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10 Signs You’re Being Manipulated By A Narcissist, Sociopath, or Psychopath

Pisan senate waters diving deep once
again we are out here in the heart and
nature baby beautiful day ten signs
you’re being manipulated by a narcissist
sociopath or psychopath let’s just whoa
breathing in that good ah sprouter baby
so I got a question that came in
someone said they feel they might be in
the presence of a narcissist who is also
a sociopath huh who is also a psychopath
what free rolled into one
I mean even had breakfast yet can I get
a Hello now this video is dedicated to
anybody who’s in the presence of a
narcissist a sociopath or a psychopath
I’m here to tell you you don’t have to
suffer any longer now a narcissist what
am I talking about
in Greek mythology gnosis was this guy
who fell in love with himself he wasn’t
taking selfies he was staring into the
river and falling in love with his
reflection saying I’m so beautiful baby
and it’s beautiful to have self-love
right you got to love yourself 100% but
not cysts narcissists they don’t want
anybody to shine it’s all about them
they’re so egocentric sociopaths these
are very violent people with a smile so
they conceal it okay they’re very
calculated they don’t leave traces and
they can be social but at the same time
their energy is not good
psychopaths are just outright violent
they’re just outright violent they don’t
even hide it you just know okay you’re a
psychopath they want to cut people
they don’t care about people and they
leave traces everywhere
so if you ever find yourself among any
of those kinds of people remind yourself
that you are not a victim and the power
lies within so what is the first sign
you’re being manipulated by a narcissist
a sociopath or psychopath gaslighting
what is gaslighting this is when someone
questions you right they question you
all the time and now you start
questioning yourself in fact wait a
minute wait a minute you start
questioning your own sanity you’re like
am i going crazy because they make you
feel like you’re going crazy okay gas
lighting is a classic technique used by
narcissists sociopaths and Psychopaths
they sow seeds of doubt inside you now
what is the solution remind yourself
that nobody can make you feel unpleasant
slow-motion this side we have to give
our consent nobody can make you feel
inferior without your permission so when
someone questions you and you feel like
you’re going crazy realize that you are
okay you are saying it’s not your
problem it says okay so never allow
yourself to be in a situation where
someone is making you question your
sanity okay you are good enough and just
recognize that today
what’s the second sign you’re being
manipulated by a narcissist sociopath or
psychopath they twist everything you
like everything they turn around okay
and that is like classic manipulation
like twisting words around like they
will tell you you just made it up it’s
an imaginary story in your head now this
happens a lot in relationships sometimes
people can twist your words around now
what is the solution have a journal
write down how you feel what you are
going through so when they try to twist
your words around you can actually write
down the events that actually happen
when it happened so they’ll be like oh
my gosh
yeah you’re right okay never allow
someone to twist your words around
you’re better than that what’s the third
sign you are being manipulated by a
narcissist sociopath or psychopath they
blame you major projection major
projection works like this because
gnosis sociopaths and Psychopaths never
want to take responsibility they blame
you for absolutely everything they put
their flaws onto you so the narcissist
the sociopath and the psychopath is
never their fault it’s never their
problem it’s yours
now realize this don’t treat people as
bad as they are treat people as good as
you are that’s what I’ve seen along my
journey so even though they are
projecting onto you that’s okay don’t
follow them don’t start doing
tit-for-tat just realize that they’ve
got issues many times they need a hug
you don’t want to give it to them don’t
worry about it okay but don’t play their
game don’t feed into them just walk away
and let go of whatever is no longer
serving you
what is the fourth sign do you see how
windy it is is so beautiful right it’s
like so filmic the fourth sign you’re
being manipulated by a narcissist
sociopath or psychopath is this
they throw aggressive jabs left left
left right right right
and then they disguise it as a joke oh
it was just a joke no I wasn’t so
sometimes they can be really mean to you
and then then they’ll tell you you
misunderstood them right so they kind of
once again twist things around a lot of
truth is said in jest so be attentive to
what is being said even if they say oh
I’m only joking that’s what a lot of
narcissists sociopaths and Psychopaths
love to do they will hurl insults at you
and then say oh it was just a joke
remind yourself that you can choose the
environment you place yourself in you
don’t have to just settle you don’t have
to settle and surround yourself with
people who uplift you not with people
who bring you down what’s the fifth sign
you are being manipulated by a
narcissist sociopath or psychopath
realize this 7 day vegan challenge so
what okay a lot of Nos this was say so
what a lot of sociopaths will say so
what a lot a lot of a lot of Psychopaths
will say so what meaning they are always
moving the goalposts so you can say to
them oh I’m doing the 7 day vegan
challenge I’m eating better I’m eating a
whole load of blueberries full of
vitamin C and they’ll say so what they
don’t care about your achievements
because it’s all about them you see
narcissists always have to have the
spotlight on them it can’t be on you
sociopaths just don’t care they have no
empathy same as Psychopaths
right so there’s a saying though
cost pearls swine meaning they’ll eat it
so be mindful of who you surround
yourself with off the energy you
surround yourself with every single day
and you want people who are going to be
