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Do you worry in the right order?

so I have a question for you do you
consider yourself a warrior not a war
you’re a worrier what do I mean by that
do you catch yourself worrying about
everything your life what if this
happens what if that happens you’re
constantly worried about things in your
life right and how do I know that I can
speak for myself I’ve worried the
majority part of my life I’ve worried
about things I’ve worried about a lot of
things I’ve done in my life so sometimes
I ask a question and I say what does
worrying come from because if you think
about it we have this misconception that
worrying is a bad thing right worrying
isn’t a good thing to do
Society tells us it’s a bad thing to do
work I think worrying is still a gift
given to us by God I just think we worry
in the wrong order is what I think it is
so what I mean by worrying in the wrong
order think about it think about it here
I know it sounds a little bit confusing
I stay with me
I think too often we buy a car up
excitement then we worried about how to
make the car payments I think too often
we buy a house because the markets good
and then we worry about how to make the
mortgage payment right I think too often
we eat something that we like cuz it
tastes so good like this cheese cheese
cake or ice cream it tastes so good then
we worry about putting on weight and the
order of worrying is in the wrong order
rather we should worry first before
making a decision
what does that mean worried whether you
couldn’t make that car payment if things
go wrong
why if you couldn’t make that mortgage
payment if you have enough cash in the
bank account to worry if you could you
you know your health is gonna be fine or
if it’s not drop those things you’re
eating but do don’t worry upfront if you
raise your kids on the right foundations
right Church right well you know
characters you want to teach them once
they’re 18 years so they’re gonna make
their mistakes anyways but you’ve done
your way up front on how you want to
raise your kids so and once you do that
once you make that adjustment of
worrying up front and then making a
decision what happens is you start
doubting yourself a lot less and when
you start doubting yourself a lot less
you know what happens you become three
because you worried upfront my message of the week to you
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