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when I get up in the morning I ask
myself do you want to be depressed today
or do you want to live happy and I
choose to live happy understand if
you’re going to be happy you have to be
happy on purpose happiness is not going
to fall on you we’re not going to wake
up every morning and think oh wow I want
to be happy today you know some mornings
we’re going to wake up and think nobody
better get in my way I don’t feel like
going to work I don’t feel like cleaning
the house I don’t feel like driving in
this traffic some mornings we wake up
grouchy and if we get an agreement with
those thoughts and we start dwelling on
how we feel what we don’t have and all
of our problems we may not realize it
but we’re choosing to have a lousy day
that’s paving the way for defeat
discouragement mediocrity I believe it
starts with just taking time each
morning of just to appreciate and feel
grateful for all the amazing gifts that
you already have right now around you in
your life
you already have an amazing life here’s
the key when you wake up in the morning
you cannot wait to see what kind of day
you’re gonna have you have to decide
what kind of day you’re gonna have in
other words don’t wait to see how you
feel what kind of mood your spouse is in
what the traffic’s like and what the
stock market’s doing know right when you
get out of bed you need to make a
declaration right then and there this is
going to be a great day I’m excited
about my future something good is gonna
happen to me today
that is setting the tone for a blessed
prosperous happy day as soon as you open
up your eyes in the morning or whenever
it is that you start today as soon as
you open up your eyes to greet the day
you enter into consciousness it is at
that moment that your creativity is at
its most powerful right there and then
you have an opportunity to steer your
thoughts and your emotions in the
direction that you wanted to go not in
the direction that they’re telling you
to go in other words you can literally
choose to seize the day or you can let
the day seize you
nothing you can do just get up start
your morning and stuck the one today
there’s this quote it’s win the morning
and you win today a lot of us aren’t
doing that so your morning ritual and
you do it consistently is what setting
you up to win the day
so if you will accept that when you wake
up your potential for being there is
there and you will just stop and say
it’s a good day or out of the bed feels
really good or this could be fun just
something that sort of acknowledges that
you’re there we promise you do that
tomorrow and the next day and the next
day and the next day and the next day
and the next day in about 30 days and we
will not be having this conversation you
can change your life but it starts with
your choices
so today commit to make at least one
choice that will change your life at
least begin that change so you can live
the way you want to live you know I wake
up every day and I think it’s in the
spray I must happy every day as I was
the day before the difference between
successful people and people that
struggle are successful people exude joy
if you’re miserable and nobody wants to
spend time with you are you ever gonna
get ahead
today what I want you to do is I want
you to commit that you’re not going to
complain about your job you’re not going
to complain about the life that you live
right now but what you will do instead
is that you’re gonna make a choice that
you will not end today without doing at
least one thing that can take you closer
to living the life that you desire to
live most of the time we have what we
need to be happy we just don’t have the
right perspective for instance you may
not be happy at the job you’re at right
now but if for some reason you were to
lose that job and you went months and
months without any income and then one
day you were able to get that same job
back most likely you would be extremely
happy you had what you needed to be
happy you just didn’t realize it I know
people that are perfectly healthy but
they’re never really happy it’s always
something bothering them they want a
bigger house or a better job but if they
were to lose their health and then
regain it I’m sure they would be
thrilled they have what they need to be
keep the right perspective every one of
us has something even right now to be
happy about our health our job our
family and opportunity I want you to
repeat after me I am in control of my
I am powerful beyond my imagination
I am limitless in my potential I have
control of my life I will choose to be
because I am great I have greatness
inside me I am powerful beyond measure I
am more powerful than other people give
me credit for I am more powerful than I
currently believe but I will achieve
greatness I am in control of my mind I
am in control of my thoughts I am in
control of my life I get to choose
whatever I want and I choose greatness
morning since the beginning of something
fresh and something new and many of us
spend all of our time dragging stuff
that we had should have put to bed the
night before the day before the week
before and pronounced a benediction upon
it but what do we do we drag it in the
next morning is the same drama I always
say do different get different and when
it comes to you commending your morning
you’ve got to understand that the
morning also brings light to something
when the concepts that you are dealing
with is difficult
every single person has a choice at
every single moment it may be just
