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hi guys hope you’re well so I’ve got the
most easy and delicious dish that I know
you’re gonna love and me and tesco we’re
continuing to give you delicious
nutritious and affordable recipes this
one is a cracker
this is harissa roasted chicken with
sweet potatoes crispy chickpeas
tortillas and a chili and yogurt dip
it’s so good it’s a kind of feasting
dish and it’s really affordable guys and
such fun to make and eat so let’s do it
the story begins with a little vinegar
but it’s gonna be propped up by a secret
little ingredient harissa paste look out
for it in store this is North African
chili paste it is not super super hot
it’s quite mild
it’s got layer upon layer of flavor so
we’re gonna use 2 teaspoons and this is
gonna literally reinvent your roast
chicken this is the base for three
ingredients so we’re keeping this recipe
simple first up chickpeas just drain
that we’ll go straight in to this trade
with the chickpeas sweet potatoes we’re
going to treat them like a jacket potato
right so just fry them in whole easy
easy easy
so we’re using a free-range chicken you
buy what you can afford okay for this
chicken is going to go in this tray and
we’re gonna rub it up and everything is
gonna be tossed in that beautiful
harissa dressing and they just talked
about healthy little swabs
okay look potatoes delicious love them
but they are not one of your five fruit
and veg today right they’re a starchy
sweet potatoes however nutritionally
much more robust this is classed as a
vegetable it’s really really good whew
and delicious get the chicken put it
breast side down some seasoning let’s
wash my hands properly so in the oven it
goes for an hour and 20 minutes at 180
degrees Celsius which is 350 Fahrenheit
so the chicken is in the oven just go
and chill out literally for an hour and
turn the chicken halfway through the
chickpeas will get crispy the sweet
potatoes will get soft and as we sort of
baste it and turn the chicken around
flavor girl or what I need to do now is
a really beautiful but simple slaw so
I’m gonna use carrots red cabbage apples
I’m gonna dress this slaw with a little
olive oil and then I’m gonna use some
vinegar this is red wine vinegar you can
use white
vinegar get the Apple and grate the
whole thing call and all so the carrots
we’re not even going to peel it if you
wanted to use up other vegetables in
your fridge so you’re not wasting things
go for it with our red cabbage I just
need a quarter for me what I love about
this is you take every day humble really
affordable things and make things that
are kind of frumpy exciting look at that
come on look at the colors to give it a
nice mix up have a taste oh my look the
sweetness the acidity the Tang the
crunch I love it if you wanted it to be
a creamy slaw just add a little bit of
yogurt really really good and so much
healthier than mayonnaise a brilliant
healthy swap now I have an optional
extra I’m using a a bit of mint because
I just love it it’s nice in the slaw
it’ll be nice over the dish at the end
beautiful right let’s get this chicken
out of the oven Oh smells incredible
come on look at that absolutely
it’s juicy so you can tell if the
chickens cooked if the juices run clear
this is cooked we’re gonna let it rest
now take this sweet potato and just bust
it open like that look at the color very
hot you might want to use a pair of
tongs hot and steamy just pour those
juices and the chickpeas over the
chicken these are so tasty those little
bits of extra mint if you’ve got them
absolutely beautiful now we need the
tortilla I’m using a brilliant healthy
swab so this is the whole wheat tortilla
so you’re gonna get more fiber than a
regular white tortilla warm these are 30
seconds last but not least if you take a
little yogurt it has this incredible
cooling refreshing effect take a tiny
bit about harissa marble it beautiful
Sophia’s load it up with nice amount of
that slaw shred the chicken so look at
this guys it’s gonna be delicious really
nice sweet potatoes get those amazing
chickpeas as well look at that
flavors galore so look this recipe will
feed six people but even if it’s two or
four of you you got leftovers galore
you’ll use all of this nothing will go
to waste and it’s a little party in your
mouth I’m telling you
absolutely delicious it’s messy don’t
care that’s what I love it’s so tasty
you’ve got the light chili you’ve got
that juicy juicy chicken and those
beautiful crispy little chickpeas with
that fresh kick of the slaw so next time
you get down to Tesco are you gonna do
the same thing as last week or are you
gonna try something different I think
you’re gonna love it delicious
nutritious and affordable have a go get another
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