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10 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because of Your Overthinking

hey synthetic waters diving deep once
again we’re out here in nature baby a
bird singing there it’s pretty windy is
beautiful ten things people don’t
realize you’re doing because of your
overthinking are you overthinking today
worrying about this and worrying about
that a lot of thoughts flooding your
mind thoughts everywhere let’s just
breathing in that good ass prior baby so
I’m gonna talk about overthinking what
people don’t realize you’re doing
because of overthinking and a lot of
people write to me about wanting to stop
overthinking so much but what I found
out is that you need to know what you’re
doing and what people don’t realize
you’re doing because of overthinking
women had breakfast yet can I get a
hello so let me share with you what’s
helped me along my journey I was a
chronic ruminator meaning I would think
about everything over and over again and
it got to the point where it was
actually really annoying the first thing
people don’t realize you’re doing
because of your overthinking is that you
believe all your thoughts including your
negative thoughts you actually believe
them to be real now this is a massive
problem for over thinkers why because
you see our mind is not as accurate as
it seems our mind creates a story from
our perception
slow motion this side I’m a lot of fuss
we live upstairs so if our mind perceive
something we actually believe it’s real
many / thinkers have a lot of negative
thoughts which run their life and now
they can’t go anywhere they become
prisoners trapped in isolation and that
was me alone my early journey I actually
believed any thought I thought was real
now you can imagine how tedious and
exhaust berating that must be for
someone who is overthinking a lot and it
is many / thinkers never feel they’re
good enough and they have this thought
which says you aren’t good enough and
because of that you get caught up in
what I call the overthinking loop you
say I’m not good enough then you think
I’m not good enough and you’re like oh
my gosh I’m not good enough I can’t
believe I’m not good enough and it goes
on and on and on so what helped me along
my journey was to realize this not
everything you think not every thought
you think is real not every negative
thought you believe is true just because
it might make sense it doesn’t mean it’s
true so let thoughts flow through you
without judgment what helped me to
really stop negative thinking and
overthinking was to stop judging myself
what’s to stop judging myself life is a
whole lot easier life is a whole lot
easier once you take the edge off and
stop becoming a judge
on every single little action you do
just let it flow right what’s the second
thing people don’t realize you’re doing
because of your overthinking you
actually probably think not people who
don’t overthink on intelligent they’re
not concerned they’re not bothered about
life the deeper meaning or maybe maybe
they’ve just found the Fountain of Youth
right which is to really be in the
present moment absorb yourself in the
present moment and realize that we don’t
really control our external world as we
think we do we can only become and step
into our power internally not externally
you can’t control what someone else is
if other people seem like they’re just
happy and dandy going on with their
normal life
that’s good for them right I’m not gonna
say it’s because they’re shallow right
and sometimes people don’t realize
you’re doing that because you are
overthinking like you think other people
just aren’t concern so you’re like I’ve
got to do wait a minute wait a minute
I’ve got to do the thinking for you you
you you you you you you you and the cat
down the road that’s a lot of thinking
because some overthink is write to me
saying that Ralph no one thinks in my
household everyone’s asleep
everyone is so unaware of what’s
happening and I get it we are living in
the Age of Aquarius the Information Age
and it’s time to awaken but just because
other people might be skipping along it
doesn’t mean that they are asleep you
don’t want to judge what other people
are doing you want to be you want to be
concerned with what you are doing
everyone is dealing with this in that
whole in a whole different way what’s
the third thing people don’t realize
you’re doing because of your
overthinking 7 day vegan challenge you
are a food perfectionist now I’ve been
eating a plant-based diet for a long
time and what I found out is that I was
a food perfectionist for a little bit
because sometimes I would eat out and
I’m like are you sure there’s no dairy
in it – sometimes in restaurants in
restaurants they use the same oil right
or whatever that they have used in
certain meats and chicken and all kinds
of stuff and I’m like are you sure okay
and it got to the point where I was
overthinking everything I would even go
on a plane and ask are you sure right
you know what plain food is like it’s
really plain right I would stop checking
labels and that’s fantastic to be really
aware of the food you’re eating and
making sure you are really eating the
most nutrient-dense food
but also if you’re not careful your food
perfectionism might run your life right
I’ve realized that look I’m doing okay
right I’m eating the best I can I’m
eating I’m eating my leafy greens I’m
eating beautiful fruits the acai the
guava right I’m doing a lot and it’s
okay if I don’t eat a hundred percent
organic all the time because trust me
I’ve traveled to so many countries
nearly every continent on the planet I’m
always on a plane and sometimes you got
to eat whatever is there right you got
to eat whatever is there okay I’ve been
all over South America everywhere and
sometimes when you’re traveling you
realize you might have to stop somewhere
and you’re like okay what have you got
there like I just got beans and this and
you’re like okay I’ll take that let’s
eat it right so by me traveling to so
many countries I learn that you got to
eat the best of whatever there is there
and forgive yourself and when you go
home then stuff your mouth full of a
