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The Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself – Dr. Joe Dispenza

I started becoming fascinated with the
idea that you can give someone a sugar
pill a saline injection or perform some
false surgery or treatment and a certain
percentage of those of people will
accept believe and surrender to the
thought that they’re getting the actual
substance or treatment may begin to
program their automatic autonomic
nervous system to make the exact
pharmacy of chemicals equal to the
substance that they think they’re taking
so then it begs the question is it the
inert placebo that’s doing the healing
or is it the body’s innate capacity to
heal by thought alone because that pill
is a symbol of possibility all it is is
a symbol Burt the doctor says this is a
great new drug that’s gonna help with
depression and the person begins to
think about the idea that they could get
better they’re selecting a new potential
in the quantum field and then all of a
sudden a certain percentage of those
people will get enthusiastic and feos
filled with god-inspired optimistic they
start changing their emotional state
they’re combining a clear intention with
an elevated emotion they’re changing
their state of being and all of a sudden
now I began to realize you need the
sugar pill do you need the saline
injection for can you teach a person
instead of putting their faith and
belief in something exogenous outside of
them that would do the healing to change
their state of being him they just
select the new potential in the quantum
field instead of focusing on an unknown
focus on an unknown and revisit that
unknown every single day until it
becomes a known and all of a sudden
you’ll see people’s depression go away
their anxiety go away when they’re not
using the placebo any longer that
healing by changing their internal
states person doesn’t need the exogenous
or external substance they can move into
a state of being
so I thought once I understood the
mechanics of the placebo I could teach
this process even better and in fact you
know you can’t do a study right now any
drug related study without having a
triple blind placebo test and placebos
just so you know work anyway range from
working anywhere from 10% to a hundred
percent imagine that so in a depression
study as an example eighty-three percent
or eighty one percent of the people in a
depression study that are given a
placebo deal as well as the people that
are given the actual antidepressants
now there’s brain scans to show changes
in their brain before and after it means
then they’re making their own pharmacy
of antidepressants by fraud alone and it
took them six weeks eight weeks of
taking that placebo every single day now
this is an important point because most
people think all I did I did the
exercise of the meditation once and my
conditions should go away well even in
the depression study six to eight weeks
of taking a placebo every time they take
the placebo they remind themselves that
they’re gonna get better it changes
their emotional state sooner or later
that becomes their new state of being
may take people six to eight weeks doing
the work every single day where they
start noticing significant changes in
their health so I’m a pragmatist and if
you’re telling me something that’s
science-based question that I ask is how
am I going to apply this to my life so
as people begin to gather this
information I now know that every time
we learn something new or making new
connections in our brain that’s what
learning is if people can understand
the understanding of the new sciences
quantum physics neuroscience
neuroendocrinology psychoneuroimmunology
the mind-body connection epigenetics all
of those Sciences point the finger at
possibility and if I can instruct them
in a way that they begin to piece
together the model when I feel like they
are there at a certain point but the
comprehension is right if they can turn
to the person next to them and explain
it in the workshop
if they can’t explain it it’s not wired
in the brain but if they can explain it
they’re beginning to install the
neurological hardware in their brain in
preparation for an experience so then if
I can set up the conditions in the
environment and give them the proper
instruction and and allow them to
surrender enough into the present moment
a certain percentage of those people are
going to get their behaviors that match
their intentions and when they do
they’re going to experience something
new and the experience then is gonna
produce an emotion and they’re gonna
feel unlimited and I’m gonna feel whole
they’re gonna feel invincible the moment
they feel that emotion now they’re
teaching their body chemically to
understand what their mind is
intellectually understood now they’re
embodying the truth that philosophy by
an initiate which means if you’ve done
it once be able to do it again
you can leave Pete the experience over
and over again you’ll begin to
neurochemical condition your mind and
body begin to work as one when you’ve
done something so many times that your
body now knows how to do it as well as
your mind now you’re mastering that
philosophy and now you’re in a new state
of being so we have to go from the
philosopher to initiate to master I’m
thinking to doing to me once you get to
that point where it now becomes innate
in you comes who you are then you’ve
memorized an internal state independent
of the conditions in your external
environment that’s when you begin to
master your environment or master your
life I call somebody up on the stage
with that was diagnosed with breast
cancer colon cancer diagnosed with
esophageal cancer I can go down the list
and they stand on the stage and they
tell their story and it’s not that they
look like a movie star sports figure
they’re not all buff they’re not all
young they’re not all beautiful just a
common person and you hear the story how
they did you hear about the past realize
what initiated the disease and then the
emotional trauma main emotional trauma
one trauma or two traumas and then how
they had to overcome the emotions from
their past now think about this the
latest research in epigenetics says that
it’s the environment that signals the
Dean’s are like Christmas tree lights
are turning on and off all the time
genes make proteins and proteins are
responsible for the structure and
function of your body the expression of
proteins is the expression of life but
if you’re interpreting your environment
the same way every single day you’re
thinking the same thoughts demonstrating
the same behaviors living by the same
emotions you keep the same genes on than
the other genes off throw in the
hormones of stress which really down
regulates genes to create disease then
as the question is if the environment
signals the gene and the end product of
an experience in your environment is
called an emotion if you live by the
same emotions every single day your
body’s believing it’s in the same past
environmental experience over and over
again and now you’re headed for a
genetic destiny so then can you signal
the gene ahead of the environment and
the answer is absolutely yes because
when you begin to embrace an elevated
emotion and you combine it with a clear
intention and you’re totally in the
present moment your brain and body don’t
know the difference between what’s going
on out there and what’s going on in here
your body believes it sends some
experience in the external environment
that’s producing that emotion and all of
a sudden the stronger the emotion you
feel from an inward process the more you
pay attention to the thought or the
image in your mind you’re creating a
long-term memory and all of a sudden now
you begin to down regulate the gene for
disease and you begin to upregulate the
gene for health and that gene begins to
make a new protein and that protein
begins to make a new hormone or a new
chemical or or expression of something a
new chemical that that’s gonna begin to
affect other systems in the body so
that’s what happens on stage there’s a
lot of energy in the room that’s what
happens when a person finally breaks
through right and that should happen
that will now could happen in our event
but it could be a person who took them
two years to do it right but the
evidence suggests acute conditions our
medicine is so great for acute
conditions you break your arm you have
appendicitis you’re not going to go to
you punk surest you’re gonna get
immediate care branagh conditions
require a lifestyle change which means
you have to start making different
choices you gotta start examining the
way you live your life and the choices
you make and thoughts you think and how
you manage your emotions so the beauty
behind all of this is that just like
infection spreads amongst the community
and creates disease once people start
breaking it through and they wrap their
mind around these health and wellness
can be as infectious as disease anywhere
senior moment you start feeling grateful
your healing begins the moment you start
feeling worthy and abundant you’re
generating wealth the moment you start
feeling whole you know your healings
beginning or the moment you’re in love
with yourself and you’re in love with
life you’re gonna create some pretty
important relationships and now you’re
causing an effect so don’t get up from
your meditation until you feel connected
to your future and then maintain that
modified state of mind and body your
entire day just independent of your boss
your co-workers traffic independent
your indigestion independent of your
pain in your hip independent of how long
is just stay there and if you’re able to
maintain that modified state of mind and
body your entire day and get ready
because weird and crazy stuff are gonna
begin to come to you in ways that you
would never expect that’s the unknown
that’s the quantum now that’s feedback
from your environment telling you that you are connected to that intelligence
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