like jumping up in joy when you say hey
I’m eating better I’m looking better I’m
feeling better
those are real friends okay and you can
choose happiness is a choice you can
choose where you place yourself what’s
the sixth sign you’re being manipulated
by a narcissist sociopath or psychopath
they make you feel guilty for saying no
you see many times we all sometimes meet
people and it’s like we can’t be
ourselves because we can’t really
express how we feel they give us these
massive guilt trips okay that’s what
narcissists love to do that’s what
sociopaths love to do that’s what
psychopaths love to do they love to make
you feel guilty for speaking your true
heart and mind they’ll tell you that
isn’t your hardened mind
snap out of it don’t listen to them
right so once again the solution is to
reclaim your power nobody can make you
feel unhappy without your permission
you hold supreme power it’s time to stop
externalizing your power they have none
you have all the power it’s just that
you’re focusing on them and their
approval okay so don’t think you have to
win their approval by just saying yes
when you really want to say no be
impeccable with your word
what’s the seventh sign you’re being
manipulated by a narcissist sociopath or
they are control freaks they love to
control situations they love to control
people so a classic example
they will be mean to you if you don’t do
what they want
you see they love you sociopaths will
love you up until a certain point and
that’s just phony anyway and if you
don’t do what they want then they really
mean okay
they are control freaks they want to
control your every action they become
highly possessive that’s a sign you’re
in the presence of a narcissist
sociopath or psychopath now what’s the
solution realize this that you are not
under their control you are not their
slave you are not their prisoner you
came here to be free I’m talking to you
if you are in a relationship with a
narcissist a sociopath or a psychopath
you don’t have to stay there today I’ve
been in friendships where it’s highly
there are narcissists some friendships
there are sociopaths some friendships
there are psychopaths and I’m like what
am I doing here and even the cat down
the road hasn’t got the faintest idea
many times its Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm Syndrome what am I talking
when someone holds you hostage and you
end up loving the people who are holding
you hostage right it’s weird but that’s
how it works
Stockholm Syndrome so remind yourself
that you are no longer under their
control you are free being you can move
and go anywhere you want what is the
eighth sign you’re being manipulated by
a narcissist sociopath or psychopath
they change the subject to evade
accountability so because they never
love to take responsibility it’s always
your fault remind yourself that it’s
always your fault according to them so
when you bring up stuff and then
you show them their own dirty laundry
they’ll quickly change the subject
beware of that okay so the solution is
to remind yourself that keep doing it
keep bringing up and highlighting what
they are doing and that it is
unacceptable because you are worthy and
you have every right to exist just as
they do and you are not below them they
are not superior or anything okay
you matter so don’t allow them just to
change the subject keep bringing it up
until eventually they have to face
what’s the ninth sign you’re being
manipulated by a narcissist sociopath or
psychopath you never feel you can meet
their expectations you never feel good
enough you always feel inadequate now
once again this is where I’m going to
turn it on you you’ve got to start
taking responsibility for how you feel
okay it’s not just the narcissists fault
or the sociopaths fault or the
Psychopaths fault we are also feeding
into it we also have a part to play so
if you don’t feel you meet someone’s
expectations I’m here to tell you you
got to accept yourself 100% regardless
of what anybody thinks and that’s what
I’ve seen along my journey I’m not
asking for approval
I approve myself how about that
so start validating your own existence
and they will no longer have power over
you and what’s the tenth sign you’re
being manipulated by a narcissist
sociopath or psychopath
you never know your position with them
because many times narcissists
sociopaths and Psychopaths they’re
always changing how they behave
Psychopaths very erratic they’re more
kind of predictable sociopaths on the
other hand oh they’re slide they’re like
foxes they can be around you in a social
circle and they could be smiling to you
but they have a hidden agenda so you
never really know your position with
them nos is the same thing they can use
you to get what they want to make
themselves appear even more grander
right so sometimes you never really know
your position with them well the
solution who cares because they aren’t
important if you have people in your
life who are not coming from a place of
authenticity you don’t need them that’s
what I’ve seen along my journey I’m only
connecting with people who are going to
lift me higher baby right up into the
ride up into the clouds right right up
into the clouds right right up into the
clouds you don’t want people who are
going to start trash-talking you and
using you like a doormat we don’t need
that when you even had breakfast yet so
once again those are the ten signs
you’re being manipulated by a narcissist
sociopath or psychopath you are worthy
you don’t have to put up with it you
don’t have to tolerate it or remind
yourself this sometimes just sometimes
you’ve got to start looking within and
saying okay what can I do differently to
stop attracting these kinds of people
well I’ve got a solution for you go
where you are celebrated not where you
are tolerated when you realize that well
you’ll just say fill so get to be a live
and there you have it we are out here in
the heart of nature just whoa breathing
in that good-ass prana baby have a
beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
you [Music]

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