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How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win

talk to me about belief going to what
you were just talking about with you
have to trust that it’s gonna work out
you talk about placebo you talk about
the power of belief what what is
something around that that you think
people misunderstand or underutilize
maybe well I think in the health space
you know we’re some of the worse data
actually because we arm ourselves for
this information we’ll read a book like
wheat belly and we’ll find out all the
horrible things that bread do to us and
we might have been eating bread or whole
hides and doing it pretty well but we
read a book like that and like oh man
bread is poison so we tell ourselves
bread is poison and then all of a sudden
you have that little bit of grain like
I’m getting breaking out and everything
and really that’s just the mind and the
nocebo effect telling us that what we’re
doing is poison for us and I think we
have to be really mindful that the mind
can actually translate information in a
lot of different ways and has way more
control than we give it credit and this
has been proven hundreds of times over
and over again I know you had dr. Joe
Dispenza on the show and he’s one of the
leaders in this field but if you look at
the research everything from breaking
out with poison ivy we’re not breaking
out with poison ivy
you know that’s controlled by the mind
you’ve talked about weaponizing belief
which intoxicates me in a way that I
can’t explain I find that so interesting
you talked about it in conjunction with
Conor McGregor what do you mean by
weaponizing belief and how can we employ
that yeah I think you know we’re all
really good at detecting each other’s
belief to a certain degree and you know
at word businessmen so for us it’s
probably gonna come in a pitch meeting
right like or an employee or something
like you’ll have that person come to
pitch you you have that employee come
and they’re just so sure not
overcompensating because that actually
is a sign of insecurity right but just
so calmly sure that they are the right
person and they have the right idea that
you may not even get through a quarter
of their pitch if you’re like I’m in
like I I’m in you in like I believe you
a hundred percent because you know that
and you can kind of sense that they’ve
reconciled all of their own fears all
their own insecurities and then they
truly believe that they got the goods
and I think that’s somebody weaponizing
their belief that somebody who has done
the hard work to real
know themself know their product know
what’s going on and they’re utilizing
belief to convince you far you know far
more than you know
the documents and everything else
where’s you can have somebody else with
a great idea who’s really insecure and
not confident doesn’t believe in himself
and you’ll look at it like I just don’t
think it’s gonna work
you know and the same can be said for
fighters right because fighters that’s a
very intimate belief detection game I
mean they’re right there at the at the
weigh-in staring at each other and
they’re right there across from the ring
and I think not enough is talked about
about actually believing if you’re gonna
win because I think the other person can
detect that as well so Conor McGregor is
someone who believes in himself so much
that he comes in at 100 percent belief
and if his you know if his opponent is
coming in at 99 all of a sudden that 1%
difference is gonna be a mountain I was
like wow he’s at a hundred like a
hundred percent bleep well I’m only in
99 percent well what does he know maybe
he’s right you know and so that becomes
a weapon for him and has allowed him to
be you know one of the greatest mixed
martial artists in the world and and
you’ll see that kind of across the board
so it’s really just using belief to
affect reality in a positive way you’ve
said that practice makes the master
mm-hmm the idea of getting to a hundred
percent belief is so useful and so
powerful how can people practice because
I know somebody listening right now
they’re thinking I don’t have that
belief in myself like I want to come in
and do that pitch or I want to be that
kind of fighter or whatever it is that
they’re trying to be truly great at but
they don’t know how to practice it they
don’t know how to cross that chasm what
have you found is usable for practicing
belief yeah you know I talked about this
I actually one of the first big pieces I
wrote is a course called go for your win
and I talked about I’ll have a whole
chapter on belief in different forces
and and to sum that up I think there’s a
couple things that you want to do for
one you have to really do the work like
you have to back it with hard work you
know any if you ask Conor McGregor like
what’s the secret to his success hard
work hard work hard work I don’t know if
he actually worked harder than anybody
but he believes he does you know he has
no doubts in his mind
and he’s actually working harder and and
that’s I think important so really
making sure that you really do your best
to get the goods you know and to and to
practice that and go out there and put
yourself out there and then on the other
side what is the thing what is the
antagonist of belief well the antagonist
of belief is fear you know fear is a
belief that something negative is going
to happen rather than something positive
is going to happen so it’s like that’s
on the other side you’re almost
believing in your failure right rather
than believing in your success so you
have to go attack and collapse these
different fears and part of that is
going to be sucking out the the penalty
if if you fail right because like a lot
of the fear comes because we’re afraid
that we’re gonna judge ourselves harshly
or whatever so you got to realize like
there is no such thing as failure
there’s just learning right so you
collapse the penalty for failure so that
collapses the fear which allows you to
believe even more so that’s one way to
do it and the other way is to just look
at fear itself and play out the
different scenarios know that you’re
gonna be fine
again forgive yourself always and and
really also just attack fear wherever
you see it even when it’s trivial even
when it’s some kind of we were just
before that before we got on here we
talked about the fear of the number 13
true got Rakow phobia like if you’re
afraid of 13 you know what you need to
do you put 13s all of your house you
know you need to like sit in Thirteen’s
you need to go to the 13th demand to be
on the 13th floor of every hotel in
every airplane because you got to get
over that because that is telling
yourself that there’s something
irrational that should control you and
if you believe there’s something that’s
irrational that should control you that
will apply universally so wherever you
find fear specifically that’s out of
balance with actual danger like I’m not
saying touch a hot stove or put your
hand in a rattlesnake cage like there’s
danger there that’s not fear but 13 no
danger you know that’s not real
so go collapse that it’s a fear of
crickets like I have a fear of like
whatever it is collapse fear wherever
you see it and that specific collapse
will help with the universal collapse of
fear in general you
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