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Upgrade Your Consciousness – From Level 1 to Level 3

95% of humanity is right now level 1 now
a couple of unique things about level 1
level 1 is all made up we made up that 4
fibers made it up and they trained this
to take on these constructs if you oddly
believe in your religion you’re at level
1 if you believe in 9 to 5 you believe
in corporations you believe in
mindfulness your level 1 there’s no good
or bad or judgment in level 1 the
important thing is we are living in a
world of mental constructs but they’re
couple of problems in level 1 you see in
level 1 we tend to be at what some
people call the victim stage we live in
this world of constructs but we have
forgotten that we can men we can fix we
can maul this world and so rather than
go out there and try to change this
world we react like a victim he said
that and it hurt me my government is
keeping me down the world is like this
and most people live like that they feel
helpless in the face of the this giant 7
billion human being planet that we live
on with so much happening all the time
but at a certain point you start waking
up and when you start waking up that’s
when you start getting to level 2 I call
level 2 the state of the culture hacker
because here’s what happens at level 2
at level 2 you start questioning culture
now what is culture culture is nothing
more than all our human beliefs and all
our human rituals and practices coming
together but culture isn’t just religion
culture is our ideas of getting a
college degree to be successful its
ideas of joining cooperation of being an
entrepreneur all of these are cognitive
concepts would come from culture but the
thing is when you get to level 2 you
start developing an idea that culture is
an absolute truth and you can hack it
you can bend it you can mold it to your
own desires in the words of Steve Jobs
you realize that everything in the world
around you was made up by people no
smarter than you and you can change
things and when you get this said Steve
Jobs you will never be the same again I
love that quote but that’s what’s
happening at the level of
culture hacker now a culture hacker
something interesting begins the world
of questioning we start questioning
most people don’t question because you
know when a kid grows up and they start
asking their parents why why why why
most parents will simply say because I
told you so but so we tend to kill that
ability to question a bit an early age
but most of you are here because you
question if you’re watching this as a
video on YouTube you’re curious you’re
beginning to question congratulations
you are already most likely at level two
so level two is the level of questioning
but something else happens that level
two at level two not only are you
questioning culture but you begin to see
that the world around you is bendable
you don’t like the 9 to 5 great you
become an entrepreneur or you start a
company in with flexi time you don’t
like the idea of marriage great you come
up with your own ideas of how a man and
a woman should relate you don’t like the
idea of college degree no problem you
drop out and start your own thing you
begin the culture to question the
conventions of culture and this is where
an important insight enters your hip
life can happen to you or life can
happen from you when you grasp the idea
that life is within your control that
you have the ability to bend reality
you’re at level 2 beliefs are hackable
beliefs are swappable now remember
culture is nothing more than beliefs
plus rituals so when you learn that
beliefs are not you beliefs in fact
possess you but those beliefs can be
plucked out and replaced with more
empowering beliefs you have started to
understand this phrase that life can
happen to you or life can happen from
you you can create life through the
process of questioning of hacking
beliefs and filling your mind with
empowering beliefs not necessarily the
beliefs from your parents your school
your education your religion or your
culture you identify the difference
between a rule and a broom or a both
rule and you start to see that we are
swimming in a sea of both
rules that we can choose the question
and ignore now at this point something
interesting happens the idea that your
thoughts can create your reality this is
not just a mystical state meaning based
on mumbo-jumbo or the law of attraction
if you believe in that that’s great
that’s a good belief but you can
literally question and shift reality
because you can question the cognitive
claim most of the world we live in right
now is nothing more than ideas which may
have already hit their expiration date
but which we are still playing with so
now you get to toss out that expired
idea out of your refrigerator and put in
a fresh one now at this point something
interesting happens right you’re at
level 2 you’re the culture hacker and
you start growing at an accelerated pace
when you get to level 2 so your growth
if it’s like this when you get to level
2 it starts growing like that because
you start seeing that the world is under
your control that you can question and I
want to share with you a really
important piece of wisdom that I learned
from Michael Beckwith he spoke about an
idea called Satori versus kensho and he
said this right this is one of the most
powerful ideas I’ve learned Michael
Beckwith said that you can learn and
grow in one of two ways you can grow
through Satori moment Satori moments are
moments of sudden awakening this is when
you’re meditating and all of a sudden
you have this feeling of connectedness
with the entire world
now Satori moments are rare they are
their powerful awakenings but they are
where most people grow through kensho
kensho is growth through pain so someone
breaks your heart and it’s painful but
you learn to be more resilient you learn
self-love you learn how to have a
healthier relationship you end up
hospitalized but you grow through kensho
and you learn to take better care of
your body you might lose a business boom
kensho hits you but you learn to invest
in your growth learn new business skills
plan better and you launch that new
business to be successful
so both Satori and kensho are nothing
more than incredible ways for you
grow but when you understand the idea of
kensho you know every time Caine hits
you I know that it changed my way of
dealing with pain every time pain hits
me I’m like damn I curse but I know that
it’s just a way to kick my butt and some
great learning is going to come from it
that’s an incredible belief to have to
believe that kensho is really nothing
more than a universe’s way of finishing
you to get you to turn to the right
isn’t that amazing and then there’s the
Tori so Satori also is a great way to
grow it’s a little bit rare but it still
happens now as you go through enough
kensho and Satori something interesting
happens you started questioning
everything about the world and when you
start questioning everything about the
world including some of the fundamental
fruits be an entrepreneur get a career
you hit level three now at level three
in michael bakwin’s words something very
unique happens you stop getting obsessed
with goals with even the great goals
that society says you need to have
instead you become a servant to a higher
calling those are his words so let’s
look at level 3 level 3 is what I call
the state of limitless and I want to
share a really interesting thing that
happens at level 3 inspiration leads to
intention that a certain level of waking
up you are tapped in you’re tuned in you
are not separate from life force or the
universe or God or whatever you want to
call it you are one with it and you get
inspiration you get downloads and these
downloads are what design your intention
so you think you came up with a goal to
write that book or start that company or
serve that course bullsh– someone was
speaking to you and planting that in you
and whether you call that life force or
universe you were chosen and your job is
to just take the order and make it
happen so the analogy is this right and
this is another belief that I want to
discard let me share with you this
analogy the compass and the rocket most
people set goals and then they rocket
towards those goals they decide I’m
gonna do this and this and this to get
to that goal
but when you get to stage 3 you don’t
just think of a golden rocket towards it
you first tune into an internal compass
to find out if you’re pointing in the
right direction what if that person you
want to be with isn’t really the person
you’re meant to be with what if that
school that you want to get into isn’t
where you’re gonna meet your future soul
mate or your future business partner
when you get to level 3 intuition or
inspiration guides your intention and
that was one of the most powerful new
beliefs that I developed in the last
couple of years now when I started doing
that things changed when that
inspiration comes no matter what people
say no matter how crazy it is you want
to listen to it and if you’re at level 3
know that you want to start moving
towards it now when you do this your
life starts changing this is when you
truly start living a mission-oriented
life and yes happiness is amazing but
you can get happiness from smoking a
joint real real real a real goal in life
I believe is fulfillment nothing nothing
nothing nothing makes you as happy when
you’re living a mission-oriented life
and that mission is designed to push the
human race forward one of my most
favorite quotes is business people do it
for the dollars but real entrepreneurs
they do with the push humanity forward
but you get there when you’re listening
to that inspiration the universe picks you and you’re ready to move
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