varying degrees of difficulty in those
choices but you always have a choice you
can always change you’re put in a
hundred and twenty percent every time or
you don’t put in nothing because listen
to me very closely
today this opportunity you have it might
not be here next year it might not be
here the year after next it might not be
here a year after that this is the only
moment you got and you better take
advantage of this particular moment and
in regards to laziness I think it’s a
very important thing to understand that
as humans we have this ability to think
that everything we experience all the
emotions are very much unique to us but
you have to understand that every single
person in the world suffers from the
same problems everyone is by default
lazy it is the easiest thing to do it’s
it requires no energy no effort
time is not going to wait so if you have
24 hours in a day and you’re spending 16
at work and if you have that one extra
hour whether it’s you going through your
social media watching TV spend it in the
gym spend it on becoming better it’s
such an important thing to realize that
every single person be included and
every successful person you could think
of Elon Musk you probably also would
find it easy to be lazy but he chooses
not to be it’s a choice it’s a it’s an
understanding than being lazy just easy
and you don’t want to take the easy path
the path of least resistance the path
that requires no effort no energy
in the beginning everybody’s excited in
the beginning everybody’s going to
become a billionaire in the beginning
everybody’s gonna conquer the world but
after a few weeks a few months maybe you
would a few years they start to get
tired they start to get frustrated they
start to ask why is this so hard they
start to ask why is this so hard for me
and they think it’s just them and they
think the whole universe is coming down
on them and that’s when people quit and
guys we all feel that way we all have
times of frustration we all have times
of anger we all have times a why me
why is this so hard for me but at the
end of the day guys when you start
feeling that massive frustration that
massive anger that massive irritation
and massive stress you are about to have
a breakthrough you are about to move
through an area that most people can’t
make it through and you just gotta keep
moving because when you make it through
that area that’s which gets fun that’s
what you say oh shit and I’m actually
doing this
I’m actually not renewing everybody
feels lazy and demotivated but it’s the
people who succeed are the ones who
identify that first and then the ones
who start fighting it and then the ones
who figure out how to continue fighting
it for the rest of their lives without
falling back you’ve got to be in command
of your own schedule if you want to be
the best look at your schedule now pull
it out look at your everyday life where
are you spending your time is it more
performance-oriented or are you
preparing for that day of performance or
are you waiting for somebody to choose
you I don’t want any waiting I want to
practice in performance
look at your schedule it’s a very simple
exercise I tell you this if success was
just a joyride there would be far more
successful people there’s a reason
there’s not many people achieve what
they want to do and live the lives they
really want to do because it it requires
you know the hard work is one thing but
it requires like it requires you to
conquer yourself you are the only one
stopping yourself from doing whatever
the hell it is that you want to do there
will always be excuses you can always
point fingers at someone else that say
say someone else has it better at the
end of the day it’s you who chooses to
watch TV to watch YouTube to browse
Facebook when you know you should be
doing something else close those
browsers turn the TV off go do something
that you normally wouldn’t start leading
an unusual life don’t fall into your
patterns you’re lazy habit you got to
keep breaking the pattern the routines
keeping things on the edge changing your
surroundings always kind of like
figuring out how to resist that urge to
just like settle down and sit your ass
down to lay down on the couch and just
mindlessly watch Netflix
that’s that’s so important in this life
this life doesn’t have enough of that
there’s not enough struggle you don’t
get to know yourself without struggle
you don’t get to know your boundaries
unless you push them you don’t get to
know who you are really
unless you’re tested
if you sacrifice and make the sacrifices
each day each day each day then you’ll
see the games man it’s all about a
mindset it thought about sacrificing and
being willing to go through what it
takes you know and when I say that I’m
talking about discipline the desire the
determination the dedication
don’t be lazy you’re not gonna go far in
life if you choose not to practice if
you have this point if you have
willpower the more you use them the
stronger they get you’re spectacular
your ear you’re all capable of being
world beaters you transform yourself
into something that’s articulated and
sensible and grounded in history and
knowledgeable and wise man you can do
anything you want and hopefully anything
you want for good
ask yourself like how bad do you want to
try living an extraordinary life with
one shot why not give it your all why
not fight that urge not to you know take
the risk not to not to do the things
that you feel uncomfortable with doing
it’s the only way forward you’ve done
you know do it for yourself you have to