whole load of strawberries to make up
for it okay what’s the fourth thing
people don’t realize you’re doing
because of your overthinking you avoid
uncertainty at all costs at all costs
because you have to be sure that’s right
you need to know I’ve learned this that
the unknown is the unknown and the
unknown is the unknown for all of us all
anxiety is created from a desire to
escape the present moment many /
thinkers have a fear of the unknown and
many people don’t realize you are
constantly overthinking because you are
afraid of uncertainty it scares the
living daylights out of you so
what help me to even stop overthinking
was to realize this that life is pretty
uncertain no one knows what’s gonna
happen next
did you see that coming I thought no
that’s kind of like how life is it’s
full of surprises right so I realized
that you just gotta surrender to the ebb
and the flow of life and what’s helped
me is to realize that just as long as
I’m going along my way the universe will
protect me and will provide and I’ve
seen along my journey you’ve got a trust
life because it knows more than you do
right planet Earth has been here longer
than you well actually we’re Stardust so
we’ve been here from the beginning so
I’ve realized that uncertainty is part
of life it’s what makes life riveting if
you knew what was gonna happen next then
it will be like a book that you know
what’s gonna happen next and you’re like
I don’t want to read this
it’s like someone tells you what’s gonna
happen at the end of the film and you’re
like I’m not gonna even bother watching
it anymore
so life was like okay I’m not actually
gonna tell these human beings what’s
gonna happen next to keep them on their
toes right so it’s okay to not know let
me repeat that it’s okay to not know it
is okay to not know what is gonna happen
next just prepare yourself for it slow
motion this side what’s the fifth thing
people don’t realize you’re doing
because of your overthinking now we are
living in a whole new world right now of
selfies snapchat Instagram Ralph smart
YouTube social media is beautiful I love
it to life right but what happens when
you’re overthinking people don’t realize
many / thinkers are expert selfie retake
us not selfie takers but self Erie
takers cuz they’ll take like a selfie a
thousand times and still say it’s just
not good enough actually three one for
that picture was good you missed it okay
pay attention expert selfie retake us
now I don’t post I don’t post that many
selfies cuz I’m like this whole video is
like a selfie just capture each frame
right but I post a few here and there
and I just post a selfie right I don’t
really get caught up into judging how I
look but there was a time when when
Instagram first came out I was trying
the app and then I’m like I’m not gonna
go on Instagram because this is like too
much right as I was taking a selfie oh
it’s not good enough let me let me take
it from this angle
hold a camera like this people thought I
was like juggling something up there
right that’s what happens right when
you’re taking a selfie there’s a reason
why a lot of people have self-esteem
issues so I was reading an article about
famous celebrities who are not on social
media who aren’t on Instagram what they
are on other social media just like not
on Instagram and things like that and
one of them was Kate Winslet and she was
saying she was saying this that and this
was really interesting like women
already have a problem with a lot of
women have have a problem a lot of women
already have a problem with self-esteem
issue so just posting a selfie is only
gonna make it worse even if someone who
studied psychology from my whole life
I’m like that’s so true because many
people are feeling worse about
themselves with always trying to win the
approval of other people and that’s what
happens with the overthinking loop
you’re like okay if this picture doesn’t
get enough likes well I’ve got news for
you it’s not actually gonna get like ten
million likes like Beyonce or 11 million
or whatever it is right don’t worry
about it post it because you want to
post it and it means something to you
and then you will become an expert
selfie taker and you will stop
overthinking and you will let go of that
expert selfie retaking which is making
you overthink a whole lot more and
you’re missing the 3 1 4 picture because
you take like a thousand right and it’s
what’s the sick thing right the sick
thing people don’t realize you’re doing
because if you’re overthinking you are a
first-class procrastinator that’s right
you love it you love to put things off
oh my gosh I’m talking about myself here
now I just do it I just make a video no
edit it’s just straight like that but
there was a time when along my early
journey I was doing take off the tape
because I was trying to get the words
right like if I said hello did you just
hear what I just said I was actually
saying hello so I would have to retake
it then I had a great epiphany like if
I’m talking to someone in a conversation
I’m not actually gonna say excuse me I
didn’t say that word correctly
I didn’t pronounce it right let me say
it again please and then let’s continue
our conversation it actually makes it
more natural
well authentic just just to keep on
right and that’s why this channel is
connecting with so many beautiful deep
divers who are gonna invite me into
their homes and we’re gonna have a
beautiful quinoa lettuce arugula
watercress wheatgrass salad right No
I put things off sometimes I’m not
perfect and it’s okay to put certain
things off it’s just that many people
don’t realize that you’re overthinking
because if you’re overthinking you’re
always putting things off should we
travel no let’s do it next week next
week comes then it’s the other week and
then it’s the next week and then it’s
the next week and then it’s all my gosh
it’s like an endless cycle why was i
putting things off for so long because I
was so caught up in perfectionism like I
always say perfectionism is a curse life
isn’t perfect life is incredibly real
babies being born every single second
people passing away every single second
you think you got time to stop being
perfect around here you say in The
