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deep divers over 1.5 million subscribers
thank you that just goes to show me that
a lot of people are waking up watching
my videos and well they even had
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby gorgeous day
sending you tons of sunshine take that
take that take that
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby blessings every single
day deep divers I feel blessed to have
the privilege to share with you all five
signs your blessings will multiply no no
no five signs your blessings will triple
that’s right Law of Attraction let’s
talk about it every single day my
blessings are tripling my life is
becoming richer I’m becoming happier
healthier more in love I have more
passion I’m looking younger than I’ve
ever looked right right and we even had
breakfast year can I get a Hello pair
beautiful deep dive is less dive
straight into it five signs your
blessings well triple now deep divers
let me share with you how I knew my
blessings would triple who would have
thought all of those years ago when I
was in my garden saying peace with a
massive afro years down the line I would
have a youtube Gold Award
slow motion this side the first sign
your blessings will triple is that you
are prepared to sacrifice you are
prepared for the marathon you see life
like a marathon you realize the day you
plant the seed is not the same day you
eat the fruit
therefore you are doing something today
your future self will thank you for you
see deep divers I knew one day Ralph
smart would inspire millions of people
but I had to do something about it I had
to step into radical action I had to
make it happen
belief is not enough you need action
behind it hmm
slow motion this side day-in day-out
I kept creating I kept believing in
myself and all of a sudden I get a
YouTube Gold Award all of a sudden I’m
inspiring millions of people because I
didn’t give up the three words to
guarantee your success don’t give up you
see deep divers it’s really hard and
that’s the truth to go to the next level
oh it’s hard right why is it so hard
because there are gonna be challenges
obstacles roadblocks and detours and you
have to believe enough in yourself to
say I’m gonna rise above them that’s why
when I see people sharing I’m like I
respect the effort you took to produce
that can’t those that can’t do they
watch those that can do let me repeat
that those that can’t do they watch
those that can do so can you do it
because it’s easy to criticize but your
blessings will triple when you’re not
criticizing what others are doing
because you are so occupied and busy
with what you are doing mmm
slow motion this side what is the second
sign your blessings will triple life
changing deep divers what help me along
my journey was to say thank you as soon
as I got up as soon as I woke up and
then thank you as soon as just before
bed that’s right thank you as soon as
you wake up thank you before you go to
bed trust me it works
every single time you see I’ve learned
mystic divers the more grateful I became
the richer
I became gratitude is linked to wealth
if you are someone who has a lack of
gratitude you will always remain in
poverty consciousness I’m grateful every
single day I’m healthy I’m happy I got
blue like glasses to protect from blue
light right eye health okay I’m happy
I’m in love I’m happy I’ve got a
wonderful family I’m happy I meet
amazing deep divers every single day I’m
happy I’ve got a roof over my head I’m
happy I got more blessings than problems
I’m happy I can share with you all all
of a sudden I feel better and that’s how
to know that’s a sign blessings will
triple for you so remind yourself to say
thank you for everybody who has helped
you along your journey
thank you mom she can hear me deep dive
is what is the third sign your blessings
will triple
now what’s helped me along my journey is
to go the extra mile the reason why I
keep going from success to success is
because I realize this deep divers even
if you’re sweating even if you’re
panicking even if you’re full of anxiety
even if it feels too much to bear in the
end it will be worth it if you can go
the extra mile if you have what I call
the edge if you can be unique in other
words authentic your blessings will
triple if you are always wanting to do
what everyone else is doing if you can’t
enjoy your own company the blessings
never come the moment I learn how to
embrace my uniqueness honor my
authenticity learn to be alone and happy
with the cat down the road obviously
blessing started to triple the moment I
realize that Ralph go the extra mile
just push yourself that little bit
harder don’t overwhelm yourself but push
yourself that little bit harder because
you are infinite you can do anything go
anywhere and become whatever you choose
so if you are going the extra mile if
you are making it happen with every
single cell in your body your blessings
well triple what is the fourth sign deep
divers your blessings well triple now
every single day what happens a lot of
us we get distracted oh my gosh Ralph
look at this person’s profile and that
person’s profile and but is it helping
you that’s the question is it helping
you grow or is it just a distraction
if you’re not helping me evolve you’re a
distraction hmm
slow motion this side get them out of
here right distance yourself distance
yourself from anything that doesn’t grow
you or help you evolve or take you to
the next level deep diamonds that’s
what’s changed my life forever you see
every single day there are so many
distractions around me and I’m looking
at each distraction oh my gosh
but I’m cool about it afterwards because
I’m like I’m gonna go to that way over
there because the distractions over this
way right if you can learn how to
distance yourself from people who
distract you from your path from your
purpose and surround yourself with
people who remind you of your greatness
now all of a sudden greatness is upon
you and blessings will triple I’ve seen
it along my journey I only surround
myself with people who are gonna help me
evolve and I can help them evolve and
there’s love there’s respect there’s
love there’s respect and there’s
appreciation like seven day vegan
challenge they buy me a bunch of grapes
and I buy them a bunch of grapes deep
divers what is the fifth sign Oh baby
your blessings well triple that bird’s
blessings are tripling right now you are
constantly learning that’s right
learning about food did you know that
pineapples contain bromelain 500 times
more powerful than cough medicine also
full of vitamin C yes pineapples are a
superfood your blessings triple if you
are constantly learning if you are
constantly investing as well I’ve spent
over a hundred thousand just on
production gear but that’s helped me get
a YouTube Gold Award so who was a smart
investment hmm
slow motion this side your blessings
will triple if you are constantly
learning constantly investing and
constantly sharing consistency I’m
always sharing with a smile on my face
cuz I love what I’m doing and that’s why
my blessings are tripling and guess what
deep divers are never ever gonna stop
why because this lasts forever and
that’s why I’m saying fail so get to be
a live baby can I get a hello hey
beautiful deep divers we are out here in
the heart of nature baby just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby
deep divers get working on your dream
right now the day you plant the seed is
not the same day you will eat the fruit
nobody said it would be easy but it is
possible if you want it you can get it
deep dive is less just whoa breathing in
that good ah spur on the baby
I wouldn’t wanna rels shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the amazing
the amazing good ass prana shirts that
Ralph smart come slash clothes get the
new book deep divers feel alive by Ralph
Ralph smart calm /the book follow me on
instagram at infinite waters deep divers
have a beautiful day from the cat down
the road and I infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy
peace you the blessings are multiplying
know the blessings are tripling you got
that right [Music]

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