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5 Signs You Will Attract Wealth And Abundance To You

one day I’m gonna be rich Ralph rich in
love rich in happiness
he Symphony waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are here
sending you tons of positive energy take
that take that take that
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby do you feel that you will
be wealthy one day do you feel that you
will live in abundance one day five
signs you will be wealthy and abundant
and Wayne even had breakfast yeah can I
get a Hello they’re so deep divers
become your greatest version in this
video we are gonna explore we are gonna
explore ways to know that you will one
day be wealthy and abundant many years
ago I knew yes Ralph smart will live a
life of infinite abundance the first
sign you will be wealthy and abundant is
that you give that’s right
value-added you’re not stingy no no you
give you pour your heart out to the cat
down the road even to strangers as well
okay it’s one big family here you give
you offer your services to other people
you impact their life in a positive way
you see deep divers so long as you share
your gift with the world you are living
your purpose mmm slow motion this side
and so long as you are living your
purpose you will always be rich
realizing I create happiness deep divers
if you are producer if you are always
giving you will always receive you can
only give when you have you can only
have when you focus on
it’s you to realize wait a minute wait a
minute I actually do have a lot so start
being grateful for everything you have
and then you can give it all to me and
the cat down the road and the more you
give that is a sure sign you will be
wealthy and abundant deep divers what is
the second sign Oh baby you will be
wealthy and abundant you have learnt the
art of slowing down the pitstop to speed
up that’s right you see deep divers the
reason why every single day I wake up
with a whole bunch of grapes in my mouth
living a life of supreme abundance is
because I slow down then I speed up in
other words I take care of myself
i pamper myself deep divers I spend an
hour every single day doing absolutely
nothing you guessed it I take time to
heal myself a lot of people are in a
hurry to get nowhere fast
you’re burning out and even though you
might make money but you’re losing your
soul in the process mmm
slow motion this side mmm you see what’s
helped me along my journey is to slow
down and then speed up be patient and
now you will speed up a practical way to
do this slowing down is about saying
okay what is most important to me right
now have a clear vision of what you want
and where you want to be have the ideas
a great business idea an idea to change
the world for the better
and then start saying okay it’s time to
execute on these ideas execution is
everything and that’s how to tell you
will be wealthy and abundant
deep divers it is so essential you take
time out to rest recharge and then deep
dive as well you can come back even
stronger what is the third sign deep
divers you will be wealthy and abundant
every single day instead of just going
on Instagram oh my gosh what am I doing
here no you’re not just comparing
yourself to other people here what are
you doing you are saying I am enough
you’re not just going on Facebook
instead of going on Facebook put your
face in the book you’re actually saying
no I’m enough I’m not gonna compare
myself to anybody else when you can feel
like gold within yourself deep divers
that’s how to tell you will be wealthy
and abundant
I knew along my early journey I wasn’t
comparing myself I wasn’t comparing
myself to anybody I’m like I’m enough
then I became gold and gold attracts
gold that’s how the law of attraction
works all you have to do to know you
will be wealthy and abundant one day is
feel good about yourself now you will
start attracting all good things to you
slow motion this side mmm take care off
the energy within yourself deep divers
what is the fourth sign you will be
wealthy and abundant seven day vegan
challenge a lot of people stuffing lots
of pomegranates in their mouth right now
Brazil nuts and tangerines what a
wonderful combination you are investing
more in super food than your clothes
ever wondered why I always wear just a
black t-shirt whenever I’m in the art
gallery deep divers because I spend all
my money on
superfoods instead that’s right Loretta
right chlorella chlorella ever seen me
eating chlorella like got a whole mouth
full of green powder you should see it
one time right I’m investing in
superfoods and therefore health is
wealth they give me so much back on my
investment ROI return on investment
clothes don’t give me much back they
look cool but no superfoods literally
change my life so if you are investing
in Moringa powder chlorella powder you
will be wealthy and abundant because
health is wealth deep-dive is what is
the fifth sign you will be wealthy and
abundant now I only do videos in one
take deep divers by me accepting myself
I realize I’m not a perfectionist
therefore I will always be wealthy and
abundant because I’m always stepping
into radical action the fifth sign is
that the beginning is always the hardest
Oh deep divers when I was first starting
to share with the world
I was so self-critical always judging
myself ralph is not good enough now I
absolutely love myself
and if you can realize that if you are
starting something a business whatever
it is realize you will experience
sleepless nights some days are gonna be
rough really rough the beginning is
always the hardest but it will it will
get better if you are able to hold your
composure des by all the obstacles
challenges and hardships you will be
wealthy and abundant if you are able to
put in ten thousand hours do that work
even when you want to give up you’re
like I can’t because this is my dream
and the universe reveals its secrets to
those who dare to follow their hearts
deep divers I knew I would be wealthy
and abundant because I realized this
was more important than the goal that
goes back to slowing down to speed up
it’s not just about being in a rush to
do it’s not just about being in a rush
to do everything really quickly quality
over quantity realize everything will
get done everything will fall into place
once you find in a piece first once you
realize the beginning is always the
hardest but then it becomes a walk in
the park and then you just say oh so get
beautiful deep divers you are
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
oz prana baby shout out to everybody
who’s been getting the wonderful good oz
per honest shirts a Ralph smart dog calm
slash clothes get the new book deep
divers on Amazon feel alive by Ralph
smart you got a question one more
inspiration add me on Instagram right
now at infinite waters deep divers you
will be wealthy and abundant if you
realize once you change your mind you
can change your world and then deep dive
as well you just say Phil so good to be
alive baby can I get a hello pair
abundance is your birthright embrace it
[Applause] [Music]

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