Breakfast Club right this is life it’s
real so I started to realize that and I
said okay I’m not gonna put things off
I’m gonna make an effort to every day if
I want to do something I’m just gonna do
it because soon you’ll be out of here
every single person you see in the next
1,000 years wait a minute in the next
like 200 years wait a minute
the next who knows we might actually
live a lot longer than that but it’s
probably gonna be out of here and you’re
gonna have your children walking around
that’s pretty entertaining and fun so do
it now and that’s what’s helped me along
my journey to stop overthinking to
realize just like
what I said the problem is you think you
have time right
what’s the seventh thing people don’t
realize you’re doing because of your
overthinking talk to me Ralph well I’m
gonna talk to you you love it you love
it what do you love so much to do
gather information that confirms your
fears don’t go there
someone tells you so you gather all of
this information to back up that
statement which you don’t even know if
it’s true or not well I heard it from
them but have you gone yourself
but I heard have you gone yourself what
I have you gone yourself people don’t
realize you’re doing now because of your
overthinking many of us do you remember
when they said the world is going to end
and people started gathering so much
information to confirm their fears that
it was gonna end
then tomorrow came and they’re like oh
gotta go to work yes you do not me I’m
in nature baby and deep-dive is a lot of
us we’re in nature baby so it’s not us
don’t worry about it so I realized this
that there is paranoia when you think
everything he’s out to get you people
are out to get you the world is going
against you working against you and
there is something called pronoia where
everything is working in your favor and
I was paranoid for a little moment then
I started to see the beauty of pronoia
that everything is magically gonna work
in my favor then I started to realize
this if you believe it will it actually
does end up happening just like in the
great book The Alchemist the universe
helps you write it will conspire to help
okay as you go along your way the whole
universe is conspiring to help you
that’s the beautiful mindset they have
many of us don’t realize that look what
are the benefits of being paranoid
can you name any you’re just making it
harder for yourself what are the
benefits and the joys of having Pro noia
you like that person who says I can do
it you’re like no they can’t but
eventually they actually probably end up
doing it just because they have that
self belief that self confidence that
self love and it works wonders what is
the eight thing people don’t realize
you’re doing because of your
overthinking what was I doing when I was
over thinking a lot I was living up to
other people’s expectations other
people’s opinions were more important
it was time to stop that it was time for
better things to happen for me see many
/ thinkers live up to other people’s
expectations they live for other
people’s approval people don’t realize
you’re doing that all the time
subconsciously so what helped me along
my journey was to say this that people
always changing their minds right one
day they’d like grapes next day they’d
like strawberries and it’s got nothing
to do with you
how you see me has nothing to do with me
it has everything to do with you if you
understand that / stand that and inna
stand that I will help you stop
overthinking it’s all a perception game
right how other people think of you has
nothing to do with you it has everything
to do with how they see the world at
that present moment in time bingo light
bulb moment I started to realize that
and say okay it’s all an illusion the
only thing that matters is how I see the
world in this present moment because I
am co-creating reality slow motion
inside and it’s the whole weight lifted
off your shoulders when you just realize
that it’s so incredibly simple right so
start living up to your own expectations
if you want right but definitely don’t
what’s the night thing people don’t
realize you’re doing because of your
overthinking you are always sometimes
living in the future and I was for a
long time and it happens though I
suppose when you’re at school they say
what you want to be when you grow up and
already they’ve protected you into the
and you’re just like six years old like
please let me enjoy my childhood we’ll
talk about what I want to be when I grow
up later just trying to play with some
children right now that’s what children
do but no we’re already getting serious
like what do you want to do right so I
started to realize that it’s a program
you got to live in the present moment to
stop overthinking and you got to ground
yourself in the present moment the only
way you can do that though is to
actually enjoy what you’re doing every
single day to become present in it
obviously if you don’t like your job or
you try to think of a better future for
yourself I don’t blame you
so I started to actually like what I was
doing in nature I love what I’m doing
right now and that’s what keeps me
grounded it keeps me present and I stop
overthinking right so many people don’t
realize you’re living in the future
always because of your overthinking so
it’s time to get back into the present
moment by becoming more mindful and the
tenth thing people don’t realize you’re
doing because if you’re overthinking is
that oh no you can’t even do that you
can’t fall asleep trying to fall asleep
right now and it’s hard hard not hard
but hard hard to fall asleep I don’t
blame you cuz you got a lot of things to
think about
I realize this I listen for a lot of
four three two music right I made it go
viral so many times five to eight Hertz
because it really just helps me sleep
better and to realize that look thinking
about something won’t change your only
actions to and that really helped me to
stop overthinking so once again sleep
easy well breathe easy breathing in that
good hasta pronto baby and have a
beautiful day we’re out here feels so
infinite waters diving deep once again
you [Music]

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