be you you turn on the
television which tells lies to your
vision we have to tell our vision and a
lot of the times I’m just seeing how you
don’t have to win it’s not a race it’s
not about being the best it’s about
being yourself to express yourself you
have to let go of who you think you are
you have to remember not everyone is
going to accept you for who you are
that’s too bad we have to remember that
it’s about sometimes being a bit crazy
being silly being fun because after all
we came here to play through expressing
yourself you become expansive you feel
alive whenever you hold something in
then it eats you alive and to be
you have to take that leap of faith you
have to realize you have to become your
own guru follow yourself in a world full
of masters who rules and that’s how I
look at life nowadays I see it’s about
looking at other people as an extension
of yourself instead of bowing down to
them like the old paradigm what has
empowered me on my journey is to realize
it’s not about fitting in it’s about
creating your own niche creating your
own world and living in it because many
of us we are always going outside of
ourselves I’m going to work I’m going to
the shop we’re never going within
ourselves and we have to find the pearls
that lie within ourselves that is how to
feel alive that is how to be ourselves
once again it’s tough though because
we’re living in a game society is a big
joke however you can laugh at it once
you know how to play the game being
yourself is all about being direct to
people that you come into contact with
it’s about saying what is inside of your
heart not what you feel you should say
to please them that’s what’s inside of
your mind it’s about being open
being free in your whole demeanor to
them communication is essential to
express yourself many of us want to
communicate to people but we don’t know
how we’re still holding onto old
programs for me along my journey it’s
about deleting these programs every day
because yes they keep coming up if you
love someone tell them you love them
let it all out because that will make
you happier make you lighter make you
more comfortable in your own skin many
of us in the presence of family and
friends cannot be ourselves a hundred
percent it’s hard to become yourself to
those closest to you because they have
in their mind a picture of you that is
not going to change some people refuse
to change that image they have built of
you in their minds they forget that you
are forever changing that you are a
multi-dimensional being having a human
therefore they only see you in one way
not realizing that there are many sides
to all of us so to be yourself to
to not worry if other people do not
understand us even those closest to us
because later down the line they will
and if not then that’s too bad they will
have to wait another lifetime it’s just
amazing along my journey I found when
you don’t take yourself so seriously you
can express yourself because you are
letting go of expectations and so many
of us we’re striving for perfection and
that’s what stops us from expressing
ourselves a hundred percent
some people feel expressing yourself is
about shouting at the top of your lungs
so the whole world can hear you I’m
alive yes that’s beautiful but for me
expressing yourself is about being
yourself and that could be in any way
you choose fit it’s just your natural
expression it may be and a PS shy but
that might liberate you sometimes we
feel if we’re loud and in people’s faces
this shows we’re confident a lot of the
time it only covers up our own
insecurities remember to express
yourself your true expression is where
your power lies we’re out here with a
bird singing the sun shining infinite
waters diving deep once again express
you [Music]

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