understand that nobody gives a shit
about what you do with your life and I
don’t mean this in a rude way you know
someone sees my success they’ll be like
oh they’ll forget about it in a few
seconds and start thinking about their
own problems again that’s how the world
works everybody’s kind of centered
around themselves so you’ve got to find
the energy every single day to do it for
not for the rest of the world cuz they
don’t care everybody else is focused on
their own problems and their own life
they’ll give you a little bit of tension
but they’ll go right back to their own
in a longer journey and becoming great
at anything you’re gonna have these
curves appear over and over and over
again but you have to keep in mind guys
things are the hardest right before they
get better
things are the most frustrating right
before they get better
things are are are the worst right
before they get better and it’s hard to
remember that when you’re going through
it it’s hard to remember that when you
owe every single creditor when your wife
or husbands yelling at you for spending
too much time at work or too much time
in the weight room or too much time on
this or that or whatever you know it’s
hard to remember that things are gonna
get better but they are and this is part
of the process and all of us go through
these little curves we all do it
hey guys it’s the ones who understand
that things are going to improve and
keep focused on the end result that make
it through these curves when you start
focusing on how bad everything and how
frustrated you are and how angry you are
and how tough it is it is really easy to
talk yourself into quitting but when you
keep in mind why you started when you
keep in mind what your goals are when
you keep in mind what it is you’re
trying to accomplish and you keep those
things you know at the forefront of your
brain you know written down everywhere
you see anything and you think about
them and focus on them a day-in and
day-out basis guys your chances of
making it through these these
frustration curves increases
tremendously so learn how to control
your focus learn how to think about what
the end result is learn how to use the
natural momentum and energy you have to
accelerate the process of learning but
also know that the grind and the grit
and the toughest darkest parts of any
journey are right before shit gets fuck
listen you’re watching this video now if
you’re feeling lazy or de motivated
don’t do something go for a run go go do
some that you typically wouldn’t do in
little emotions that are following that
kind of action when you break through
that is what success is is fighting
against those instincts of taking it
easy and living a comfortable life
success is a difficult choice and it’s
not like you achieve it and then it’s
no I fight myself every single day I
feel that’s what life is all about is
figuring out how to battle those lazy
kind of instincts of just takin it easy
chillin and realizing that achieving and
experiencing the most beautiful things
in life requires you going upstream and
not just flowing mindlessly downstream
when you feel like giving up don’t when
you think about giving up don’t when it
look like you ain’t no baby keep going
when they tell you you came come on man
who are they
today is the day for you to learn the
secrets of life today is a day for you
to begin creating a joyous fulfilling
life how do you feel right now
do you feel bad what are your current
emotions what is your gut feeling
some people say life sucks which is a
terrible affirmation but it isn’t life
that sucks
it’s your thinking that sucks don’t
waste time arguing for your limitations
poor relationships problems illnesses
poverty etc the more you talk about the
problem the more you anchor it in place
don’t blame others for your problems
it’s just another waste of time like
attracts like
I mean you attract now you know not just
what you fear you attract what you feel
what you are what you attract when you
change your thinking process then
everything in your life will also change
you will be amazed and delighted to see
how people places things and
circumstances can change
you have to understand you are a magnet
whatever you are that’s what you draw to
you if you’re negative you’re gonna draw
negativity you’re positive you draw
positive you’re a kind person
more people are kind to you so you would
like a magnet you know and you got to
understand something about like attracts
like if you see it in your mind you can
hold it in your head today is the day to
begin to release all your limitations
you can change your life for the better
you already have the tools within you to
do this these tools are your thoughts
and your beliefs an affirmation is
really anything you say or think a lot
of what we normally say and think is
quite negative and does not create good
experiences for us we have to retrain
our thinking and speaking into positive
patterns if we want to change our lives
an affirmation opens the way it is a
beginning point of change
in essence you are saying to your
subconscious mind I am taking
responsibility I am aware that there is
something I can do to change when I talk
about doing affirmations I mean to
consciously choose words that will
either help to eliminate something from
your life or help to create something
new in your life every thought you think
and every word you speak is an
affirmation all our self-talk is a
stream of affirmations you are using
affirmations every moment whether you
know it or not you are affirming and
