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A Change Is Gonna Come, WATCH THIS! (Sony Venice) 6K

it’s been a long a long time coming and
I know a change gonna come
deep divers oh yes it is
now growing up I listened to that song
repeatedly by Sam Cooke a change is
gonna come
and deep divers I’m here to tell you a
change is gonna come
I don’t care what you’re going through
tough times challenging situations there
is a light at the end of the tunnel now
let’s be honest change is inevitable
change is the only constant but not
change for the better
deep divers I’ve realized this there is
no change in your life without a change
in your routine without a change in your
mind without a change in your diet if
you want your world to change the change
must start within yourself first and
then deep divers well you’ll just say
hell so good to be alive baby can I get
a Hello
it’s been a long a long time coming and
I know a change gonna come [Music]

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