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The No.1 Habit Billionaires Run Daily

if you expect to achieve your goals if
you expect to reach your potential if
you expect to have your dreams come true
what I’m about to explain to you is
mission critical you must become a
master at visualization for those of you
that are like what the heck is she
talking about I did not sign up for some
sort of meditation woohoo a spiritual
thing here don’t worry this is Mel
there’s always science and research
involved in everything that I talk about
so visualization is a extraordinarily
powerful skill you may have heard of the
law of attraction you may have heard of
the word visualization you may have
heard of the word manifesting I call it
seeing signs your brain has a system in
it here’s the technical term it’s called
the reticular activating system it is a
network of neurons all up in here and
what is the job of the reticular
activating system it is a filter system
it’s basically a system that allows
certain information in your brain and it
blocks out other information and guess
who programmed that filter you did and
so did the people from your past and so
if you constantly feel like you’re
unlovable guess what your reticular
activating system is going through the
day and it is going to point out every
single piece of evidence that confirms
that negative belief that you have if
you think that people don’t like you at
work the reticular activating system the
filter it is literally going to be
looking for evidence to confirm that
belief all day long this is one of the
reasons why we have such a problem with
politics in this country this is why
there’s something
called a confirmation bias confirmation
bias means your mind loves to read
things that you agree with because
reading things that you agree with
confirms your filter why do we have a
reticular activating system there’s a
really important reason why you have
this the reason why is if your brain let
in everything have you ever looked at a
Facebook page have you noticed how many
words are on a standard Facebook page
and the ad over here in the ad over here
and the ad over here and the ad mezuzah
see right here and the stuff up here and
that all this over here if your brain
took in everything at equal value your
head would literally explode off your
shoulders your brain would melt down and
so the reticular activating system
protects your brain by filtering
information and only letting in stuff
that it agrees with so that’s the
scientific reason and mandate for why
you got to get busy reprogramming that
thing now we’re going to talk about how
you use visualization in order to start
to reprogram the reticular activating
system in your brain so that your brain
starts to spot opportunity your brain
starts to spot evidence that things are
working out your brain starts to spot
coincidences so you can build momentum
and it begins with visualization so as
you take your goals right so you’ve
written down all these goals right for
2019 I want you to go to each one and I
want you to do a visualization exercise
and here’s how you’re gonna do it based
on science because there’s a particular
way you have to do this based on science
okay it’s a two-step method if your goal
is to improve your self-worth I want you
to visualize what your life looks like
and how you’re going to feel about
yourself when your self-worth has
improved there’s two things that you
have to do when it comes to
you have to close your eyes truly I know
it sounds stupid but I want you to close
your eyes and I want you to in your mind
have a specific picture of what it looks
like in your life when your self-worth
has improved you’re gonna see yourself
speaking up at work you’re gonna see
yourself talking more about your
business you’re gonna see yourself
leaving bad relationships you’re gonna
see yourself defining boundaries you’re
gonna see yourself going to the gym
you’re gonna see yourself taking care of
yourself and when you start to visualize
the image of that I want you to
consciously this is step to consciously
think of the positive emotions that
you’re gonna feel I’m gonna feel happy
I’m gonna feel proud I’m gonna stand
taller I’m going to be so grateful that
I made this change marrying the the
specific picture there I am there I am
I’m I’m it I’m at work and I’m raising
my hand amazing I’m sharing my tea there
I am I’m getting a promotion there I am
asking for a raise there I am I’ve just
signed up another customer to my
business there I am I’ve gone back to
school I feel so good about myself when
you do that here’s what’s actually
happening in your brain this is the cool
science part you are training your brain
to have a totally different filter you
see your brain my brain it doesn’t know
the difference between something that
actually happened to you like the f you
got in your test in tenth grade and the
things you imagine that are happening to
you let me say that again your brain
doesn’t know the difference between the
bad things that actually happen to you
the real memories that you have and an
imagined memory that you’re creating
your brain will experience you
visualizing going to the gym you
visualizing how happy you feel when you
do you visualizing asking for that raise
and getting it how
crowd you’re gonna fuel your brain when
you visualize in the way that I’m
teaching you to it encodes it as a real
memory and that’s important because when
you encode it as a real memory
it changes the filter system that
reticular activating system and here’s
what we know based on research the more
you visualize things number one the
greater your confidence is going to be
the greater security you’re gonna have
about it and here’s the really cool
thing the more you do this with your
goals you wake up every day and you just
visualize four it takes 30 freaking
seconds for crying out loud you
visualize having a great day at school
you visualize curing your panic and how
proud you’re going to be what studies
suggest and have proven is that simply
visualizing yourself doing things
actually develops the skill and helps
you improve the skills just as if you
were actually doing it and so there’s
proof based on research that
visualization helps you build skills and
then finally the other thing that’s
really important about this is that the
more that you do this what we know based
on research is that the reason why you
start to believe what you think is
because you are reprogramming your brain
you are changing the network of neurons
that act as a filter and so the more
that you actually believe in yourself
and you start thinking and visualizing
yourself speaking up the more confident
you’re going to become the more skills
that you’re building and you’re actually
going to do it and then instead of
looking for all the reasons when you’re
sitting in a meeting to not speak up
you’re going to just speak up because
you’re gonna have changed the filter
you’re gonna look for opportunities this
is how it works this is why this is so
incredibly important and so day one I
want you to go through all the goals
that you set and I want you every single
day throughout the next 30 days you are
going to spend 30 seconds your dreams
deserves the
thirty seconds don’t you think you’re
gonna close your eyes and you’re gonna
visualize what does it look like in your
life when you have achieved your
monetary goals this year how does it
feel to go to the bank and see that
balance how does it feel to be able to
write that check and take your kids to
Disney World
on money that you made how does it feel
to be able to rent your own place or put
down a down payment for the house you’ve
always dreamt of how does it feel to be
able to have saved enough money so you
can quit the job that you hate and
launch the business because you have
achieved your goals it feels darn good
that’s how it feels and I want you to
just savor that because what you’re
doing when you visualize is you’re
reprogramming your reticular activating
system that system of neurons that
network that acts like a filter in your
brain so that it’s spotting opportunity
so that it is helping you see evidence
that you are confident that you are
capable that you can do this instead of
all the garbage you think right now [Music]
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