creating your life experiences with
every word and every thought your
beliefs are merely habitual thinking
patterns that you learned as a child
many of them work very well for you
other beliefs may be limiting your
ability to create the very things you
may say you want what you want and what
you believe you deserve may be very
different you need to pay attention to
your thoughts so you can begin to
eliminate the ones that are creating
experiences that you do not want in your
life please realize that every complaint
is an affirmation of something that you
think you don’t want in your life every
time you get angry you are affirming
that you want more anger in your life
every time you feel like a victim you
are affirming that you want to continue
to feel like a victim if you feel that
life does not give you what you want in
your world then it is certain you will
never have the goodies that life gives
to others until you change the way you
think and talk you are not a bad person
for thinking the way you do you have
just never learned how to think and talk
the world is just now beginning to learn
that our thoughts create our experiences
your parents probably didn’t know this
so they could not possibly teach it to
you they taught you how to look at life
in the way that their parents taught
them so nobody is wrong however it is
time for all of us to wake up and to
begin to consciously create our lives in
a way that pleases and supports us you
can do it I can do it we can all do it
you just need to learn how
affirmations are like seeds planted in
soil poor soil poor growth rich soil
abundant growth the more you can choose
to think thoughts that make you feel
good the quicker the affirmations work
think happy thoughts it’s that simple
and it is doable the way you choose to
think right now is just that a choice
you may not realize it because you have
thought this way for so long but it
really is a choice
now today this moment you can choose to
change your thinking it won’t turn
around overnight but if you are
consistent and daily make the choice to
think thoughts that make you feel good
you will definitely make positive
changes in every area of your life I
awaken each morning with blessings and
gratitude for the wonderful life I lead
and I make the choice to think happy
thoughts no matter what others are doing
the only moment you ever live is this
moment this moment is the only time you
have any control over if we won’t choose
to feel good in this moment then how can
we create future moments that are
abundant and fun how do you feel right
now and you feel good do you feel bad
what are your current emotions what is
your gut feeling would you like to feel
better and reach for a better feeling
if you feel bad in any way sad
grumpy bitter resentful angry fearful
guilty depressed jealous critical etc
then you have temporarily lost your
connection to the flow of good
experiences that the universe has
waiting for you
don’t waste your thoughts on blame no
person place or thing has any control
over your feelings because they do not
think in your mind it is also while you
really have no control over others
because you cannot control their
thoughts no one can control another
unless that person gives permission so
you want to be aware of this powerful
mind you have
you can take total control over your own
thinking it is the only thing you will
ever have total control of what you
choose to think is what you will get in
what kind of thoughts make you feel good
thoughts of love appreciation gratitude
remembering joyful experiences thinking
of good things you would like to have
happen in the future
rejoicing that you are alive blessing
your body with love and enjoying this
moment and looking forward to tomorrow
thinking these kinds of thoughts is an
act of loving yourself and loving
yourself creates miracles in your life
it is a focal point to begin changing
your thinking
affirmative statements are going beyond
the reality of the present into the
creation of the future by the words you
use in the noun
when you choose to say I am very
prosperous you may have very little
money in the bank at the moment what you
are doing is planting seeds for future
prosperity each time you repeat it you
are affirming the seeds you have planted
in the atmosphere of your mind that is
why you want it to be a happy atmosphere
things grow much quicker and fertile
rich soil it is important for you to
always say your affirmations in present
tense I have or I am
so when you catch a negative thought
just think to yourself this is an old
thought I no longer choose to think that
way then find a positive thought to
substitute for it as quickly as you can
remember you want to feel good as much
as possible thoughts of bitterness
resentment blame and guilt make you feel
miserable and that is a habit you really
want to release
affirmations are solutions that will
replace whatever problem you might have
whenever you have a problem repeat over
and over all is well everything is
working out for my highest good out of
this situation only good will come and I
am safe
this simple affirmation will work
miracles in your life go over this
section several times until you really
get the principles and can live them
also zero in on the sections that may
have the most meaning to you and
practice the affirmations and remember
to make up affirmations of your own the
first affirmations for you to use right
now are I can do it I can feel good
about myself I can make positive changes
in my life
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